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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. Establishment Republicans have a big-government agenda that is not representative of what their base wants. After sending a wave of Republican Senators and Congressmen over the last two election cycles, their voices have still not been heard, and they are still not represented. In this way, Republicans are directly responsible for Trump's ascendancy. He is a big middle finger towards the establishment. The shame here, is that Trump does not represent conservative or libertarian values. He is a left-leaning proto-fascist strongman, and is a liar who will not follow through on his (often vague) promises. If elected, his ideology will become the face of Republicanism for the foreseeable future, and will herald a final departure from traditional conservative values in this country.
  2. Rex said the exact same thing about Karl Dunbar last year.
  3. Every argument I make is a very good argument. That's why I make them. The more often you find yourself in agreement with me, the more often you'll find yourself being right.
  4. He describes his politics as facist European hard right, and has open disdain for Jews and other ethnic minorities, going so far as to suggest a "one child" policy for American non-whites.
  5. I have no issues with this at all on the municipal level. It's worthwhile as an experiment, and if it works as a part of a solution, perhaps other cities will follow suit. Homelessness is a major problem. First of all, as Jim mentioned, a huge percentage of these people suffer from severe mental disorders, and another large chunk are veterans who were never able to reassimilate after returning from active duty. These are people we don't want slipping through the cracks. These are the people who we should be helping. To address some of Chef Jim's concerns, I don't think it's a one size fits all solution; but I certainly believe it could help in many cases. Many people who have disabilities and become homeless, are to some degree or another missing persons. They have available support networks from people who genuinely want to help them, but have no idea where they are. I think that this, combined with some of the other things Jim suggests could be effective, implemented at the municipal level.
  6. The poll numbers are "obtuse"? That's your word choice?
  7. The "punishment" was hilarious. Microsoft was made to provide Windows to a huge swath of public schools free of charge, giving them an even larger market share, and dealing a huge blow to Apple in the process.
  8. And the list of schools I'd be willing to pay for my kids to attend grows shorter and shorter.
  9. Oh, no. I unfortunately have. His "Trump won't tell us what he's going to do because he wants it to be a surprise" shtick was hilariously Pelosi-esque. I just didn't understand your post in relation to this thread. Perhaps I missed something?
  10. If you believe Ozy, that wouldn't be the dumbest thing you held to be true either.
  11. I'd prefer they be put on an island with a group of well read and well armed Constitutionalist classical liberals.
  12. Get the duck wings. Absolutely fantastic.
  13. The early Jews were essentially a theocratic war cult.
  14. Or perhaps for anything in return?
  15. So... Expressing support for a Presidential candidate will get you into the college's conduct violation process? That sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
  16. I'm not sure I understand the argument the two of you are having. Which of you is in favor of a ban on Muslim immigration, or believes it to be workable or reasonable?
  17. The Bills can control Tyrod for 3 more seasons without extending him. The Bills hold all the cards. Knock it off with this tired recycled garbage.
  18. !@#$ you. You're a liar.
  19. When he's acting like this, don't bother with trying to have a reasonable conversation with him. By doing so, you've allowed that his position is reasonable, and deserves a reasonable exchange. It isn't, and it doesn't. He is a liar who throws around unsubstantiated charges, and a shill who both invents "facts" about those he disagrees with, and white washes away the sins of those whom he does agree with. He should be treated as such when he acts this way. The only appropriate response is: "!@#$ you. You're a liar."
  20. Of course the same thing is true of the Democratic Party. That's the entire purpose of a two party system: to marginalize all non-establishment candidates in order to perpetuate the power structure.
  21. The Republican Party is not a democratic organization. It is a private entity, controlled and operated by political elites, with it's own set of rules, which are reestablished or amended annually in order that the establishment candidate gets the nomination. This is a feature, not a flaw. Big Government corporatists are elected because they are Big Government corporatists, not in spite of being Big Government corporatists.
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