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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. OK, which one of you deranged leftists did this?
  2. So, the Democrats are considering bringing forward impeaching the President for conducting his Constitutionally prescribed duties for a second time?
  3. This is who Josh Allen is. The touch on his passes, the vision, the guts, the arm strength, the intelligence, the poise, the power and raw athleticism, the leadership, the cool and calm under pressure. This is who Josh Allen is.
  4. Best game I’ve seen from a Bills quarterback since Kelly.
  5. The future is now, Bills fans. The future is now.
  6. What a half-assed outfit CBS is.
  7. Someone mailed ricin to the President.
  8. But we aren’t talking about Garland, we’re talking about Kavanaugh, and your insistence that he wasn’t a qualified jurist simply because more Democrats didn’t vote to confirm him. To wit: Merrick Garland was perfectly qualified to be seated on the Bench. Republican’s refusal to allow a vote does not somehow spike his quality. And of course we’re headed for a Civil War. I’ve been warning of exactly that for about 10 years. Don’t worry, it will be over quickly, won by the people who have almost all of the guns, produce all the food, and comprise the overwhelming majority of the military.
  9. Imagine thinking not getting votes from a group of rigid partisans who voted in lock step to impeach the President on the back of a stack of lies that they knew were untrue was a valid critique of a person that same President nominated. The truth, and you know it’s the truth, is that Democrats weren’t going to vote to confirm anyone but Merrick Garland, and some would have voted against even him for no other reason than Trump had appointed him.
  10. Here’s the problem I see with your logical process. Legislative norms are legislative norms because they are the way things are always done. They protect the process because no one is willing to do something that simply isn’t done. Things That Simply Are Not Done, are never done. It’s essentially a self-protecting suit of armor. However, once such a thing IS done, it is much easier to do again.
  11. Before Kavanaugh was appointed, and she had emerged on the short list, her “devout Catholicism” was used as an attack intended to disqualify her.
  12. Wait until you hear the full throated decrees that Catholics are not qualified to be on the Court. I would love to see her seated before October ends.
  13. I think there’s a fairly sound argument to be made that the Court should be at full compliment for the inevitable challenges to the upcoming election results.
  14. You guys regretting the nuclear option yet?
  15. Exactly this. I’m not sure why anyone would try to justify the state killing innocent people.
  16. I’d argue that it should begin to lift the veil from the eyes of those who don’t believe that we live under a government (and various state and local governments) that is oppressive, and that extends all the way down through our law enforcement bodies. We’re all now painfully aware of the corruption within the CIA, FBI, and DOJ; with the recent exposure of FISA abuse and the film flam involved with falsifying the 302 process, it calls into question every single conviction the FBI has been involved in over the last decade or more. We’re all aware of Kamala Harris actively withholding exculpatory evidence in order to get convictions. Do you think she’s alone? We know that more than 50% of all wrongful convictions involved willful malfeasance by the government to knowingly convict innocent people of crimes the government knew they did not commit by framing them for said crimes. We know that predators seek out careers which provide them easy access to victims. We know police unions protect bad cops. We know that police will not step out in order to see bad cops prosecuted. If you have 1000 good cops, and 10 bad cops; but the 1000 good cops don’t turn in the 10 bad cops, but instead protect them through their unions, qualified immunity, and standing behind the thin blue line; what you really have is 1010 bad cops.
  17. What about my posting history makes you think I’m surprised? What, in an OP posted without comment other than a factual and non-biased description of the article linked, do you think I’m implying, and why do you think I’m implying it?
  18. I don’t much disagree, but would add this to consider: Predators of all stripes gravitate to professions which provide them with ready made victims. Look at the prevalence of pedophiles across churches and schools as an example. Police are no different. And while of course there are good cops, there are also lots of bad cops who look for opportunities to destroy someone’s life; and I’ll always remind people that if you have 1000 good cops, and 10 bad cops, and the 1000 good cops don’t arrest the bad cops, you really have 1010 bad cops.
  19. It really is a shame how Communists have taken the lead in the police reform movement, because I won’t partner with or support them, given that their goals are to replace the police with Brown Shirts who will help them crush descent. For some bizarre reason conservatives, who generally speaking have a healthy mistrust of government, have a massive blind spot when it comes to law enforcement who are nothing more than the enforcement arm of the government they mistrust. Bad and oppressive law wouldn’t matter without #######s who willingly enforce it. I mean, all those legislated Second Amendment infringements? Who do these dopes think is going to come for their guns? It won’t be liberal Congressmen.
  20. Report confirms that 50% of those falsely convicted of crimes they did not commit were victims of police or prosecutor misconduct. https://reason.com/2020/09/15/half-of-all-false-convictions-in-the-u-s-involved-police-or-prosecutor-misconduct-finds-new-report/
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