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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. ... Explain the hilarity please.
  2. Yeah, it's a predatory product.
  3. Snark aside, how could you ever support anyone with that kind of record of abusing power to the detriment of the country? These are facts.
  4. He's not wrong. It is the Republicans' fault. Had they actually been representing the people who voted for them instead of their donors, this situation wouldn't exist.
  5. Or Joey Galloway, or Chad Ochocinco, or Tim Wright
  6. Which policy is it that you support? The trading uranium to our enemies to secure private campaign funding? The establishing an illegal private email server in order to circumvent Congressional oversight? The lying to the parents of dead soldiers because it was politically convenient?
  7. Sure, unless the Senate says it doesn't. Because the Constitution does expressly place that charge in the hands of the Senate.
  8. Absolutely. That's actually spelled out in the product literature (note I said literature rather than prospectus, because the government has exempted itself from that law), where they guarantee that the investment cannot lose money.
  9. I'm an Origionalist. As the Constitution does not provide a definition or process by which the Senate is required to advise and consent, it leaves those determinations to the Senate itself. This is intentional.
  10. The role of an advisor is not to beat the bench mark indexes, it's great if they do, but it's not their purpose. Their purpose is to provide educated access to a wide variety of financial products designed for different people and situations, to help investors come up with detailed long and short term plans taking into account all factors that may impact them, to help individuals transition smoothly into retirement, and most importantly to guide their clients and help make sure they aren't making major mistakes out of ignorance or emotion which will harm their finances. The myRA is an undiversified platform which offers access to a single US Treasury security. The security offers a variable rate of return, and uses calculation projections using an interest rate of 2.5%.
  11. This is a pretty dopey thing to say.
  12. You'll note that the DOL rules are being implemented at the exact same time the Government rolled out the "myRA". The government wants access to the roughly 20 trillion dollars that Americans have in their retirement accounts, and this is their plan to get it.
  13. More importantly, it also vastly expands exactly who is considered a fiduciary. The large wire houses and brokerage firms, and their call center representatives will also be slapped with the label. The fallout for this will be that those firms will no longer answer questions or provide options to people holding work place accounts. The small investor will no longer have access to the retirement advice they need. It will also impact the entertainment industry. People like Suze Orman and Jim Kramer will also be considered fiduciaries, and will go off the air.
  14. The Senate can't do anything to prevent President Obama from nominating. The Senate Judiciary Committee doesn't have to do a damn thing once they've received the nomination.
  15. No, you aren't. Sanders stated that no one could know poverty like black Americans because they've never lived in the ghetto. I've demonstrated that many other Americans have lived in, or still do live in, the ghetto.
  16. Never mind the second inning, I'm not sure if they've even played the National Anthem yet.
  17. No, you're nothing more than a racist leftist.
  18. New packaging, same ****ty product.
  19. It leaves it open to law. Most Origionalists understand that the Founders intended that the Document itself should hold static meaning where it is express in it's definitions, with it's language mutable only through the prescribed Amendment process; but that the areas not defined should instead be subject to law and legislative process, which is fluid. There is a group of Origionalists which deviate from mainstream Origionalism (there are multiple Origionalist philosophies) who believe that the Constitution should be interpreted only through the lens of the law in 1787, and that's the strawman ...lybob is presenting. However even there is he is wrong because of the 14th.
  21. Origionalist philosophy endorses the Amendment process as a legitimate way to modify the Document.
  22. That's not an Origionalist viewpoint, that's a strawman substituted for an Origionalist viewpoint by leftists.
  23. Putting forth their own nominee, or accepting a nominee from anyone other than the executive, and then confirming him/her/Jenner as a Supreme Court Justice.
  24. Define "Natural Born Citizen", under Origionalist doctrine. Then, if you disagree that Cruz qualifies, tell me who has Constitutional standing to challenge. You're going to have trouble, given that Cruz was conferred US citizenship at the moment of his birth, and did not require naturalization. You'll have further trouble given that the Courts denied everyone standing to challenge Presidential Citizenship in recent years.
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