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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. 1996: Clinton, I was a liberal at 19. 2000: Gore, I was a libertarian, and voted D as a protest vote against R’s, because the L party was a clown show. 2004: Kerry, I was a libertarian, and voted D as a protest vote against R’s, because the L party was a clown show. 2008: Obama, I was a libertarian, and voted D as a protest vote against R’s, because the L party was a clown show. 2012: Obama, I was a libertarian, and voted D as a protest vote against R’s, because the L party was a clown show. 2016: Johnson, I was i libertarian, and could not in good conscience cast a vote for Clinton, protest vote or not. So I voted for the clowns. 2020: Trump, 100% Trump. I despise the man. I tend towards a philisophical belief in anarcho-capitalism from a moral position, but tend towards minarchism from a practical perspective; and Trump is a willing dictator (as have been all of his predecessors in all of our lifetimes, as is the nature of the office). He doesn’t well represent any of my beliefs. However I will not abide Communists, or what Democrats have become. I will not abide coup attempts, or weaponizing the state against political opponents. I will not abide violent mobs being used as political leverage (vote for us and we‘ll stop burning down your cities). As such, I will not ever, and I mean ever vote for any Democrat in any level of government again. Not even for dog catcher.
  2. Oh, no... No, no, no... “Please show me, on this doll, where Josh Allen touched you.“
  3. Can you expand on this? I’m not sure exactly what you mean by volume in this sense. Do you mean the amount of posts in a thread on a given topic? Do you mean frequency of any one individual’s posts on a topic, or in general? Do you mean the amount of items that may be cross posted across different threads because they may be relevant to multiple topics?
  4. What is the agenda he is pushing? If he is pushing an agenda, how is that a problem? If it is a problem, how do you differentiate that agenda from every other agenda pushed on this sub-forum, and every other on this board?
  5. Imagine spending your time logging onto an unofficial NFL team fan forum, anonymously, to call a woman a cow because you disagree with her political opinions.
  6. Epstein allegedly had a secret lair at Interlochen Centre for the Arts. This story deserves to be followed for who else this will implicate. https://nypost.com/2020/09/05/epstein-reportedly-had-secret-lair-at-interlochen-school/
  7. Covid hasn’t made it worse. Government has made it worse by choice.
  8. Are you making the argument that all nations are equally technologically and economically advanced as the United States? Or are you making the argument that technological and economic advancement haven’t drastically reduced global dependence on child labor over the course of the last century? Or perhaps it‘s some ultra dopey Voltron of both of those poorly reasoned arguments? And yes, innovation encompasses technology and science, which are both permitted to exist, driven by capitalism.
  9. Thank you “Commie Spice”. Just a quick reminder for the class that capitalism had nearly ended the practice of child labor in the very early 1900’s, through automation and quality of life improvements; less labor was required to produce more goods, and increased wages for adult earners, freeing children from their human history long obligations of toiling along with the rest of their families so as not to starve. Along came the government in 1938 to pass an unnecessary law, and take credit for work already done by markets and innovation. In fact, all the law actually served to do was to completely impoverish those scant few remaining families reliant on the wages of their children to survive; driving a spike of abandoned street children whose parents could no longer afford their care.
  10. No, they unequivocally do not have a stake, universally; and that’s if one can even begin to justify the existence of the state.
  11. It’s all over Twitter, and other social media.
  12. Update: woman are coming forward in bunches to accuse Anthony Huber, the second individual killed, who hit Rittenhouse in the head and face with a blunt object while he was prone, a convicted woman beater, of drugging and raping them.
  13. Participation by those with no stake in costs, or with no skin in the game militarily is oppression.
  14. Consider: Government, any government, is not instituted by the common man to protect his interests against the powerful and elite. Government is instituted by the powerful and elite to protect their interests against the common man. Democracy is especially insidious in this arrangement, as it creates in the mind of the voter a false truth that they are in charge of their destiny and life. “The forest shrunk smaller and smaller, Yet the trees continued to vote for the axe, because his handle was made from wood, and the trees believed he was one of them.” In the United States there is a population of roughly 380 million people. Of those, generously speaking, only one third vote. That one third is split roughly equally between the two major parties, as two major parties have created insular law which protects them against third party participation. This creates a reality in which a false-choice dilema rules supreme, and in which one sixth of the population dictates to five sixths of the population how they will live. The system is designed to be despotic. Stop voting for the axe.
  15. Your new position is that I’m somehow immoral for stating that I don’t think you’re a pedophile, that I think it’s wrong to label people pedophiles without evidence, and that I don’t think there’s any evidence you’re a pedophile; because there’s “not a scintilla of evidence” that you aren’t a pedophile? I guess, OK bro, but man what a really weird flex. You do you.
  16. Affirm. This is an obvious truth, though the democratic process itself is just another form of despotism. The man who votes for whom his master will be is still just a slave at the end of the day.
  17. I don’t think he has those proclivities, and I think it’s in bad form to name someone a pedophile without evidence; but he certainly does enjoy lawyering for them.
  18. “Being a member of a Communist organization doesn’t make you a Communist.” - The Pedophile Lawyer
  19. Democrat run cities aren’t on fire, and overrun by rioting Communist arsonists, right up until the moment that they are.
  20. Oh, I don’t know that you are a pedophile, and would never accuse you of being one without clear evidence, which I strongly believe doesn’t exist; but someone being a convicted pedophile clearly isn’t a dealbreaker for you in rushing to their defense. An enthusiastic lawyer for child *****, hence: pedophile lawyer.
  21. Oh, look. The pedophile lawyer jumps to the defense of a child *****. Oh, great leftist defender of child rapists.
  22. Stop being a racist. Also, stop twisting the facts. He didn’t shoot “people who appeared to be creating damage”. He shot: 1. A person who charged at him while menacing him with a gun. 2. A person who kicked him to the ground and tried to disarm him. 3. A person who hit him in the head and face with a blunt object.
  23. I say this in the abstract, without judgment. We used to raise our children to believe in higher ideals. That principles are more important than individuals, and that there are things worth dying for. Like standing up for traditional values against Communists. Join the Army you’ll say. Why? To kill brown kids in Third World Countries? No. The principled man stands against the Communists in his own streets, and he raises his children to do the same.
  24. It’s the very best trigger discipline I’ve ever seen, bar none. He was being assaulted by multiple people, in the middle of a riot, fired exactly four shots to stop three targets, with zero collateral damage, from his ass/back after enduring multiple assaults. The should use him to teach classes.
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