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Everything posted by Tu-Toned

  1. "They're killing me Whitey"!
  2. Seems simple, improve the D, even marginally and wal la we make the playoffs next year.
  3. Disagree, the team played with passion, the Jets didn't help their cause, but the Bills are thebetter team!
  4. Ya know sir, I really do believe that you are on to something!
  5. Ok,then, it is the correct approach, if they can't get this team to the playoffs with the talent that they have, then theywould probably blow it with a franchise ab as well. It's a great litmus test for sexy next year!
  6. We trade Mario to the Eagles for Kiko and a fifth!
  7. Thanks MRags for the write up, well thought out. You sir are a Great Bills fan!
  8. I was thinking about him yesterday, where was he, was he hurt?
  9. Not to take anything for away,from them, they are a very good organization,but they have had Cleveland and Cincy, in their division during that time. We had the cheating bistard Pats in ours!
  10. Is there a slant play to Sammy, or for that matter, anybody else in the playbook?
  11. Yeah but it is so low percentage, especially on 4th down!
  12. WTH is with the bombs on 4th down?
  13. Not really sure Mario should stay!
  14. Fully expected to wake up an find someone gone, what a joke this team is. There is absolutely no way to put into words exactly how I feel right now about the whole freakin mess of a team. My 47 years of dedicated fandom is definitely being tested this morning. The product on the field is tough enough to stomach, then we hear the news about all the dysfunction in the front office, and it is just extremely depressing.
  15. Pirates twice and Pens four times! Big Sabres fan as well!
  16. It sure looked like they did to me, but generally I agree w most posters, if you can't havethe discipline to stay on sides, then they deserve what they get!
  17. Why didn't Philly's D get called for the very same thing later in the game? Instead, it was a false start on us, geez, just be consistent!
  18. Actually, I can really see this team even regressing further next year with this current coaching staff, maybe that's what it will take. The OP could be right, but somehow I just know that we will mess it up again. You have to remember that we not only have to beat the other team, but the other two opponents as well, the refs and the league, and they don't play fair at all!
  19. The National Fixed Leauge is just not going to allow us to get there very often, so we just have to deal with it. We have to many other more sexy and marketable teams ahead of us like JJ Watt, er I mean the Texans, and Gronk, er I mean the Pats, or Payron, er I mean the Broncos. We have nobody worth of marketing, including the city itself. They like the old school teams like the Stellers and the Pack, we need to find another past time, this one has passed over us! I am prepared to move on, oh, I will still follow my team, but with the thought process above firmly implanted in brain, it's called maintaining sanity!
  20. Man you summed up my feelings perfectly!
  21. He needs to go, seriously! Let's not suffer through another season with this bozo!
  22. Without reading, nor needing to, another single post, one word: STUPID!
  23. Instead we will probably have this:
  24. Everyone needs to chillax, we could have had this:
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