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Everything posted by Tu-Toned

  1. He is "OUR" big fat toe sucker now!
  2. Kind of refreshing to see people finally get their collective heads out of their behinds and admit to what we all know has been going on for years now. There is no doubt manipulation that goes on, and it isn't even subtle anymore, it is blatant.
  3. Very good point(s).
  4. Got a a Dareus one myself, split NFL home/away with "Mr. Big Stuff" on it, love it. I had two wait like a month and a half for it from China! I really hope we sign him long term.
  5. No td's for this trio, I know that Brady only played the first Half but that is dam impressive secondary play, with injuries no less. After Rogers, I told everyone that Brady was next, at least something to hang our hats on!
  6. Saw it too, didn't really notice the eye black at the time, but did see the swipe at Chandler, and was thinking, what is he crazy taking on an NFL tight end. Then I saw one of the defensive backs for Oakland throw Chandler to the sideline for a short gain like a rag doll. Maybe the guy could handle Chandler. The eyeblack for a coach is beyond douche though.
  7. I want a Buffalo! I mean another!
  8. They did, yesterday! That first quote is me from another thread, not sure how it ended up in this one, but I am ok with it.
  9. If Kyle "$z@#% Orton is our starting QB next year, then my golf game is going to improve tremendously next fall.
  10. Thank God, finally someone with a little common sense. His question was really so obviously easy to answer, that it did not warrant a response.
  11. Like I said, you are too far gone, your vehement argument makes mine easier. I say possibly manipulated and you say not even remotely influenced. You are trying to convince people, actually I think that it is more yourself, that a multi-billion dollar business doesn't discuss or strategize on ways to maximize profits? OK, gotcha, please reinsert head in sand! I have to believe that what Vick said about what Goodell did, is absolutely true, and if that is the case, you have to ask yourself why? If your conclusion is that Goodell just had the best interest of the player in mind when he did that, then there is absolutely no hope for you, and you are buying the Brooklyn Bridge, slowly, one small piece at at time.
  12. Especially since the pickings are so slim and we have no 1rst round pick next year!
  13. Or we could use them as a dual headed QB Monster. We are having so much trouble finding our next franchise QB, lets's build one out of those two. We will call him E Johnny Manuziel. Or let them compete and pray that one emerges. Package Spiller and our fourth for him. I am sure that Pettine would help an old crony out.
  14. Man, you are definitely swampland material, there is no saving you! Especially if you truly believe everything that you just wrote. Again, I never said that it was rigged, I said that I suspect that it is, or at the very least manipulated. Do you remember the story of Goodell steering Vick to the Eagles, well is that manipulation? Manipulation, or if you want to call it "fixing", can take many forms. There is no way to tell for sure what the NFL's season to season agenda is, only that you can be sure that they have one. The only thing that we can deduce for certain is the definite blatant favoritism of teams like Pgh, Dallas, SF, GB (morbid fascination there), NE, and yes Miami, as well as a few select others. I don't care how many feel good stories you cite, we are a small market team, and you would have to agree that this does factor into things being they way they are, like the Vick story, or the spygate situation, we only hear what leaks out, I am sure that there are a lot of other transgressions that we have never heard about. Hopefully Pegs can swing the pendulum a bit back our way.
  15. Please, I know that this has been done by fans on this very site. It may not have been presented to the league, but it has been very well documented in the past. Did you miss the "just give it to them" game? But you would have to be out of your mind to present this to the league, for obvious reasons. The last time that evidence was presented to the Leauge, they destroyed it
  16. Not sure if you ever watch WWE, personally not my style, but millions did and do, why? They know that is rigged to, same thing with dancing with the stars and Idol. You watch for the entertainment value. Sadly that is all the NFL currently is, entertainment, and somewhat, or maybe even outright scripted entertainment. Why that is so hard to believe, at least for some of us, really is beyond me. I think that most people feel it, smell, and are very conscious if it, but just don't want to admit that this goes on. You know the old adage if it smells like dog crap and tastes like dog crap, then trust your senses, it is dog crap!
  17. I am not going to go on record just yet saying that it is rigged , although I highly suspect that it is. But if you believe that there is no subtle manipulation, man I have some swampland for you. You ask for a reason, what bigger reason do you need then $$$? Yep, noticed all three. It could very sell be repercussions for the Bills bitching about officiating in the NE game, same refs.
  18. I am going to break ranks and go with a Dennis Green quote instead: "They are who we thought they were".
  19. I dunno, he did look a little frumpy with that hat on the top of his head!
  20. I like this scenario!
  21. If we somehow, and I don't believe we will, lose to the fins and Orton does not look good, should we try EJ again? Do we at any point this year if things look lost? It might benefit us in the long run and maybe that would give us a chance to really evaluate him, and shorten the vicious cycle of trying to find our franchise QB. Or do the stick with Orton the rest of the way no matter what? My preference would be to re-insert him as soon as we realize this season is a lost cause.
  22. Man do I hope you are wrong, Dareus is Wilfork II plus, if we let him walk, then we are a sorry sack of steaming ___________. Plus I have his jersey in the mail to me as we speak!
  23. I think that your thinking too much!
  24. Did you say recommendations, or accommodations?
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