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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. LOL. If you want to argue that "Never Hillary" and therefore Trump as the lesser of two evils, then fine. I disagree with you, but fine. Don't try to pretend that Trump is a candidate of any individual merit whatsoever, though. That's just !@#$ing laughable.
  2. Life isn't graded on a curve. If you''d ever actually achieved anything, you'd know that. The only difference between Sammy and the other garbage he few up around is that he's faster, and has better hands.
  3. Another dope. At least you admitted you're a kitty.
  4. Greatest American poet of the 20th Century.
  5. I think Condi could be recruited, given the state of the world; and I don't disagree with you about Pence today, but a lot can change in four years.
  6. Off the top of my head? Nikki Haley, Mike Pence, Tim Scott, Rand Paul, Mitch Daniels, Greg Abbott, Scott Walker, Tom Cotton, Mitt Romney, Ted Cruz, Charlie Baker, John Kasich, Condi Rice... And that's just off the top of my head. Edit: derp... Rubio and Ryan.
  7. The GOP has a very deep bench.
  8. The Trump Taint will be greatly diminished if he loses the election, affording the GOP the chance to completely rebrand itself. If he wins, that's where the real damage is done.
  9. Do you find my parents stupid, having poor parenting skills, or having low morals?
  10. Probably, but in this instance it would be more accurately stated that I just don't have any use for useless or ****ty people. And if you're willing to be honest with yourself, neither do you.
  11. Spitting on someone is assault. People go to jail for assault all the time, including spitting.
  12. "Health care insurance shoppers [in MN] will see premium increases that range from 50 percent to 67 percent on their plans for next year." Why, who ever could have predicted it?!?!?
  13. I'm not asking you to support my celebrity in order to earn a paycheck.
  14. So you've finally realized how dopey you look and are going to walk away with your tail between your legs, as you should. Works for me. Next time try playing with someone in your own league and you won't take such a beating.
  15. It is absolutely his right to voice is opinion, and it is everyone else's right to voice theirs about his.
  16. You think that because you apparently aren't that bright, and can't discern the difference between someone saying that they wish someone hadn't procreated, and attacking their children. It's not even a fine line. It shouldn't be hard. But for you, it apparently is.
  17. If you stick around, you'll find that the more often you agree with me, the more often you'll find yourself being on the proper side of things.
  18. Celebrities who want to enjoy the perks of their fame, but not take responsibility for their words and actions say that. The reality is that our society holds these people up as role models, for better or worse. And yes, it was cool of McCoy to get them tickets.
  19. Respect is something to be earned, not given, and no one is entitled to it simply by virtue of being. Lots of people don't think Colin Kaepernick is deserving of their respect, and they are entitled to tell him that.
  20. I'm blaming your apparent willful ignorance of the English language at this point.
  21. I'm assuming that's a sound that's familiar and very personal to you then? Seems very specific. Like you might have an "intimate" understanding.
  22. Then you should do exactly that.
  23. How does a beer sound to you?
  24. What's the wager? It is America after all, so I suppose you're free to be wrong.
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