O come O come EJ Manuel
and ransom captive Buffalo
that mourns in lonely exile here
until the Super Bowl Appears
Reload Reload!
EJ Manuel has come to thee, O Buffalo
O come, thou rod of Erick, free thine own from Brady's
tyranny from the depths of the AFC cellar thy fans save
and give them victory o'er the Jets, Reload! Reload!
EJ Manuel has come to thee, O Buffalo
O come, thou day-fall, come
and cheer our spirits by thine events here.
Disperse the snowy clouds of night and the Patriots
dark shadows put to fight.
Reload! Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee
O Buffalo
O come, thou key of Doug, come and open
wide the opponenets secondary.Make safe the way
that leads to the playoffs, and close the path to
Reload? Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee,
O Buffalo
O come, O come thou QB of might, who to his teammates
at Ralph's height, in seasons past did'st give a crap,
in snow, and rain and thaw.
Reload! Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee,
O Buffalo
Edited by Tu-Toned, 24 May 2013 - 12:31 PM.