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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. He's going to be a mediocre super-villan until Wolverine gets ahold of him.
  2. The picture you offered wasn't an example of Donald Trump working with minorities. It was a chance photograph of individuals celebrating themselves at a meaningless honorific, which you have posited as evidence of a political position. Knock it off.
  3. The rich and famous co-mingle frequently, especially when offering each other meaningless honorifics. Your offering is absurd.
  4. My point being that the award in question had nothing at all to do with Trump's views on race or immigration. It was a chance photo taken of 100 honorees, and is being circulated today because of Ali's death. It's nonsense, and has no place in a 2016 political discussion.
  5. I take larger issue with the 60%, because they don't vote their concience.
  6. I would start Nagbe, and bring Pulisic off the bench as a high energy super sub in order to keep his confidence up.
  7. I'm more than a bit jealous of the zoo employee who got to shoot the gorilla. First of all, who could have possibly guessed that zoos employ sharp shooters who stand ready to kill on a moments notice? Secondly, this has to be the only job in the world which not only legalizes and empowers, but actually demands, someone shooting endangered species. I can think of at least one infamous dentist who might be considering a career change.
  8. Send me a PM, Kirby. I'll be thrilled to wear your hat!
  9. There aren't many jobs out there for graduates boasting degrees in Womens or Ethnic Studies, listing radical social activist groups on their resumes, and arrests for civil disobedience on their background checks. These !@#$s will by and large find themselves working at Target, Best Buy, and the like.
  10. I think you're going to see a real breakout year this year, and that you would have seen it last year if not for the double groin tears. I'm betting on a season where Woods has 70 catches, 900 yards, and 7 TD. I'll wager a Bills hat or visor on it, if you're willing to bite.
  11. I can see him having a 2-3 season run of 80 or so catches, 1000 or so yards, and 7-10 TDs. I think that's his ceiling. Yeah, that was fantastic.
  12. I'm not saying he'll have the same sort of career Ward had. What I'm saying is that he has the same skill set, and I believe has the potential to have a few years with Hines Ward type production while he's in his prime.
  13. The Clintons are as Machiavellian as anyone in the history of the world. I don't believe her for a moment.
  14. Meanwhile, in a destabilized Middle East and Northern Africa: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/cutaneous-leishmaniasis-disfiguring-tropical-disease-sweeps-across-middle-east-a7056741.html
  15. I'll go on record saying Woods ceiling is Hines Ward.
  16. War should never be entered in to without absolute necessity, but when you must go to war, the only moral action a nation can take is to conduct total war against the enemy in a way the a) ends the war as quickly and decisively as possible, b) saves as many lives of the citizens and soldiers of your nation state as possible, and c) spends the least amount of your nation's treasure as possible. Any other actions taken are unjust abuses of government against it's own people. Nations survive by making examples of other nations.
  17. I'm having a bastard of a time finding the source. I, for some reason, did not save it in my archive. I will produce it, it will take some time.
  18. This already happens in New England, one Massachusetts judge ruling that a former resident whom had sold all property in MA, and moved to Florida several years prior, was "still a Massachusetts resident at heart", and was therefore still obligated to pay his Mass taxes, back, current, and future.
  19. Getting 5% of the national vote gets the party access to the Federal Elections Fund grant, which is a game changer for the Libertarian Party in the long game. That's the goal.
  20. Don't make jokes about things like that. It's how the Shah tore his labia.
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