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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  2. Absolutely nobody: Josh “Uncle Rico” Allen: How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains?
  3. That’s a great drive.
  4. Great catch!!!! Oh no... he's in a considerable amount of pain...
  5. Wow!!! The Wow again!!!
  6. This is an underrated point.
  7. We’ve converted every single drive into points. Not one throw away series. Not every drive ends in a touch down.
  8. This thread is becoming hilarious. How someone can believe something which has been thoroughly investigated multiple times, by multiple agencies/branches of government, with an unlimited budget, and an agenda purely focused on finding dirt on an individual in a fishing expedition format, spanning the duration of two years, and still turning up zero evidence, can have the gall and total lack of self awareness to call other people conspiracy theorists is nothing short of staggering. There is literally the same amount of evidence that Jordan Phillips is actually five midgets bound together with fly-paper and saran wrap, and then tucked carefully into a Darryl Talley snow suit featuring the pattern of a large black man as there is of collusion between the President and Russia, and this guy “believes” it’s real. Please, nobody tell him about Santa and the Tooth Fairy.
  9. Police in England investigate a situation where a trans-woman was denied the opportunity to appear in a porn shoot because “she” has a penis, as a hate crime. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10162480/police-transgender-woman-investigate-porn/
  10. Cummings “signed” some subpoenas on his deathbed apparently. Interesting signature comparison.
  11. Mueller did not say there wasn’t enough evidence, he said there was *no* evidence. None. Not one drop. Zero. Which also means that if the President were to be charged with obstruction, he would be charged with what was purely a legal fiction, for obstructing an investigation (the definition of obstruction for which would have been new, untested, unsupported legal theory) into a crime which the President did not commit, knew he did not commit, and knew was perpetrated against him by those screaming for an investigation who *also* knew he didn’t do what he was accused of because they invented the whole thing from whole cloth. Adam Schiff swore to you he had seen incontrovertible evidence that the President has conspired with Russia. He did so on the House floor. There is no such evidence. He lied to you.
  12. That falls squarely in the pile of “things I will shoot people for”.
  13. It’s also ignores multiple international treaties, and indirectly asserts that running for high office is a de facto shield against investigation into, and prosecution for, criminal acts. It’s literally an argument in favor of a second set of laws for the political class.
  14. Nope. Hasn’t broken any laws. Your position is what happens when people try to massage cherry-picked items, and omit relevant facts, in order to meet their desired outcomes.
  15. Qualified immunity needs to be completely abolished.
  16. The ball is now in Congress’ court. Trump critics can now put their money where their mouth is.
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