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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. So your a militant evangelical atheist? Also, your understanding of the history of the First Amendment as applies to religious freedom is completely wrong. The reason for the Amendment is that the Founders were throwing off the Divine Right of Kings in favor of the Lockean Rights of Man. They were rejecting a government in which the Ruler declared his absolute right to govern and his power over his subjects was Divine. Further, it is important to note that the freedom of religion is not the freedom from religion, and was never intended to be.
  2. ... I'll just point out that I find it "interesting" that you would call me an idiot for pointing out a Constitututional provision, then refer to the Constitutional provision itself to mark me as correct, and then to summarize by admitting your own complete ignorance of the topic. Good work there.
  3. I strongly disagree on Groy. He's going to be a major issue going forward.
  4. I'm all for the abolition of the IRS and the elimination of income taxes; but even if they exist, the tax break for married couples is in place because it rewards societally beneficial behavior by incentivizing the nuclear family. The non-nuclear family doesn't deserve the same incentives, as it produces worse results. Now, before anyone gets their panties in a twist, remember my preference is the elimination of the income tax; but if we're going to have it, lets remember the purpose of tax incentives. The thing is, that if you have a strong moral inclination about the issue, as many conservatives, libertarian, and other right leaning people do; you can't leave it on the table. There were 1.2 million abortions performed in the United States in 2015, as compared to an estimated 15,000 deaths caused by ISIS. If you believe abortion is murder, then the first is a much larger problem that requires attention. Now don't get me wrong I'm not naïve, and am aware that pushing this issue burns all the political capital the right has; which is why you make it what you do after you've already achieved your other benchmarks. Punch them in the mouth on taxes and the first two amendments, THEN grab them by the kitty on abortion.
  5. I don't think that would be beneficial. Actually, it could wind up detrimental in the event of war.
  6. - A firm recodification of the freedoms or speech and religion, protecting them from assault from social justice warriors in the guise of some ill-conceived notion that equality should trump individual liberty. - An absolute affirmation that the second amendment intended the individual right to bear arms, and that that right clearly confirms the right to acquire and own ammunition. - The reassertion of States Rights - The prohibition of state sponsored universal health care or single payer
  7. Let's amend the numeric order to ...{snip}... 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 47...{snip}...
  8. I could care less about Gay rights/marriage. My preferred solution is to get the government out of the marriage business completely. As far as abortion goes, it's not a settled issue so long as a significant portion of the population believes it to be a murder of convenience.
  9. Not a thread about Federal offices or election victories. Exclusively about state legislatures and amending the Constitution.
  10. I mentioned this in another thread, but thought it deserved it's own, because it really is the most profound outcome of this most recent election cycle. Republicans now control enough of the individual state legislatures that they can actually begin the process of amending the Constitution in meaningful ways which draw out any ambiguity from prior amendments, hard codifying the 1st and 2nd amendments, protecting them from leftist challenges regardless of who sits on the bench for the next few hundred years. Religious protections, the right to bear arms, abortion... This is where the culture war should be waged, and won.
  11. I agree 100% and believe he'd be an excellent Justice. I just don't think his political enemies will allow it to happen.
  12. It would, but I think he's burned enough bridges there that they won't reward him to get rid of him. Even if he gets every Republican to back him, which he won't, the Democrats most certainly filibuster him, because in addition to their dislike of him, there's no way they allow an outspoken originalist on the Court. He never gets a supermajority of 60. Edit: I just heard something absolutely fascinating that I hadn't considered before. The left has been so strongly rebuked by the national electorate that Republicans now hold 69% of all state legislatures. Republicans can actually begin amending the Constitution if they'd like. That's even more of a game changer than controlling the Court.
  13. There is no way Trump appoints Cruz, and even if he did, there is no way the Senate confirms him.
  14. You mean the birther movement started by Hillary Clinton in the primaries? That one?
  15. What's deplorable about being a creationist?
  16. I think that's everyone's great fear.
  17. It's a bit of gloating in the faces of the !@#$s who've been pissing on them and telling them to get to the back of the bus for the last 8 years. Comeuppance is a B word.
  18. I am absolutely giddy watching all the bleeding heart snowflakes I know completely melt down today. It's incredible watching the bile soaked hate spewing out of their mouths, calling everyone who disagrees with them hateful. It's like I've been swimming in a pool of irony all day. These are the people who the electorate just slapped across the face with an open palm. You can't talk down to people, unjustly label them bigots, constantly mocking their beliefs and way of life, and working to marginalize them; and expect them to roll over and die, capitulating to your every whim, especially while you're asking them to pay for everything. The next few years while they spend the entire time trying to more deeply fracture the country while blaming Republicans for what they're doing should be interesting.
  19. Ginsburg is the only one I care actually follows through.
  20. Gingrich as SoS is horrifying to contemplate.
  21. Easy there... that's what go Anthony Weiner into all that trouble.
  22. from your link: I'm surprised by the level of introspection, but the kid actually summed it up very well.
  23. As an aside, I would love to be on a college campus this morning to watch thousands of snowflakes melting. All those !@#$s who labeled any support for Trump as hate speech... What will they do now?
  24. They didn't in this election either. They voted less Republican than they have over the last 20+ years. Clinton was simply such a poor candidate that she didn't bring out support. If the Democrats run a batter candidate, they win those states. Again: this election result was a rebuke of Clinton, nothing more.
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