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Posts posted by Garion

  1. Interestingly having lived inmdaryland for the last thirteen years before moving back to upstate ny I find that prices vary a lot at different wegmans. The one in Baltimore was targeting folks willing to pay a premium as is the one in Pittsford, but other wegmans even in Rochester seem to be cheaper or at least stock more of the stuff I want to buy at the price I am willing to pay.


    That being said count me in as a believer just stupendous customer service and quality.


    Produce at non wegmans stores in Baltimore and even meat could be chancy with things going bad way faster than they should intermittently or really not having much selection/good looking stuff.


    Even at the "cheapest" wegmans that's never a problem since we moved back to Rochester.

  2. On this point




    "New York City and the Downstate Suburbs “give” far more to Albany in taxes and other revenues than they “get” in state-funded expenditures. The Capital Region and the Rest of State, by contrast, get significantly more than they give. These conclusions hold under any of several alternative methodologies this study employs for regional allocation of the personal income tax and selected expenditures."


    "By this analysis, New York City’s share of state revenue payments is around 45 percent, and it receives 40 percent of ex- penditures. The Downstate Suburbs provide roughly 27 percent of taxes and other revenues, nearly 10 percentage points more than they receive in aid for education, health care, state payroll, and other expenditures. By contrast, the Rest of State region provides 24 percent of the revenues and receives 35 percent of expenditures."


    They also comment that out of staters who pay taxes in NYS generate 5 billion of revenue. I would suspect the majority of that is in NYC. And those in the NYC surrounding "downstate" suburbs probably generate most of their revenue in NYC.

  3. I had done some reading a few years ago about wild pigs the last time this kind of picture showed up in my browser. Google monster pig or hogzilla and there are reports some pigs in the US have been in the 800-1000 lb range.


    I have heard not good eating from others as well when they get this big.


    But damn man I still would like to fry up some ham steaks from something like that.

  4. There's no scenario he comes to Buffalo. IMO he's the best Pat not named Brady and has been for years. That said:


    1) He is Mr. 3-4 NT- the prototype. We are not running a pure 3-4 here

    2) This front office isn't bringing in 33 years old stars and paying them, which is smart

    3) Some 3-4 team will pay him, but not us. With Kyle, Mario and a new deal for Darius, we have more than allocated our share of the cap to the DL


    Agree entirely. How much of the cap do we want on the DL? But there is an argument to keep throwing dollars at stopping the run until we finally can do it.

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