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Everything posted by Tu-Toned

  1. 9:40 is what I belive the clock stated when we started our final ill-fated drive, and they are out there standing around, waiting for play calls, lolleygagging the time away, absolutley zero immediacy to get in the end zone. WE ARE LOSING THE GAME FELLAS!!!! Just sad, the horrible time management of this coach and qb.
  2. Yes it was in deed recorded, I am not relating this from someone who knew someone who heard that it was on tape, I am relating this to you from what I actually heard and saw on replays, it is on tape. I belive that the NFL admitted that they screwd the pooch on this one, and that was most likely to save face, as it was on tape.
  3. It wasn't just our players, it was audibly recorded, I remeber them playing it back a few years later, clear as day.BTW, there was nothing, from my memory, that was scandalous, nobody even paid that much attention to it outside of Buffalo, that's how low we rate. I didn't rememeber Wade doing what you said, but I am sure he did, and that's awsome that he did. Yes, this is one the NFL's methods of subtle manipulation, and it isn't too subtle anymore!
  4. They showed Henry Kissinger sitting in Krafts box yesterday, that's enough to make me believe a conspiracy. Man I thought that guy was dead long ago, although he really didn't seem to be moving at all up there.
  5. I have similiar sentiments, spend a few youth years in Ft. Laud., unfortunatley during the time Miami owned us. I went to several Bills Dolphins games at the Orange bowl, I think that we missed an extra point in one of them and lost 31-30, so it is always meaningful to me. I think about all of the Dolphin Fan freinds and some relatives too that have to be thinking how much I am enjoying it, and me thinking how miserable they are right now.
  6. and Reggie Bush was luvin it!!
  7. Did you miss the Patriots game last week or something, talk about marginal PI calls, with that being said, I feel that there is way to much PI called in general, let them play the freaking game! It was with MC and A!
  8. I made the CJ/ Barry comparison about 4 weeks ago here, no one agreed with me. There are some differences, but there styles are very similiar. I love the forearm shiver he laid on the defensive back with authority at the end of one of his long runs, he ran angry last night.
  9. Then they should let them storm the field and tackle that little Vaja, I mean Bush.
  10. My biggest concern is that I will not be present to see all of the topless women at the stadium tonight. I don't think the networks will show that, you know that 5 second delay thing, dam
  11. Sorry my freind, and you very well might be right, but if we do get in, the only way possible will be for us to "sneak in" so to speak, in other words, if we are still in it against the Jets, we will not be resting our starters.
  12. This time in the first wild card round of playoffs. I think that if we can get on a roll, which is a very big if, and somehow sneak into the playoffs, that this could be a real possibility. I know, and have seen similiar sentiments here, that when the game was over I was really wishing that we had more time in that one or faced them again. We may just get that chance. Would love to see Wood steamroll the punk just once.
  13. I will say this about Fitz, he would be great to keep around as a safety net and groomer for whoever it is that we pull the trigger on in april!
  14. Actually, IMHO, I think that it was correct to target TJ in that situation, they had not throw to him much all day, and should have caught the Pats off guard, but I do not think that they should have been throwing to the end zone on that particular play. They should have just tried to pick up some yardage and then run it in, they had time, and it would have only been second down. Fred was hurt so that probably skewd their thinking some maybe figuring that they had to strike quick, again another example of Chan outthinking himself. Like an earlier series where it was third and short just inside NE territory, and we throw an ill-fated bomb, just plain dumb.
  15. The NFL is a business, Luck is a Prodcut for that business to sell, so a lot rides on it for him to be successful. I will leave it at that!
  16. Agreed, can't stomache him, and leering/sneering into the camera or at you sidekick, and talking like you are John Wayne isn't going to change my perception of this tough guy want to be. His statements, like, and I am paraphrasing here, that guy is the toughest this or that I have ever seen, loses some of it's impact when the next week, and the weeks after you say the same thing about somebody else.
  17. Shoot, we might not have a decision until were ready for the next election. Just one question "a two man sack race to be held on consecutive sundays", does that mean one guy races on sunday, and then the other the following sunday? btw, love your 'tar, is that the most interesting quarterback on the planet?
  18. I voted for Marack Oromney, this will ultimatley delay the final result, as they try to figure who this deciding ballot was cast for. It is going to be worse then the hanging chad fiasco.
  19. Agreed, what sticks in my mind the last few games is watching Stevie and others get wide open 15 yards down feild and the ball sailing out of bounds and 10 feet over their heads, you rarely see good QB's doing this unless the ball slips out of their hands or something, unacceptable!
  20. Agreed, it's just a wasted down, at most we pick up a couple of yards, and he calls for it at the most inopportune times, or in the red zone with momentum no less.
  21. Anybody that bets on NFL games should really have their heads examined, possibly saved brains for scientific research, because they are soooooo dumb it is even funny.
  22. You sir can go diretly to jail, do not stop at go, and collect $200.00, go directly to jail. Just thought that I would chime in.
  23. Sadly it's true, the NFL is a joke, a step above WWE and right on par with Disneyworld. I mean after you have been there a couple of times, do you really want to go a third..forth time? Unless you have kids or are a serious geek and in need of help, no, you don't. That is what the NFL has become to me, a cookie cutter product served to us neatly packaged and homoginized for our ready regurgitation. The games are not about teams anymore, but about individual marquee matchups between two QB's, fantasy stats, and the like, they do in deed want us to have an allegiance to the leauge as a whole, and not with one particular team, but enjoy the whole NFL experience, puuuulease!!!
  24. Barkley looking more enticing now. Maybe we should draft that WR he was throwing to last saturday.
  25. When they zoomed out for an aerial view, it looked like they were naked from the waist down, and they may not have looked so bad with black or yellow socks. The announcer said that they were 2-10 back in 1934 when they last wore them. They should have started a big bonfire with them after that season.
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