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Everything posted by Garion

  1. Saw it last night with the wife and really enjoyed it. Agree with both of your takes.
  2. Agreed Do folks think Jackie Robinson was just another baseball player whom the liberal media makes too much of? If we were watching coverage of his entry into MLB would you say "who cares" But you will argue that's different because folks saying they don't approve of blacks mixing with whites in sports were clearly wrong but the followers of the "gay lifestyle" are an entirely different issue? May seem like that to some today but it also seemed pretty important to keep blacks out of white professional sports not that long ago. As a 7th round pick he isn't likely to have a great career but he broke a barrier here that lots of responses in this and the other thread are clearly showing proof still exists.
  3. Congratulations what a weekend!
  4. For what it's worth I am a "GP" (internist) and the health care reform bill includes significant increases to payments to primary care providers from Medicaid and Medicare as part of the law. That's a major financial support for those of us taking those insurances. The reason that many of us don't is because the pay scales are much worse with those insurances than those with other insurances. The incentives for quality and IT use in healthcare were originally actually part of laws signed during the bush administration. This was expanded during the Obama administration. For what it's worth here the first article on mortality rates post Massachusetts health care reform "Romneycare" that was the basis for the ACA "Obamacare" http://annals.org/article.aspx?articleid=1867050 I don't think the ACA is remotely close to perfect, but the problem is most of us fail to realize what a mess health care in the US is and remains under our health care system (and by that I mean purely from the insured's standpoint)
  5. wow cool who knows what he knows but that's a nice haul so far
  6. Love it thank for posting this.
  7. http://www.nfl.com/draft/2014/profiles/sammy-watkins?id=2543457 Not sure I saw This link yet.
  8. A "business establishment" I lived in Baltimore until a year ago unless it's the police station it's a . . .
  9. That was a few blocks away from my old office in Baltimore. . . Glad we moved!
  10. Agreed but elite prospects have a better chance of panning out as starters than later players. Being an elite prospect definitely does not mean likely to be an elite player- though my previouspost did conflate the two.
  11. Agree with the listing of who is elite at least one of the qb so has a shot at being elite but I think it's anyone's guess who. If a couple qb so go in the first few picks it's interesting to see we have a shot at some elite talent.
  12. Agreed it's not that shocking and it's definitely not written by a man to tell a woman what to do it's written by an older woman trying to keep her younger team members o out of trouble. Doesn't make jiggle tests less demeaning or mean they shouldn't get paid but seriously have you watched that Dallas cowboy's cheerleader try out show? Their manual has to be twice the size of the Jill's.
  13. Great story thanks for sharing.
  14. Honestly I have watched it thre times since my wife showed it to me and I can't stop laughing.
  15. Do you remember the Tebow thread on this board? It's not that simple.
  16. Most interesting one on Mike and Mike this morning was would you give up being a fan of Your team for a million dollars? Stop cheering stop watching stop caring? It was an interesting suggestion from a listener
  17. What an idiot this guy in the story that is.
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