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Everything posted by Tu-Toned

  1. In exact same predicament, coming in for a Family Reunion on Saturday, can only attend the Sunday Night Camp. I need six tickets if at all possible. Would be much appreciated.
  2. Met Don Shula, Jim Kick and Larry Czonka at the Jackie Gleason Inverrary Golf Classic in Wet Lauderdale, FLA. I was about 10, and was strolling the 18th fairway, Shula called me out to the fairway with him and the two backs, and we strolled and talked most of the way up the 18th. I asked if I could have his golf ball when he finished, he finished, looked around through a pretty big gallery, and rolled the ball directly to me. Hate the Fins with a passion, but Don Shula is a class act. Would regularly run into Czonka in Plantation Florida, nice guy, I knew it was him because of the way his nose sat sideways on his face. My cousin from Buffalo residing in FL and his cousin visiting from Buffalo told me that they ran into Jim Kelly at a bar in South Florida in his playing days, said they ran into him on the way out and two guys were helping him out of the bar. My cousin's cousin yells to him, "hey Jim, I'm from Buffalo", and he looks at them and slurs so F______ing what! Saw Kelly at a Golf Torney in PA, it was the exact day that Toothlesburger crashed his bike. Not only can Kelly drive a golf ball, but his putting was pretty dam good too. I was playing a couple of foursomes ahead of him, and guess who was in a group right behind him? None other than Everson Walls. I heard an exchange of something to the effect about Walls and him BS'ing bout the SB years, and Walls later relating the discussion to someone else. Said something like I congratulated Jim on the effort and the run, and slipped in F-----ing loser. I swear, I guess his smack talkin days just can't escape him. Ran into Bert Jones at a very small hardly attended LC Greenwood event in my back yard, I live off the course, a couple of years ago. Bert grabbed my son who was like 5 and rides him around the course for a while as they are waiting to tee off. He was telling stories in his southern Louisiana drawl, and someone said Bert, you just better hurry up and tee off cause LC is right behind you, Bert sez, well you go tell ole LC that he better shut the hell up, cause those super bowls he went to, I personnally sent him to a couple. Wille Mays was there, Boom Boom Geoffreon, Baby Doll, all the Old LC Greenwood Miller Lite Commercial People, what a blast. I saw Charles Smith walking across a green, did you ever see a tall basketball player walking across a green, it looks like a praying mantis or something. Last one, not a player, but I met Bob Hope all by himself at the Inverrary as he was sitting in the back of his limo, after he had finished playing. He was all sweaty and obviously tired, this is like '72 or so, so he was getting up in age then. I asked for his autograph, he said no problem, but I did not have a pen. He waits in his limo for me to go get one, I think I ran all the way into the clubhouse to get one, come back out, and he signs personnaly to me. Bob Hope is truly a great American Hero and tops in my book.
  3. OK then punch a couple of them for me up there too!
  4. Now that is a name I can relate to, kind of forgot about Loblaws
  5. Yes, it was in deed O.J. that solidified it for me. I had been watching the Bills with my Dad and Uncles before O.J. came on the scene, and I was a fan and knew about the 64 & 65 championships, loved Lamonica and Kemp, etc..But when O.J. came to the team, I think his rookie year was 69 and I was 9, my love for the Bills just took off, unfortunatley we moved to Florida the next year, and I had to endure the Dolphins 70's run in South Florida, no less. It just made me more of a fan, my die hard buddy Dolphins fan would take me to the Orange Bowl many times for games. I once made a sign that read "don't do drugs, get high on the Bills", and I must have looked like the biggest fool in the stadium, being a kid took some of the sting away, that and being no actual threat to their team helped as well. I swear the Bills missed an extra point one game in Miami during that 10 year reign they had on us and we lost something like 35-34, and I was at that game.
  6. If true, that explains for me why the Houston Texans are the Texans and not the Oilers, why the Baltimore is no longer the Colts, etc..So f'ing dumb, if I was an Oiler fan, I would be pissed. I can't think of any other modern day NFL team that just died like the Oilers did. Then they trot them back out as the Oiler/Titans in Tennessee, give me a break.
  7. Wow and just heard that twinkies will be back on shelves this week. Whew hew!!
  8. Listen guys, if you do this drill right, we'll use this thing to roast marshmallos on Friday Night.
  9. I'll just state this. When it comes to charchter, I would look for someone with CJ Spiller type attributes before I would a Jim Brown. CJ Spiller is the anti-Jim Brown. Now CJ has a lot to accomplish before we could even begin to look at stats, and may never approach Brown's unbelivable accomplishments. But if black youth are looking for a role model, look no further than CJ Spiller.
  10. Exactly, maybe we should ban "log cabin, fried chicken, watermelon", etc..it's only racist if you intend it to be, can't really control how it is recieved, and therein lies the problem. Geez, give me a break.
  11. I would have laughed probably if I knew what it was. Left Buffalo when I was 10, live in Pittsburgh now, so it would be RiteAide for me, or maybe ShopnSave, which is our Wegmans. In any event carry on!
  12. Yes, I'm ok, was just a little bored at work, waiting for the long weekend and all. But it is a very legitimate question and similiarly sound advice. I have my vaporizer in my side desk drawer, so I can self medicate. I am just one very pumped dude right now, about our new Bills.
  13. O come O come EJ Manuel and ransom captive Buffalo that mourns in lonely exile here until the Super Bowl Appears Reload Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee, O Buffalo O come, thou rod of Erick, free thine own from Brady's tyranny from the depths of the AFC cellar thy fans save and give them victory o'er the Jets, Reload! Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee, O Buffalo O come, thou day-fall, come and cheer our spirits by thine events here. Disperse the snowy clouds of night and the Patriots dark shadows put to fight. Reload! Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee O Buffalo O come, thou key of Doug, come and open wide the opponenets secondary.Make safe the way that leads to the playoffs, and close the path to mediocracy. Reload? Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee, O Buffalo O come, O come thou QB of might, who to his teammates at Ralph's height, in seasons past did'st give a crap, in snow, and rain and thaw. Reload! Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee, O Buffalo
  14. I bought a Salvino Staue of O.J. before the murder thing at a fundraising auction. I basically stole it at around $35.00 or so. It is very realistic with O.J. striding over the 2003 sign. After the murders, my wife knitted a little pinstripe prison suit, complete with ball and chain. We dressesed him up in the prison garb on numerous occasions, but when he was aquitted the suit had to come off. We dressed him back up in the suit when he was convicted for his latest transgressions, and now the suit might have to come back off. I also display a little Ford Bronco right next to him, just in case he gets the itch.
  15. Gotta agree, and love the avatar.
  16. Agreed, why don't they just go play with their nouns on another site.
  17. Looks like ole Mario got screwed, twice, maybe!!
  18. Many people don't want to come to or be in Buffalo, until after they come once. No jokes please! Geez, he kind of does make Jimbo look small standing next to him.
  19. Wow, I thought that it was just MaryJane, what the hell else was doing? If it was just MJ, then that is one hell of a stretch to refer to him as a druggie. Now I realize that in most states MJ is still illegal, and that it's probably not something you should be doing if you are trying to make an nfl team, but that is like saying that someone who enjoys an alcoholic beverage every once in a while, is an alcoholic, stereoptype much???
  20. Warren Moon was very athletic. I had him on my fantasy team one year, and won easily, QB's got as many points as RB's for running TD's in. He ran a lot, and scored a lot of rushing touchdowns, as well as throwing, very good QB.
  21. Yes, I live in Pittsburgh, and always wear my Bills stuff when attending games at Three Rivers, and now Heinz. I have had mixed experiences, some good, mostly bad. I had to rescue my nephew from about four young unruly Steeler fans in the upper deck section after we were beating them pretty badly with Reich in a playoff game. It came real close to fisticuffs, and I had two younger kids with me including my ten year old son. Thankfully two security guards happened by before things got ugly, at least for them. Routinely went to the Orange Bowl in the seventies to see the Bills play the Dolphins, and always wore my gear there too. Not as much of a problem when you are 10 or 11, at least back then, now a days I am not so sure. **** we lost to them like 20 straight times, so there wasn't much to hassle me about back then.
  22. Um, o.k., I love you too man!! Please do tell us about it, you can espound on how you accidently became a Bills fan later
  23. Then he can make money the old fashioned way, he will eeeearn it. Cause he sure as hell didn't in Blo.
  24. Like most posters here state, we have no clue what happened that night, and have no right to speculate. But we can all, or most of us anyways, agree that Ray is not a very good person, I don't really care what people claim about him. He did try to cover the whole thing up and used his money and influence to help his friends get off, and from all accounts about him, he is a sleaze bag. That my friends is where the problem lies, when he postulates himself and his closeness to God on the sidelines, and acts like he is the next coming of someone special. Faith is a personal thing, and that is how it should be kept, especially when it presents such a contradiction, if he actually lived the faith he espouses, then I might not have such a problem with it.
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