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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. Poisoning the Well, and an inverted variation of No True Scotsman.
  2. Actually, Tom does a rather good job with debate, regardless of topic or position. He seeks to establish framework, and works towards agreed terms. He's logically internally consistent. He bases his arguments on consistent, rather than arbitrary, standards. He doesn't make appeals to emotion, popularity, or authority. He doesn't beg the question, make circular arguments, or engage in special pleading. You, on the other hand, are the opposite. You never agree to work to establish framework or terms. Your arguments are always compartmentalized, and lack any semblance of logical consistency with other arguments you've made, and are rife with conflicting standards. You're always interjecting emotional appeals, popularity appeals, and your most new found vice is you constant appeals to authority. Your current argument is nothing more than special pleading: that Senator Cruz must be held to a different linguistic standard than everyone else in the world. You do this because it suits your agenda, rather than suiting intellectually honest discussion. Your mind is so ghettoized by your biases, that it leaves no room for growth. It must be so sad to have decided so early in life that you're incapable of leaning another thing, and to be so entrenched where you stand that you lack the ability to move forward.
  3. Which clearly didn't come from Oregon.
  4. My point, in part, was to take umbrage with the expanding definition of terrorism, and laws applicable as such. It is unequivocally abhorrent that what the Hammonds did would be considered terrorism by the Federal Government. To further expand on that by criminalizing peaceful protesters supporting US citizens against truly despotic acts committed by an unelected Federal bureaucracy is antithetical to every foundational value of a free society. That the acts perpetrated by the government against it's citizens are being overlooked in favor of criminalizing a peaceful protest over such acts is everything that is wrong with today's news media, and everything that is wrong with the national political dialogue of our times.
  5. Who, exactly, is being terrorized by this protest? And how is it becoming lost that this is a protest against a gross injustice committed against US citizens by it's Federal Government? Does it not strike anyone that this peaceful occupation of an abandoned government owned log cabin, which was most likely reported by the occupiers themselves, was done precisely to bring attention to the gross injustice being carried out?
  6. 44 seconds left, 85 yards to go, no time outs. Can we blow it?!?!?!
  7. I'm absolutely thrilled that it was Lawson who picked that off. The guy has done everything asked of him all year, and has done it with heart, passion, and class. He's our defensive MVP for my money.
  8. I was hoping for an "ugly kardashian", personally.
  9. Admit it: you were hoping for a Statue of Liberty double reverse hidden ball trick play.
  10. That's far too subdued a reaction given what you just saw. "Hate that playcall" is appropriate for a power draw on 3rd and 12 at the 50, or an empty backfield triple fly patterns on 4th and two from anywhere on the field. You just witnessed a fake option double pass throwback on third and two when we were controlling the game.
  11. Well, that scared the absolute **** out if me.
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