Good, so we agree. The only difference between us is that I have a different standard.
I look at moral and societal decay, and the things that have become accepted in a world turned upside-down, and I draw my line there.
Drug users who have multiple children out of wedlock, who play at being "college educated" but whom in reality can't string together a coherent written sentence because they didn't have the intellectual integrity to take advantage of the resources offered by one of the better Universities in the country, and then talks down to hard working individuals about their "little jobs", when the only thing he's ever brought to the table in his own life is the fact that he was born an athletic freak, which in and of itself offers no redeeming value to anyone other than sycophants who will excuse everything else because of the laundry he wears on Sundays.
I don't need that guy, and neither does society; sycophants and their gladiator sports be damned.