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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. You're repetition of this phrase doesn't make it true. It's been explained to you quite logically, and many times, why money is in fact speech. You can't wish away the very real, and very different, costs of speaking across different mediums.
  2. Silencing free political speech doesn't suddenly and magically become virtuous just because you don't like individual outcomes.
  3. There is already an existing law related to pricing and suitability pertaining to keeping costs low for workplace investment plans, and another law requiring firms to shop their workplace plans every two years to make sure that costs remain competitive year over year as well, and not just at the time of purchase. As to "the guy selling you this crap", what was he exactly? The advisor who worked with the 401k your employer provided?
  4. I can't think of a single good reason to manage the 10k IRA under those conditions.
  5. At least "want to kill grandma" is related to Medicare and Social Security arguments, and "think of the children" is related to the Department of Education. This new nugget is completely unrelated to the complaint.
  6. Again, explain to me how something completely irrelevant to the new rule, and which will not be impacted by the new rule, justifies the rule
  7. Again, explain to me how something completely irrelevant to the new rule, and which will not be impacted by the new rule, justifies the rule.
  8. No, no... Explain to me how something completely irrelevant to the new rule, and which will not be impacted by the new rule, justifies the rule.
  9. A four year old OpEd about an institution that only deals with large institutional investors in a non-fiduciary capacity explains a lot about a rule being implemented which effects small individual retail investors and their relationships with their financial advisors? Go away.
  10. I suppose that's true if you a) believe making investment decisions is simple, b) believe most Americans have the necessary knowledge, research, and access to varied financial products to make wise investment decisions, and c) that most individuals make rational spending and investment decisions.
  11. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/merle-haggard-dead-legend-country-881402
  12. Agreed. I especially like his Alinskyesque 10 tips for dealing with liberals.
  13. GG is making the argument that I was leading into, and he's making it well, so I won't pile on. I'll rather simply state that he's meeting your argument exactly where it should be met, and he's doing so very fairly.
  14. You were saying? http://www.theguardian.com/news/2016/apr/05/justice-department-panama-papers-mossack-fonseca-us-investigation As I said, this entire story is nothing more than "be t3h OUTRAGE!!!!!111!!one!!11! about how much money the wealthy have!"
  15. I wonder if they've considered a logo with the Buffalo walking backwards, or possibly dying.
  16. Who gets these free political adds? Only major parties? Political action committees? National interest groups? Private non-associated individuals seeking to promote their view point?
  17. If he registers @tyrod5taylor.com as an email provider, I'd register an account there.
  18. They don't. The senate represents the states, which is why each state has the same amount of senators. But then, you knew that. You're just being an intentionally lousy poster as usual.
  19. This is what humans have been doing our entire history. I'm not going to get upset about humans being humans.
  20. First of all, if you think that this is anywhere near the top of the list of what people living in Saudi Arabia are "rightfully outraged" over then I don't know what to tell you. The truth is that dictators do this sort of thing. They always have, and always will. It's just one more thing that sucks about living in a ****ty third world country. As for the Western nations of associated persons having their "treasuries pilfered", that's a load. The largest "scandal" emerging is in Iceland, where the Prime Minister didn't sell a personal business he promised to sell when he was elected. No, Gregg, I will not be t3h OUTRAGED!!!!11!!1!!eleventy-one1!! And you shouldn't be either.
  21. I'd hardly call what he does "static". Static implies "white noise". I'd characterize what he does as a traffic jam.
  22. Who cares. This is nothing more than: "Be t3h OUTRAGE!!!11!one!!11!!! about wealthy individuals taxes!!!" The only thing remotely interesting about this story is the fact that, predictably, wealthy individuals living in places with VATs and very high progressive tax rates actively pull their money out of those economies.
  23. Again: this doesn't matter. At all.
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