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Everything posted by Garion

  1. Don't know if tsa works or not but there is plenty of stuff found weekly I would rather not have a nutcase carrying with him/her http://blog.tsa.gov/2013/05/tsa-week-in-review-record-65-firearms.html
  2. Internet killed print newspapers how long before it kills 24/7 news channels?
  3. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/9277121/the-end-office Pretty interesting take I thought ( as a guy who doesn't watch regularly)
  4. http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/when-turn-your-lights It's not everything but give you a sense of energy savings
  5. Two unexpected but interesting quotes "Johnson had previously worked with Tuel on accelerating the quarterback’s dropbacks, but the offense installed by Nathaniel Hackett with the Bills calls for quarterbacks to make slower, time drops. " "My wife and I, we argue about this all the time,” he (Marrone) said. “Logistically, it is very difficult. For us, the expenses are high, too." The former because I am curious if slower drops is a "good" thing recognizing that there are a lot of schematic nuances a fan like me wouldn't expect or understand. The latter because the guy with a 2 million dollar house in Syracuse was struggling with the cost of sports coaching!?!
  6. None in my book...
  7. "Irvin's suspension also continues a troubling trend of Seattle players running afoul of the league's policies on banned substances. Since 2011, five Seahawks players -- John Moffitt, Allen Barbre, Winston Guy, Brandon Browner and Irvin -- have received four-game suspensions. Barbre was later released by the team. All-Pro cornerback Richard Sherman was also suspended last season for using a banned substance but won his much-publicized appeal last December." It's hard to win in the NFL but some things make it easier. . .
  8. While they have obviously done better with Rothlisberger they weren't exactly average without him: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Bowl_XXX That's the same era mind you that had the "immortal" Rypien and Hostetler beating HoF Jim Kelly for super bowl titles so you could argue its was a different game.
  9. If you are interested in information on genetic testing for breast cancer: m.hopkinsmedicine.org/avon_foundation_breast_center/patient_information/videos/lillie_videos/breast_cancer_genetic_testing_guidelines.html
  10. Agree entirely. Everything else including playoffs and Superbowl are just omewhat entertaining.
  11. Let's face it without all the plastic stuff we wouldn't be talking about her twenty years after she started her career. Pretty faces are a dime a dozen she certainly made an mpression on the national consciousness.
  12. Great article nice use of data to analyze the qb issues
  13. Seriously how much of America has been underwater on adjustable rate mortgage homes that they never should have bought, or are paying off ridiculous credit debts for cars, fancy clothes etc. Athletes do not have a monopoly of financial stupidity they just have more money to mismanage. How many 21 year olds from usually not well educated homes know that their uncle isn't qualified to manage the money. I am not sure at that age I would have known.
  14. For what it's worth there are lots of similar stories from lottery winners. It's easy to blame dumb athletes but the average American who gets a boat lad of money sudden,y also does a terrible job managing it. First hit on google "lottery winners years later" http://www.businessinsider.com/17-lottery-winners-who-blew-it-all-2012-11?op=1
  15. Ham and chicken and one or two bean dishes for the vegetarians. Papaya and a cornucopia of wegmans melons for a fruit salad desert.
  16. Agree video is very weird looks high to me.
  17. Happy birthday to the big guy!
  18. Reusable k cups are the way to go.
  19. I lived anew blocks from Maxs in Baltimore and once upon a time regularly hit the Brewers Art. They are both top notch
  20. The difference is if you swing and miss on a high draft pickQB it sets the franchise back further than any other position. the franchise goes into "our future is dependent at letting this guy develop on the field the next few years" The converse is true as well mind you a hit at QB sets you further ahead. Not saying the bills shouldn't pick a QB but reaching for a guy who isn't that well rated on their board just because he is a QB isn't worth it.
  21. Calling a helicopter (or football team) the "Italians" is different than calling it the "dirty wops" If that terminology is unfamiliar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wop Or "wetbacks" or "n word the word filter won't allow"
  22. I think that's the question the OP is asking. Is Lovie Smith worse than others being interviewed or given jobs.
  23. That's pretty interesting. Not sure what it means but interesting.
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