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Everything posted by Tu-Toned

  1. How bout Tyrod Fever after today's performance!
  2. How about if we TryRod Taylor first and if that doesn't work we will pull out the Manuel! I'll be here all week!
  3. I pity the fool that tries to tackle me!
  4. Tyrod the Torcher Tybreaker Rod the Bod Lightening Rod
  5. Tyrod Torcher Lightening Rod Rod the Bod Ok I am brainstorming Tybreaker
  6. Everyone is giddy right now and rightfully so!
  7. Tu-Toned just spoke for himself!
  8. Not sure what you are asking, I can only tell you the one that stopped 40,000 voltsof electricity surging through my eight year old body and prevented certain death for me. Do you know why he did it? because I asked him to. I don't need any more convincing! I am glad that I had that experience so young in my life, but blessed are those who believe without seeing, or having such an experience, they are the true soldiers of Christ. I am not trying to convince anybody of anything, just my own personal experience. I did not loose a limb, I wasn't maimed, was burned badly, but mostly in unnoticeable areas, and I saw lots of others in the burn unit that were not nearly as fortunate, so I cannot answer that question of why some are unluckier than others, just have to believe in his master plan.
  9. God exists and he is great, nobody is born believing in anything, it is our life experiences that shape our thoughts and beliefs. Some people, no matter what is thrown at them, handle life extremely well, others, well...... My life experiences have only reinforced and fortified my beliefs, good, bad, and indifferent!
  10. Awesome player and person!
  11. That would be akin to a baseball coach nicknaming his slugger "Babe"
  12. Just saw a Steeler Fan post on face book that Tomlin just nicknamed LaDeveon Bell, "The Juice" I went off! How do you guys and gals feel about that?
  13. The Stellars, just cannot tolerate their fan base at all. The true football fans here in the Burgh as they call it, are actually pretty football savvy. The rest of the band wagoners are just a bunch of Yunzers.
  14. Cousin from Buffalo was and is a huge Raider and Stabler Fan, I know that he is hurting today! RIP Kenny!
  15. All of the above ^^^^^^^^^ this!
  16. I know this sounds nuts, and he may not even survive training camp, but Hogan was really starting to hit his stride last year and contribute, and I look for that to continue.
  17. Not me man, I don't have a bad bone in my entire body. I don't have near the vocabulary skills that Jimmy possesess. Does Spags have eyes or was the light too strong for his mugshot?
  18. It would be fun to try an guess who Jimmy actually is. He has to be an established poster here with Jimmy as his alias. My guess is "I eat crayons" We have not heard from him in a while and have never really observed them in the same room, er I mean post.
  19. Diam, those certainly are not under inflated!
  20. You see when the temperature drops............
  21. I can't lay claim to it, but I really like the Deflatriots.
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