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Everything posted by Tu-Toned

  1. Not to come off like a waffle or anything, but I was mainly venting the Monday after the Pittsburgh debacle.I do wear my stuff and do take routine abuse.I guess what I meant to say is that I want to wear it without ridicule and last week was a dam good start. It is tougher though living in Pittsburgh, than most other cities. Can you quote me where I said that I was ashamed to wear my Bills gear??
  2. Much better, the Zubaz from back in the 80's are a little tight, but at least I can sport them now. Thanks Doug!
  3. I was going to get up today and post the same thing. Oh we'll, at least I got up today. This is progress to me, finally something to hang our hat on.
  4. Apparently he feels that way, my take is that maybe the whole thing unfolded in a less than desirable fashion, but so what. My current state of frustration does not allow for much sympathy, and he is currently employed, wasn't he a free agent signing coming out of college? So the Bills gave him a chance that led to another chance, we owe him nothing. If David Nelson comes in and has a career day than kudos to him, he apparently was a good teammate and was pretty reliable while he was here, and I personally wish nothing but the best for him, just not this Sunday! Isn't it time for this team to start imposing some will on other teams, regardless of what they say, or who they are?
  5. We need the next Heath Miller, period!
  6. I think that you are being a little rough on Woods, he was a consensus best wr in the draft, although I do agree that we could use another stud wr, Woods has performed admirably for a rookie.
  7. The baby burped yesterday big time, carrots and peas, I'm not sure we even took any steps at all yesterday.
  8. I have to differ, absolutely love that color scheme, very bright and standoutish, crisp, if you will. Right now, just not very fond of they players sporting them.
  9. I was very excited when I heard Marrone tell us last summer that we should not be embarrassed to wear our stuff. I dug everything that I had out of the closet. I am now putting it all back. It might not be too bad for those living in Buffalo, but for the rest of us, like me, especially living in Pittsburgh, it is dangerous. Not sure how long that I can keep my cool if I do not, because the ragging is that bad. I could cite you some fine examples from just yesterday as I am making my way out of the stadium, but it is useless, and although some of the comments were borderline obscene, until we can actually do something about it, I just have to take it, but man I don't know how much longer that I can keep doing this shite. I loves my Bills, and always will, but my confidence in them right now has been shaken to the core, I mean geez, at least make the game competitive. We all learned yesterday, just how far off this team is from really doing anything. For the time being, maybe Doug should try to tame his expectations too, and from here on out, and until I see real progress, I will be out there Incognito, for a lack of a better term, I am tired of the abuse and false expectations. I know we need to give him some time, but maybe he should have said something like, in a few years, you will all be proud to sport your team's logo and colors. Obviously now, I am not. We got our asses handed to us by a team reeling so badly that trade rumors were swirling around their franchise QB.
  10. Fatheads is excellent, but so are many of the other non-franchise joints on Pittsburgh's southside. I can never finish a sandwhich at Fatheads.
  11. Geez, I didn't realize that this is what they were doing, I thought that we had two legitimately injured QB's.
  12. I was at that '92 game, was barley able to get out of the stadium and I had my 10 year old son, and his 12 year old cousin with me. But it was worth it.
  13. That is disgusting, what section and row was that in!
  14. Since we are using baby analogies, right now people walking by the Bills would say, oh, look at the ugly baby.
  15. I know, I am just venting. I would never, let me repeat that again, I would never give up or throw the towel in on my Bills!
  16. The only problem is that it's cute when it's a toddler, but this baby is thirteen years old and starting to grow a stache.
  17. Cool, and thanks for the updates. Yes that throw was a bit behind him.
  18. Other than the dropped TD, he was looking pretty good out there. Anybody have an update?
  19. We will be looking for them, any Bills fan is a friend of mine!
  20. Dierdip was waffling all over, but he tried to stick to his first vehement opinion cause he didn't want to look like at fool and ended up doing exactly that. I agree in general with your statement, the only thing is, we did get the call. I saw the one ref come in and call the ball down by ground contact, adamantly too. Why in the hell another ref is allowed to overturn that before the replay, is beyond my comprehension.
  21. Beat me to it, was gonna say, that we have the fans to pull them through. We are a little dinged, but we are not beat up!
  22. As Solomon Wilcots sez!
  23. Me too, you can tell where our minds are.
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