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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. This is the sort of thing that should be handled by the states. Much like a federal minimum wage standard, it makes no sense to apply the same standard in rural Alabama as you would apply in San Francisco or New York City.
  2. When I first saw this thread, I read it as "George Zimmerman is Black", and I was like: "No he isn't... he's a freaking white Hispanic."
  3. This just reeks of some sort of rookie hazing ritual where former 1st round picks entering their third year jump kick the current 1st rounder in the shoulder. Thanks to Whaley's foresight this won't be an issue next season.
  4. Obama was young and completely inexperienced. He was a one term senator with no background as an executive in any capacity. He had zero experience running or managing anything. Then he spent the next 8 years on talk shows, and saturating the twittersphere. Love him or hate him, Trump at least has executive experience, and as I said, after the current President downgraded the office through his own choices, Trump was the next logical step in the regression.
  5. Retraction/correction at the bottom page 27 in fine print.
  6. Why does it surprise you? Our current President was essentially the "American Idol" candidate. We were only bound to regress from that.
  7. "As God"? Someone's feeling a bit overconfident today, now aren't they.
  8. http://abcnews.go.com/Business/nfls-atlanta-falcons-making-stadium-food-affordable/story?id=39121569
  9. Try not to piss in a sink or **** in a urinal.
  10. Only the least educated, or most insidiously revisionist could possibly look at US foreign policy, and the geo-political canvas in the early 1960's and conclude that the CIA tipped off the arrest of Nelson Mandela because of Apartheid.
  11. Stop being obtuse, and stop pretending that 1962 was the same as 1995. Nelson Mandela was a Communist terrorist, who openly supported our enemies during the Cold War.
  12. Again, the Democratic and Republican Parties are private entities, not government bodies, and are not beholden to the will of the people or democratic processes.
  13. It's not that they forget, it's that it doesn't fit the narrative, so they were never taught it. Mandella was a communist terror supporter durring the Cold War. That's why the CIA tagged him.
  14. The price of oil was much more impactful because of the socialist model in place.
  15. It's absolutely in poor taste, but what's to be done? It's his to sell, and some !@#$ will probably want to buy it.
  16. But I thought a person's sexual identity and sexuality was an essential part of who they are, and should not be discriminated against, and certainly not categorized as having a mental disorder. I mean, if a person with a Y chromosome who pretends that they don't, belongs to a sub-set of individuals with a 40% suicide rate, and possesses a desire to mutilate their body doesn't have a mental disorder; who the hell does?
  17. Whaley is getting much better with these pressers.
  18. And, as I said, replacement dollars will flow in. The NC business climate is very favorable compared to most other areas of the country.
  19. Capital flocks towards potential earnings. When vendors vacate, the vacuum will be filled by replacement profit seekers.
  20. More than enough business will flow to the state, or expand within the state, to make up the difference.
  21. Watkins at 95 on that list as well.
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