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Everything posted by Tu-Toned

  1. Thanks man, here all week.
  2. Would bring excitement, I dunno, there's just something about that guy, he makes things happen!
  3. Not sure what else we can do at this point!
  4. What immediately comes to mind is Lucy holding for Charlie and then pulling the ball away, I know that you wanted one single play but this is one single play, but they run it all the time.
  5. Double that, I thought he was going to have another one right there on the sidelines again last night.
  6. Well, I will just say this, I have never had so much fun in my life living here close to the Burg and listening to all of the Whiney Steeler fans try to justify Mike's actions as a mistake and claiming that anyone that sees it differently is just a racist. Too f'ing funny to me! Talk about Black and yellow blinders. Similiar to how they reacted to the Big Ben scandal. Have to be the most un knowledgable fans in the entire NFL. You can bet your sweet bippy that if it was Marrone that pulled that ****, we would be late night fodder material forever.
  7. I will say this, I have been to a whole bunch of Bill's games In Buffalo over the last several decades, but have not been to a regular season game in a few years. I live a good 4 plus hours from the stadium, so it is a big commitment. I would love nothing more than to start going again more regularly some time soon. The problem is that I am not going to make that kind of commitment for the current and past seasons, with this type of lousy product offering. Like someone else recently mentioned in another post, winning could fix all of this. He'll I would even make the six hour trek to Toronto with a decent product offering. You can call me whatever you like, fair weather, bandwagon, but I am not stupid. It is a dam shame too, because I am at a point in my life, as I am sure many other displaced Bill's fans probably are, where I have the time, and resources to go to more of them and truly support this team. Get competitive, start winning, and their problems could be a long way to being solved, if we have a few clunker seasons occasionally we can all deal with that, but 14 years, oh, come on man!
  8. Hey man that's a low blow!
  9. "They cheated they lied" - various artists!
  10. No, not upset with you or any other fellow Bills Fans. Not your faults that we get jobbed week in and week out. Btw, I hate DWTS, just using as an example. You do go see movies, right? How could you possibly get any enjoyment out of a movie that you know is scripted and manipulated to maximize profits? See any difference?
  11. I watch for the entertainment value, just like I occasionally watch DWTS, and other bull **** shows. Make no mistake though, I watch with a firm hold on reality knowing full well that the outcome is scripted and set up for them to make as much $$ as possible. Why would the NFL be any different? I come here to discuss much like I would standing around the water cooler with work associates discussing the previous night's episode. Is that ok with ya? Or is it maybe the fact that I hit a nerve with you that is a little painful, maybe a little too close to home? You can watch for whatever reason suits you, and I will do the same, I just like to give myself a wake up call once in a while about reality. It's like that commercial where the guy is dancing with a beautiful girl on some game, and the sales clerk keeps telling him, "sir, she is not real"' but he doesn't hear a thing and just keeps dancing. I don't want to be that guy anymore. I certainly don't want to sway anybody else's thinking, you guys have to make that decision on your own. Man if you don't think that league officials sit around and discuss strategy for maximizing profits, then you are definitely swampland material. Where does that benefit of the doubt come from?
  12. How do the refs not see Manuel hitting the pylon with the football on the first score, we have to challenge, really surprised it was overturned. They stand right at the friggin goal line. How do they miss a fumble being recovered by Alonso and returned for a score? Nobody touched him and the ball was certainly not previously recovered. How do you explain 14 years of no playoffs, no way possible that this is all just dumb luck, other forces are in play, people just have a hard time admitting it. They have a huge emotional and many times financial investment in their teams, so yeah, I can see how it might be hard to admit that you have been fleeced.
  13. You sir have restored my faith in humanity, didn't think there was anybody out there left with some common sense, thank you!
  14. Many experiences like your son's for me here in Pittsburgh. Success has spoiled many of them beyond repair.
  15. Ok, I knew that some sa would state that I think the games are rigged or fixed. No they are not rigged or fixed, just heavily manipulated. Btw, I will discuss what I want to where and when I want to. Didn't think that I needed your permission. I will check with you next time. Game should have been over way before the fumbles, but it is people like you that help to keep that curtain closed on the bs NFL. Ba bah bah. Move a long little sheepy.
  16. So you think that they were good calls?
  17. No whining here, just good old fashioned common sense based on astute repetitive observation. He'll you don't even need the astute part.
  18. And walked them right into the end zone for the tie. I know that we are not supposed to cry over spilt milk, but this bovine hasn't stopped leaking in years. Move them to Toronto, maybe they will stop picking on them up there. Atlanta was not winning that game without the refs assistance. Marketing, scheduling, rules and bogus and inconsistent application of such. One step above WWF, and a small one at that. I am picking a new sport, I watch, but am absolutely starting to hate the NFL. The only difference, is how I watch it, I watch now as if I am viewing one of the final episodes of dancing with the stars, or one of those bogus reality shows. I guess that the NFL doesn't care if people start to look at their offering as a scam with predictable and scripted outcomes. You can say all that you want about parity, but the teams have all been drafting the same way for years now, and this type of parity, with almost every game going to the wire or overtime, just doesn't jive with me. You can run at least five more beer commercials with overtime. The rest of you can believe what you will, but I have enough swampland in Florida already.
  19. Ok the stuff goes back in the closet for a while. Wtf?
  20. We get absolutely every game that we need to go our way, and then can't finish the deal. That really really sucks.
  21. Sorry, even then there has to be just cause. Sure they can do it, and they can successfully be sued too! "hangs out", good choice of words.
  22. It is not against the law to get hammered. No, I do not see the distinction, both were explicitly against the rules. You state that I don't see the distinction, then what exactly is it? What is the difference, and do you think it would be fair for the softball player, who clearly acted irresponsibly and against explicit rules in breaking the shortstops leg, to be fired by an employer?? Will he not be punished enough by authorities and the legal system? Not to mention that he will never be able to legally attend a future Bills game!
  23. Man I don't know about this. No doubt that this putz's actions were stupid and irresponsible, but how does that constitute grounds for dismissal by an employer? Let's say that you are playing in a pick-up weekend softball game that has a no slide rule. You hit a single and try to stretch it to a double, slide into second and break the shortstops leg in the process. The local paper runs a story about the incident and his Company fires him over it. I guess if you go by what they did here, it would be a legitimate firing, right? I personally do not see a clear distinction between the two incidents. To be clear, this guy deserves everything he is gonna get, I just think that taking away his livelihood and future income is a bit over the top. Where does the line get drawn?
  24. Aaron Williams hands down.
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