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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. Correct. I believe that most people have no business procreating. They are either too stupid, lack parenting skills, or have low morals; and their children are usually ****ty because of it, and make the world a worse place.
  2. This is just dopey. One thing I'm certain of though, is that Sammy must have enormous balls given the way that you love to swing on them.
  3. There are lots of children I wish hadn't been conceived, always out of compassion for those children, and those they will interact with throughout their lives. And I'm not at all concerned with your opinions, given that I am a private person whose actual reputation doesn't depend on insults I may or may not make towards my fan base.
  4. I'll take your action.
  5. Correct. You go into business to make a profit, and you get out when the time is right to maximize it.
  6. I need to clarify the remarks in the first place because you lack reading comprehension. I know this because you still don't understand as evidenced by your above post.
  7. The Democratic Party has been successfully campaigning against George W. Bush and neo-conservative policy for the past 12-16 years, and George W. Bush wasn't all that bad of a President. Trump is a proto-fascist. Trump is a Nativist. Trump is a nationalist. These are facts. This is not intended to shame, rather to inform. It will not be hard to campaign as the "anti-Trump opposition" once he begins to fail in office both domestically and on the international stage, which he will for multiple reasons which have been discussed here ad nauseam, and with his brand now tied directly to conservatism, the House and Senate will be lost, and "conservatism" will be rejected. Conversely, if Hillary Clinton wins she will be a one term President, and the death knell for the socialist state for several generations. Clinton would be being decimated in the polls by anyone with negatives better than Trump. She is scandal ridden, and that will persist. Obamacare will collapse around her, terror attacks will spike, and we will suffer another recession. 12 years of left leaning policy will be identified as the culprit, and actual conservatism will have the opportunity to have a re-birth in her wake.
  8. I have empathy for those who aren't blessed with ability or ingenuity, and never get out. I have none for those who do, but still act like trash. That's a slap at Sammy, and the type of person he is, and the type of role model he is for his kids. Hopefully his kids will wind up being better people that he is. Again, reading comprehension.
  9. I put more stock in character than you do, apparently. I don't care for MacGregor at all either.
  10. That's self evident. You're defending a piece of ****.
  11. I couldn't say, nor could anyone with just a touch of reading comprehension.
  12. It takes a piece of **** to defend a piece of ****.
  13. I grew up poor in a black neighborhood in north Las Vegas. I was fortunate to have a two parent family, and my parents worked their asses off to make sure that were able to rectify a lot of major mistakes they made in order that I have a better life. By the time I was 6 they had gotten us out of the area, and moved cross country where we lived with my paternal grandparents for two years while my father started a new career in his early 30's. They were never very successful, but they passed along their work ethic to my siblings and I. I went to college, and after graduating, started a small business which grew into a small chain which I sold in my early 30's. While I held the businesses, I worked around 90 or so hours/week on average, often sleeping in my office. After selling, and taking a year off to enjoy life and my family, I went back to work in the finance sector, which affords me a great deal more time. The larger point is that upbringing doesn't matter. We don't get graded, as individuals, on a curve. Sammy has already told me everything I need to know about him to form an opinion, and I don't much care for who he is as a man.
  14. Hardly knee jerk. He's nothing more than trash on a holiday. When I was 23 years old I owned an operated my own successful small business eventually selling that, and other businesses years later. Sammy is a grown ass man, and if didn't want to create this perception of himself, he shouldn't have.
  15. /facepalm The President becomes the defacto face of the party he represents. If Trump becomes elected, whether you and others who feel as you do like it or not, Trump's brand of proto-fascist Nativist nationalism becomes what the Republican party represents; and will be what is campaigned against for the next 4-5 Presidential election cycles. You'll see a hyper-shift towards the extreme left in this country that will make Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama look right-center, as the "Trump Opposition Party" takes deep roots after he crashes and burns. By the time Republicans, if they even exist anymore, have a chance at the Oval Office; the country won't be recognizable anymore. The best thing that can possibly happen for the long and intermediate term future of our country is for Clinton to be elected, suffer a one term presidency rife with scandal and a likely recession, allowing for Republicans to learn from the Trump ascension, and become a party representative of the People. Good job, though, with your grand plan to flush the backbone of the country down the toilet for good. /golf clap
  16. No he isn't. He's the vote that permanently destroys conservatism in this country.
  17. I judge him based on how he comports himself in public. He acts like white trash with a big pay day, and we all have little jobs. The world needs far fewer Sammy Watkins'. It's too bad that he already procreated.
  18. I won't be holding my breath. My least favorite Bill. I don't like him as a person. I can't wait until he's gone regardless of talent level.
  19. Tyrod, Orton and Rabb. That sounds about right.
  20. He does call plays. All of the Red Zone plays.
  21. Given the major disparity between situational play calling inside the red zone and the rest of the field, Thurmond is tasked with running the base defense for the team including all plays outside the 20, while Rob Ryan breaks down nothing but the offensive tendencies inside the red zone and calls those plays.
  22. Horseshit. The great thing about web forums is that they save what you post for others to read. If you didn't mean what you wrote, then perhaps you should learn to express yourself better, or stop making poor arguments. It's not anyone else's fault when you communicate poorly. Again, the great thing about web forums is that they save what you post for others to read. I tried, very hard, to communicate to you why your argument is terrible with much less verbose posts over the last few pages of this thread. It's there for anyone to go back and read. It's not my fault that you are too stupid to understand my earlier attempts, and required a much lengthier explanation. Again, do better.
  23. The element that appears racist, whether it is your intention or not, is that you have attributed, as a blanket, what you consider to be negative attributes to an entire race of people as a basis for not enacting reasonable, practical, and moral immigration reform. The reality is that we share a 1989 mile border with Mexico, and as long as America represents a First World economy and Mexico and her southern neighbors Third World economies, immigration here will be the norm. Obviously we need secure borders, and no one here disagrees with that, however your preferred method does nothing to solve what your perceive to be the problem, but rather serves to exacerbate it. Currently there exists somewhere between 11-20 million illegal immigrants in this country, with the overwhelming majority arriving here being of Hispanic descent, crossing our southern border. However this number also accounts for some estimated 4-5 million individuals who arrived here legally, and outstayed their visas due to an unbelievably incompetent, inefficient, expensive, and lengthy immigration process. Lets address this latter group first. The individuals arriving here legally through our visa process were permitted through the proper channels, and made lives here. They were largely either educated in our University system, possessed a marketable skill set American employers considered valuable which could not be obtained at reasonable cost in the domestic labor market, or were members of the immediate family members of those individuals. After either graduating, or leaving employment their visas expired, but because of the gross unwieldliness of our system, their requests for extension or citizenship aren't met by the government by the end of the government imposed deadline, and they slip out of the system. They have been here for years legally, have established productive lives, raised families, and greatly contributed to the American economy. The system, and America has failed them, not the other way around, and they should not be punished for this. The second group largely lives in the shadows. They, upon arrival, become part of a First Generation underclass as part of the massive black market labor economy. That, however, is deceptive as their black market contributions are funneled into the "legitimate" economy as their labor is converted into real capital largely the form of food and energy, but also in a massive portion of the menial service industry. The effect of their low cost labor works to drive down the prices of good and services in a very noticeable way. As an example, Dole pays guest workers here legally to pick lettuce, approximately $8.40/hour. These workers are required to harvest 3000 heads per day of lettuce each. The days are long, physically debilitating, and are conducted in the heat of the South West. $8.40 is a generous wage, paid legally, for the work. A far lower wage is paid by companies smaller than Dole, who pay piece work, by the bushel rather than by the hour. And do you know what that means? It means that Americans like yourself don't have to pay $20 for a head of lettuce. This extrapolates across the entire American economy, making the relative luxury of an American working class lifestyle possible. Given their transience, they don't draw on the system in any meaningful way (the exception being liberal sanctuary states who seek to push benefits on them, though that's a separate argument about benefits rather than an argument about immigration) The reality is that the children and grand children of these immigrants are the first generation that has a chance to assimilate, just as it has been with every other wave of immigrants the country has seen. The difference between what is happening now and what came before, is that this new group of children of immigrants is being actively prevented from assimilating into society because they, being here for two and three generations, never knowing a life anywhere else, and having no roots anywhere else are being told that they have to remain in the shadows, else a large percentage of the population would like to forcibly send them, or their parents whom risked life and limb, and toiled mercilessly to earn their children a better life, to a country in which they themselves have never lived, breaking up their families. Of course people treated like this won't embrace America. America won't allow it. Further, when you take an entire race of people and demonize them as you have, by attributing these negative attributes to them those individuals who are American citizens, but share Hispanic heritage are going to take umbrage. What else can they possibly do?
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