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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. Garapaloesque injury for Kessler. The Charlie Whitehurst era has now begun in Cleveland. Including Pryor, the Browns have now used 5 QBs through 5 games. Factory of Saddness indeed.
  2. Martellus Bennett down with what looks to be a knee.
  3. Gah.... Unreadable wall of text. Paragraphs, man. Paragraphs.
  4. http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/27632/ Leave it to these idiots to ask for a "decolonization" of English. It's English! They invented it! Colonization would actually be exactly what they are intending to do by removing English influences from English.
  5. The portion of the electorate that is religious looks to their elected representative to be religious, because they desire a shared morality. The philosophy that gave birth to Western Democracy is rooted deeply in Judeo-Christian morality. Odd how religious voters seek to protect themselves from wolves like yourself who believe the moral code which created the greatest, most prosperous nation on Earth, is no more than "voodoo" and "magic spells" by electing like minded individuals.
  6. Clay is a fantastic blocker at the point of attack, and they do split him out wide as well.
  7. Coates: 490 catches for NE Gronk: 381 catches for NE
  8. I understand, given what you've volunteered about your heritage, that this is an issue you find yourself very close to. I also understand that I'm not likely to change your mind on this; but I will ask you to take a step back, and think about what he actually said, and his history of not actually being a racist. He made a political point, after a wave of violent crimes being committed by illegal immigrants, and the drug war broiling along our southern border that were being ignored by major media outlets. The percentage of undocumented women coming across our border who report being raped in staggering. Trump attempted to speak to these issues; but because he is a complete moron, and an inarticulate boob, it comes across as Ozy fodder. In fact, Trump is so dumb, and so inarticulate that I would actually prefer him to be a vocal racist, as that would be much less harmful to our country should he be elected.
  9. I think it really depends. If Clinton wins, and Republicans haven't reformed their brand, I think it creates an opportunity. If Trump wins and the Republican brand goes down in flames, I think it creates an opportunity.
  10. You know where I stand on Trump; however I don't find what he said to be racist at all. Trump is an inarticulate buffoon, and doesn't speak well to his points at all.
  11. I think he does it in 4 years. Johnson is a lousy candidate, and Weld isn't even a libertarian. What Johnson/Weld will accomplish, however, is getting the Libertarian Party access to the Federal Election Funds Grant.
  12. Howard Zinn was an unapologetic anti-American Communist who didn't believe one should look at history objectively, but rather that you should selectively work it backwards with an agenda so that you can manipulate "history" to be more conducive to your social and political agenda here and now. He was a complete piece of ****, and so is the book you referenced.
  13. When does Jeremy White's All-22 review come out?
  14. You're referring to the pink hats. The reason you can't tell the difference is likely because you are one. Actual Red Sox fans are some of the most knowledgeable in all of sports; both in terms of baseball history and sabermetrics, and they are genuinely a humble bunch of fans, having been die-hards long before 2004. The pink hats are the merry band of idiots, front runners, and johnny-come-latelys who showed up on or shortly after October 20, 2004; matriculating over from Gillette Stadium, which they didn't actually know hosted an NFL team until 2001, and are woefully unaware that the Patriots had actually been to two prior Super Bowls or that the most prolific TE in their franchise's history is actually Ben Coates. This aligns perfectly which the dipshits from the City whose mouths inexplicable spout out useless garbage like "JETAH!!!" and "27 RINGS BAWSTUN SUX!!!"
  15. The First Amendment protects individuals rights to practice their religion in ways which do not violate the rights of others, and to associate freely with others of their choosing (which logically includes the right to choose not to associate). As such, the FADA not only passes the Constitutionality test, but is unnecessary because it is a redundancy.
  16. What you just posted doesn't make a lick of sense, other than the "don't vote for Trump" part. The First Amendment does not protect individuals who seek to impose many of the tenants of Sharia, which stand in opposition the First Amendment itself. As such, your argument here is that The First Amendment protects the government violating the First Amendment. So, by all means, please enjoy some mustard with that pretzel.
  17. No. Same standard applies in high school and college.
  18. Bobby Woods doesn't dance. Dance Bobby Woods'.
  19. It addresses the issue through it's very existence. The Constitution was intended as the High Law in the United States. There is no law higher, which is why all other laws must appeal to it in their creation. As such, only laws which submit to the strict Constitutional guidelines are permissible. Islam is not only a religion. It is a culture and a way of life. Sharia Law, which is the cornerstone of Islamic culture and religion, is set forth as the only permissible High Law for Muslims. This is incompatible with the Constitution, as the Constitution expressly forbids state sponsored religion, and Religion as State. The Constitution, through is basic construction, was an absolute rebuke of the Divine Right of Kings; as it separated America from such rulership in favor of the philosophies of the enlightenment; specifically Lockean philosophy as pertains to The Rights of Man and self determination.
  20. True Red Sox fans don't have much of an overlap with Patriots fans. The Patriots fans base is comprised largely of pink hats and Yankee fans who are nothing more than Johnny come latelys and front runners.
  21. I'm not name calling. I'm stating that anyone who believes the Constitution makes clear way for the practice of a Religion which subjugates the Constitution itself to a religious text which demands it's be the guiding rule of law (Sharia), is an idiot. I'll ask you again: explain how the Constitution doesn't address this issue.
  22. Offense: LeShady McCoy John Miller Tyrod Taylor Eric Wood Defense: Zach Brown Jerry Hughes Kyle Williams Aaron Williams
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