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Everything posted by Garion

  1. Awesome. From Jimmy Fallon's show as I understand it.
  2. I am amused not sure that is going to appeal to mainstream audiences but I am amused and interested.
  3. Agreed one hundred percent. The bills aren't generating remotely the kind of stadium revenue of other teams. There also is a clear ecognition we haven't sold out late season games for years. . .including play off games during the Super Bowl run.
  4. Jaimie Mueller
  5. I would be in. I would I know the money wasn't going to get leached off by an administrator with access to the fund.
  6. I actually was looking around on espn trying to figure out the details . . .i am an addict.
  7. Wgr550 app
  8. Jarred Indian cooking sauce is easy and pretty effective. You can also use a pre mixed spice mix from the same international food aisle that is pretty straight forward. I used to teach friends how to cook Indian food, and always said 90% of what you eat at an Indian restaurant is straightforward variations of a few basic techniques. Assemble dry spices Assemble cut components Sauté whatever aromatics you are using in a pot Mix dry spices with a small amount of water and add to the pot and state briefly Add your protein or vegetable matter cook until partially done Add water or yogurt Simmer until done
  9. When you hear someone talk about the demise of the nfl from concussion scares and sissified rules take a look at that tv share . . .
  10. Put me in the think its dumb and risky camp.
  11. As a doctor I can tell you it's hell on the guys who have it.
  12. "Southern Ontario fans account for nearly 20 percent of the Bills ticket base." Seriously you think the Toronto series has been a failure. . .how many black outs would this team have had over the last few years without the growth of the Canadian fan base. What would the Raplh's home field advantage be like with twenty percent less fans . . . We get it the home field advantage disapears in Toronto, and it makes a game somewhat less likely to be won no one disagrees with that. But the Toronto series is about maintaining a viable fan/sponsor base as Buffalos population and sponsor base declines.
  13. Absolutely agree with the above. If you think Toronto is the problem you are missing way too many issues with this teams performance and the viability of this franchise. I want to keep theBills in Bufflo and the Toronto series helps.
  14. EJ makes an appearance
  15. Made our best turkey this year. Brined and then rubbed with herbed duck fat under the skin roasted with the usual suspects plus apples.
  16. I think it would help but the problem was his style would still translate into losses. Even with a great line there are times when the best even Barry could do is two yards- and he would never be satisfied with that. He would turn those two yards into a for yard loss. Again not saying he wasn't incredible just that his style was inherently a gamble.
  17. Sanders seemed a cut ahead. Back then I used to say Sanders was like the passing game translated yo rushing. A lot of "incompletions" for no yards and then some big plays gobbling up big yardage. Contrast that to Emmit Smith who was always good for 3-6 yards per play. Sanders was far more electrifying but harder to build an offense around because he made the running game unpredictable even for his own team.
  18. Actually I am curious if he is the oldest professional sports owner in any major sport? Not many 95 year olds, not many billionaire sports team owners to be both is probably almost unique
  19. I made a massive amount of cassoulet for thanksgiving last year rather non traditional but made sense for our family at the time. We had a gift set of ingredients from D'Artagnan from our sister in law which we supplemented with some good bits locally. Might have been my favorite thanksgiving meal ever.
  20. It's all good stuff but it implies being rich vs poor is a result of those choices as opposed to the fact that not struggling to make ends meet makes it easier to make good decisions (having better role models, education, and peer examples all play a role as well) I use this article when teaching medical students to better understand the challenges our patients face that are so different from most of their life experience http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2009-05-18/news/36823675_1_poverty-line-middle-class-milk
  21. He clearly should never call plays from the box that is for sure!
  22. Also similar idea here: San Francisco 49ers: When Colin Kaepernick is not under pressure, he has an Accuracy Percentage of 74.7%. When he is under pressure, he has an Accuracy Percentage of 47.0%. That is a difference of 27.6%, which is the largest in the league.
  23. I have a five year old and a three year old and I do the same. I let my five year old stand on a _sidewalk_ when I am putting the three year old into his car seat but would never do the reverse. I voted the middle option here not sure how small is small in terms of this kid but not worth the risk.
  24. Agreed though the last option is more likely.
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