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Everything posted by Tu-Toned

  1. Lay off him man, this board doesn't always function smoothly, and am pretty sure that this was not the OP's intention.
  2. Leonhard has good hands, the last thing you need there is a fumble. I Agee with you though, and we should hopefully be practicing Others at pr, my choice would be Easly.
  3. The ends were over pursuing inside, made it to easy for the Jets backs to just kick it outside and pick up chunks. THAT did remind me of recent years and especially Chris Kelsey.
  4. Flew in for Dolphins/Bills playoff game, it was snowing to beat hell and Kelly and Co. Went off, the fish kept trying to come back, but we kept squishing them! Jack Hamm, who prob called the game was on the flight with us out of Pittsburgh, When we played the Oilers in a playoff game and beat them like 10-9 or something. We stopped and had a great steak dinner after before our flight. My brother almost fought with Bills fans in our end zone section because they would not stop pelting Warren Moon with snowballs and the zebras were threatening penalties. Barely hung on for that one.
  5. Personal favorite, the are slick!
  6. Really, how good of shape could he be in if he had PF and couldn't run all off season? He is playing the Bills!
  7. I have seen grown, well supposedly, men, slap a baseball cap of the opposing team off a young teens head at a ball game a couple of times. That didn't last long.
  8. Like a fine italian necktie or something. I don't think that Jimmy is going to show for this one. He will wait this one out first.
  9. or maybe "Zebras screw Buffalo as Panthers watch". That one got me a little aroused.
  10. "Zebras assist Panthers as Buffalo watch".
  11. Point taken, just kind of happy that we moved on in spite of Hopkin's setback. Looks like there is another thread w the same subject. My apologies. Go to "Wannstadt's squad"
  12. Not to dis him, because he was generally reliable, and by all accounts a good guy and teammate, but he could have won it for TB today!
  13. Yes we should care, and it sucks, but with the NFL just doling out I don't know how many Millions in the concussion suit, I don't believe we will see any changes soon.
  14. Ditto on classy! Good luck the rest of the season, valiant effort with a very banged up secondary!
  15. Feel free to ad lib, I kind of stole it anyways! Just so happy that we are relevant again!
  16. Thanks! I am absolutely stoked right now!
  17. O come O come EJ Manuel and ransom captive Buffalo that mourns in lonely exile here until the Super Bowl Appears Reload Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee, O Buffalo O come, thou rod of Erick, free thine own from Brady's tyranny from the depths of the AFC cellar thy fans save and give them victory o'er the Jets, Reload! Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee, O Buffalo O come, thou day-fall, come and cheer our spirits by thine events here. Disperse the snowy clouds of night and the Patriots dark shadows put to fight. Reload! Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee O Buffalo O come, thou key of Doug, come and open wide the opponenets secondary.Make safe the way that leads to the playoffs, and close the path to mediocracy. Reload? Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee, O Buffalo O come, O come thou QB of might, who to his teammates at Ralph's height, in seasons past did'st give a crap, in snow, and rain and thaw. Reload! Reload! EJ Manuel has come to thee, O Buffalo Edited by Tu-Toned, 24 May 2013 - 12:31 PM.
  18. Screens baby, screens!
  19. They showed EJ pumping his chest to the fans in the end zone after one of his td passes, and it looked to me like the crowd was really loud and into it! Watching on tv it sounded And looked like they were pumped!
  20. Wow, he really pulled that thing, didn't he?
  21. Originally from Lakeview, live in Pittsburgh last 34 years, I have ext. family, lots, in B'lo. Been back w wife And family many times, and she, form the Burgh, never fails to mention how nice the people in Buffalo are. We get on an elevator at a local Hotel, and the delivery guy chats us up, everyone is quick with a hello and smile, never fails. I am very proud of that city, and although it has a very lot to offer that outsiders just don't realize, it is definitely the people that make that city shine.
  22. Is it the Jets D? Maybe the Pats aren't that good anymore. Pretty darn nasty weather which made it difficult To get anything going for both teams offensively, at least in the second half.
  23. CJ will be fine, does he sniff 2k this year, no, but with his character, work ethic and talent, I would not be surprised if he does come close soon. This year is not out of the question either. The blocking schemes will improve, and I am hoping that Hackett does not abandon the screen play that worked so effectively the last couple of years, the screens get him in to the flow of the game nicely and the running follows Suit. Get him in space early in games!
  24. Rooting for the Jets, but Pats will win, saying something like 30-24. Yes, Brady showed some real chinks in his armor last week, and the Patriots in general, but he is still very Much a plug and play guy with his receivers, and still very dangerous and they are at home, which will help. I don't believe in Gino, yet, and their D has definitely lost a step or two.
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