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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. So your argument is an appeal to the natural rights of man?
  2. That's not a reason slavery is wrong. That's defining what slavery is, and then stating that it's wrong. Again: why is slavery wrong?
  3. Saying that it's wrong because it's the most wrong thing isn't stating why it's wrong.
  4. I knew you'd be unable to articulate why you are opposed to slavery, and I knew you'd shy away from embracing logic. Further, I didn't ask you to discuss my libertarian philosophy, I asked you to discuss your own views. Are you really this incapable of intellectual honesty?
  5. From your own link: "If it’s unprecedented, it’s because of the scope of the executive action, not the executive action itself."
  6. It's not the number of orders, it's what they're being used for. No one cares if an executive order is issued to give a name to a national park or forest preserve. They do care when they are used to circumvent the legislative branch in order to enact major policy. The later is what is happening now.
  7. !@#$ me... birddog, you claim to be in your 50's. Congratulations. Welcome to "logic". Rather than watch you flail around for another 70 years, given your leaning curve, I'll give you a quick lesson: Logic is not a weapon: It's a way of creating a consistent understanding. A singular argument, isolated in a vacuum using the logic of the vacuum, cannot be subject to the world outside of your vacuum. All arguments, if you seek to make them logically consistent, are interconnected by the underpinning logic you use to make them. You cannot use logic to make a single argument, and then claim that the same logic does not apply to the next. Now, I'll ask my question again, for the third time: Why do you believe slavery to be morally wrong?
  8. Center makes the line call based on the designed protection of the play, or whatever checks the quarterback calls changing the protection. Tyrod has been abysmal at identifying the blitz pre-snap all year.
  9. Down by 18 with 6:00 to play. Time to grind the clock.
  10. It's better than last week when neither did.
  11. I could see it, because we're down by 18.
  12. There was an open receiver 7-10 yards down field uncovered.
  13. C'mon Tyrod... That's not a good ball there.
  14. He had the one very good year playing under Pettine. That fooled people.
  15. That's McLovin circa 2012 right there.
  16. How does the back judge make that call?!?!?!?
  17. !@#$ing Preston Brown...
  18. How large does that goal line failure loom now...
  19. Way to catch them sleeping out of the stoppage. Marty McFly: that's what a good throw looks like.
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