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Everything posted by Tu-Toned

  1. WIL.......SON, Oh, Wilson!
  2. Sleeping in Seattle!
  3. OK, not to jinx him or anything, but at this point, I am going to go out on a limb and say that Spiller is the closest thing that I have seen to Barry Sanders in like forever, only bigger and stronger.
  4. I don't have a problem with the booing, it is our God given right, and he did deserve it. With that being said, I believe he stil leads the leauge for TD passes. That's what you get with Fitz, there really is not a lot of middle ground with him, he is either terrible, or brilliant. If we can, like other posters mentioned, just have him manage the game, I think we will start to see a little more evenness to his game
  5. Have to agree here, and they can make weak offensive lines look way better than they are, for example Ben Rothlisberger. Granted he has had some pretty decent lines, but even when he doesn't, he just keeps chugging along and produces. I would not want Cutler on my team. Not crowning Fitz by any stretch here, but he has played behind some pretty poor lines. As a matter of fact, I think he was better with pressure coming quickly and that might be part of his problem now. He is going to have to make the adjustment of having time now. Nice problem to have, he will, and the Bills will be fairly successful with him at the helm this year. I am pretty confident of this.
  6. I can understand the divisional games to close the season out so that teams do not rest their starters, but I whole heartedly disagree with scheduling week one divisional opponents. The game is too big to have someone starting thier season with it.This gives the home team a huge advantage in my mind, as teams sometimes early need time to get their feet under them, so to speak. I would make all week 1 games cross-conference affairs. With that being said, we are still going to win this one, 23-20 Buffalo OT.
  7. Clipping/Block in Back, my point was that the regular officials would have called it as well. It's pretty much the same sing.
  8. That phantom clipping call was not phantom, he did, however slightly, push him in the back, and I have no doubt that the real officials would have called that too.I really think that they did ok, didn't notice much difference between them and "real" officials, although I will reserve ultimate judgement pending future collective bodies of work. It was a little scary when the announcers kept mentioning that the crew head was a middle school teacher and ref.but still thought that he and his crew did a credible job. If I was the NFL, I would tell the announcers to tone it down a bit cause we are most likely gonna have to live with them for a while. possibly all season, and they tend to incite.
  9. I thought that I had heard that we were going to be wearing blue road pants. Can anybody confirm this? If yes, is it just like for one game or something? I got all excited when I heard this as I would definitley like ro see this. The white and white is a bit overwelming. I guess it beats the hell pout of those awful Allouettes style threads they used to wear.
  10. Well done sir, way to complete the cycle. I know that water has been turned into wine before, not sure about pee though, he should give it a try.
  11. Seems like the general sentiment here is that we are DOOMED, DOOMED I tell ya. I agree, I wondered how much money the real ones actually made sometime last year, and was suprised to learn that it was much less than I was told and had heard about. Now they may be trying to back the brinks truck up, but really in the grand scheme of things, and I know that the NFL doesn't want to appear weak, it's probably reasonable. This is a train wreck about to happen.
  12. What if meat seaps out of your head? You will have meat rolling out of your head, and cheese seaping out of your butt! You could make yourself a meat and cheese sandwhich.
  13. The one that bugs me the most, usually used, I mean over-used in Hockey, is "Obviously", the Canucks love that one, I think that it is a substitute for how we use "well" or "um" in our conversations
  14. Beat me to it, can you say Eric Dickerson? Most definitley! I see you have met Chuckie!
  15. I don't recall him being as bad as you state, although I have no actual statistics to support my argument. You seem to have a better grasp of what he did or did not accomplish with the Bills, but I cannnot agree with you about the Jets at all. Man that guy was always around the ball for them, and made a ton of key amd timely plays for them, and to me he seems like the perfect lead by example with a ton of heart guy who can really make anybody's roster that much better. Bring him back Chix!!
  16. I think that I saw every play that Brad Smith ran from the QB position out of the wilcat formation, and I do not remeber any of them that did not gain yards, many of them several yards, and if not mistaken, many of them for critical 1rst downs. He had that succsess with the defense knowing exactly what was coming, and that to me is value. I think a lot of people aren't giving him the credit that he deserves, but I think Chan recognizes his value. What is blowhard Rex gonna say? That is just Rex saying something to say something, as we all know that if his blubber lips aren't flapping, then he is not talking. With a full training camp, more ways for Chan to experiment with different ways to use him, and Brad being as crafty and elusive as he is,we will really see his value soar this year, if he gets enough touches.
  17. IMHO, and not taking anything away from Brady, but it's pretty obvious to me, that much, and could probably make the claim that most of Brady's success had as much to do with not being able to lay a finger on him for most of his career, then him being THAT good. The real test of his greatness will come when he doesn't have that strong of an offensive line in front of him. We should find out soon enough. Everyone now understands pretty fullly that pressuring him is the way to beat him.
  18. I think that with Carder looking as solid in camp as he has so far, although very early into camp, that we might just have our cake and eat it to. Maybe Carder or Bradham turn out to be as good as Kuchely, just didn't have the same college pedigree, just sayin!
  19. Can we please add Mike Emerick in the NHL to this list of way over the toppers, he drives me nuts with his nasaly screaming and ranting.I much prefer subtle announcer/ color guys. I know that he wasn't much of a GM, but I really like Matt Millen on color for NFL, and the guy is just as insightful as any of them.
  20. From reading through the various posts, it is apparent that the common denominator is the people. I went back up for a Sabres game this past fall, and when we get into the elevator at the Hotel, some delivery guy gets in and immediatley asks where we are from at what brings us to Buffalo. Pretty much the same everywhere we went, and my wife comments to me, that the people up here are so open and freindly, I just smile and say "that's Buffalo". I live in Pittsburgh, and have for the last 40+ years, and although it is a great place to live and raise a family, it cannot hold a candle to the good natured people from Buffalo.
  21. Very sorry for your loss, and the covers are excellent. Sorry, but I have to ask, is your avatar Spags (Jimmy Spagnola), maybe a little younger picture, after he got what was coming to him?
  22. ...somebody has to. Classic! Because I was born and half raised there, Lakeview to be exact.
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