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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. Ben Shapiro has nothing nice to say about the guy. He actually said that he's one of the very worst human beings that he's ever met. But he was absolutely emphatic that he was not a bigot or anti-semitic.
  2. My purpose was to initiate discussion. My take away is more of a "why people think the way they do", than a deep analysis of population density by demographic. (I'll also point out that this wasn't a simple analysis of hate crimes against black people, but against any group identity (whites, Hispanics, women, gays, Jews, etc.) I'm advancing the idea there are more bigots doing bigoted things in urban centers, which is perhaps why people in urban centers view this as a problem; where as people in rural areas see these sorts of events so infrequently that they view them as very isolated incidents and a non-problem.
  3. To be fair, urban areas are far more segregated than rural America.
  4. http://www.breitbart.com/texas/2016/11/15/fbi-legit-hate-crimes-prevalent-blue-states/
  5. It may mark the first time in decades a feminist leftist has ever advocated for earlier term abortions.
  6. I used to think exactly as you do, but the "shout your abortion" crowd really changed my perspective on that. Just 15 or so years ago, anyone espousing the idea that publicly embracing their abortion as a point of pride would have been rejected and shamed into silence, their view points decimated.
  7. That's correct. I could have been more clear.
  8. As I said, the belief itself is not necessarily a religious one. Believing that life begins at conception does not require you to be religious.
  9. He's a street FA who wasn't rostered until week 11.
  10. Abortion, and the belief that life begins at conception are not Christian (religious) beliefs. They are a secular belief that many Christians (religious people) trend towards because Christians (the religious) tend to hold the lives of the innocent in higher regard than the non-religious/atheists/agnostics.
  11. Not only didn't Kaepernick vote, neither did more than half of the anti-Trump protesters in Oregon. Idiots.
  12. So this is an argument for late term abortions then as well? An advocation for partial birth, and an floating position on when life begins based on nothing more than the whims of the individual woman in her individual circumstances? Sally says her 8 mo. pregnancy isn't a life, so she gets to terminate at her leisure, but Tammy goes in to labor prematurely, and has her baby at 7 mo. and it's completely viable? Your standard is laughable because it lacks any consistency, and places the standard of when human life begins on nothing more than the arbitrary whims on other individuals, regardless of science; not to mention that it's morally reprehensible. Do you also advocate for the wholesale slaughter of toddlers born into poor circumstances? Or is your absurd position linked solely to what side of a vagina a person resides on? As for the sex portion: use birth control or stick it in her ass.
  13. Good grief. Milo would be a worse choice than Bannon...
  14. Grab her by the kitty.
  15. But that's just it: it's not the reproductive control business, it's the protection of natural human rights business; which starts with the notion that the unborn has the right to life, which includes not being killed by their mothers because their mothers were sexually irresponsible and now find them to be inconvenient.
  16. Why? And if so, who does Pence nominate?
  17. I'm pretty sure that's an androgynous chick.
  18. LOL... That's fantastic.
  19. Title IX needs to be done away with completely.
  20. His economic team did confirm yesterday that they'd be looking to repeal the DOL fiduciary rule, and parts of Dodd-Frank; as reported by Finsum.
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