You're an idiot.
I have been profiled, and aggressively policed by officers looking for someone who met my description.
The difference is, I was 100 % compliant. I didn't talk. I put both hands on my steering wheel, and allowed myself to be physically extracted from my vehicle. I allowed the officers to take me to the pavement, face down, and restrain me. I submitted to their search.
And you know what?
It worked out fine. That's what you do in that situation.
For the police, every situation is an armed encounter, because they are armed; and you don't know the reason, nor should you, in a situation in which the police have reason to believe that you might be an armed suspect.
As for profiling, it is a legitimate tool of policing.
Unfortunately for black Americans, they, as a race, commit an incredibly disproportionate amount of crimes for the percentage of the population they make up. They make up 12% of the population, but commit approximately 50% of the murders in this country.
If black Americans don't want to be profiled, then they need to look inward to their communities to solve the problems; and as the solution must embrace more policing of their own neighborhoods to bring down crime rates.