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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. If Clay is missing, that's a huge blow to the running game; however family is more important. Wishing the expanding Clay family well.
  2. Oh great. This moron is back.
  3. Holy revisionism Bat Man!
  4. Let me get there please.
  5. Your friend doesn't care much for, or give reverence to, Jesus or the Bible, as they made clear with that statement, and thereby has no understanding of Satan. Do what you will.
  6. So you believe markets for the products/services produced by Carrier to be limitlessly elastic... And I'm the one who has issues with my understanding of economics? Also, I'll gladly point out that the ideals you are espousing are not capitalism. So I assume your argument is that something other than capitalism is the best economic system.
  7. You didn't answer the questions. You posted a bumper sticker slogan.
  8. ... Exactly how elastic do you believe the demand for industrial heating and cooling systems to be? Exactly how many government contracts for these types of products are needed?
  9. That's because, as we both know, politicians are more interested in optics than realities; and while the "saved jobs" at Carrier are very visible, the corresponding job losses with their competitors will be in the shadows.
  10. You need to understand that the President cannot, fundamentally cannot, "save jobs" by picking winners and losers. The President, under the Obama Doctrine you seem so quick to embrace, can only choose to save some jobs at the expense of other jobs.
  11. How cleverly dismissive of you. Oh, wait... no it isn't.
  12. You're using a subjective standard for "good" and "bad"; and legitimizing all of the actions you deem to be "bad" by legitimizing the powers used to do "bad". Again, your guy will not always hold the Presidency; and those you disagree with have a different subjective view of what is "good" and what is "bad", and will use those powers to do what you believe is "bad" in the name of what they believe is "good". This is no way to run a country, and the Founders knew this, which is why they went to great lengths to limit this sort of nonsense. But hey, perhaps you're personally more comfortable living under a system with strong strains of monarchy running through it.
  13. His point is about the legitimate powers of the executive. The very reason for the separation of powers. You can't be accepting of what President-Elect Trump has done without being accepting of what President Obama has done, as each had the same mandates given their elections. The same goes for all future presidents, and their eventual actions. The Executive branch is the most dangerous branch to vest with unilateral powers, as it is the most consolidated; and whatever powers you vest your guy with will eventually be vested with a guy who is decidedly not yours, which is what Democrats are dealing with today. But my all means, double down. EDIT: Perhaps I shouldn't put words into LA's mouth, but that was what I inferred his point to be, and it's certainly my point.
  14. Process is more important than individual outcomes. By accepting President-Elect Trump's actions you legitimize not only President Obama's actions, but all actions along these lines taken by future presidents.
  15. CNN crew jokes about Donald Trump's plane crashing Video available at link.
  16. I like it from the perspective of it being a pilot program. At this point it's impossible to say if it will improve things, but it certainly can't hurt. The league has a grading system by which they score the quality of their officials both by individual and team performance. One would assume that if scores objectively improve, the league will expand the program, and if they don't they won't.
  17. Does Lynn own a home in Buffalo, or has he been staying at a Holiday Inn Express?
  18. Would love to see Cutler surface in Buffalo.
  19. I completely missed it. I assume the offending posts must have been deleted. Thanks.
  20. When did ...lybob get the ban-hammer, and for what? I mean, I couldn't stand the guy, but seriously, for what?
  21. His Matt Walsh? So not only is he a plagiarist, he's also a slave owner?
  22. Every thread is a Tyrod excuse thread.
  23. What could Bush have done to prevent the GR? Seriously, given time lines, and what was (not) known about the bloated housing bubble at the time, what could he have done? Go.
  24. picking up where I left off with a different poster: His contract locks him up through 2018, and is an expensive contract for a player whose production relies almost exclusively on his legs, and will be at the age where runners begin to decline at the beginning of next season. With a decline in athleticism, speed, and explosiveness, either through injury or age; Tyrod's production will not warrant his contract. You want to pay future dollars for past performance. I understand that we're likely seeing peak Tyrod, and don't want to do that.
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