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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. Oh look, someone who knows nothing about guns making a gun argument.
  2. You absolutely can and should go 100% defined contribution. Education surrounding the importance of saving and investing for retirement and other financial goals need to be a staple of our education system. Couple that with financially incentivizing employers to increase their participation on their employees behalf via the tax code, and you'll solve the problem. Defined benefits plans aren't financially viable to offer anymore, which is why they are rapidly disappearing from the private sector.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIVrvihtKgE
  4. Then fight that fight with the unions. It's not a battle they can win.
  5. People spend well above their means, and could easily save more with different, more responsible priorities. Education isn't a silver bullet, but it's damn close.
  6. Which is exactly what they should be doing.
  7. You'll have to be more specific. Some state pensions are well run, and others are disasters waiting to happen (like the Rhode Island state pension fund). A disaster for whom exactly? State employee pensioners who live off a largess doled out to them by tax-payers whose state governments are going broke and will have to foot the bill? Tough cookies. They should be in the same boat as everyone else. The real issue here is financial education, which should be required curriculum in every school at every grade level post basic arithmetic.
  8. Where is the option for "a deluge of stupid message board polls"?
  9. Let's wait until the evidence comes out, shall we?
  10. It's a sport dominated by mechanical engineers, usually from prestigious universities in the North East.
  11. I agree. New Jersey is obscene and un-American.
  12. Merseyside for sure. The traffic around Anfield is horrendous.
  13. Milo isn't even a US citizen.
  14. Oh, look. Another Roddenberry socialist.
  15. Milo is a fantastic lightening rod. Absolutely brilliant.
  16. Racism will be an issue until we stop caring about race, and until people stop caring where people come from, and begin to focus onwhere they are going.
  17. Rasmussen only polls likely voters.
  18. This is absolutely terrifying. The most dangerous parts of the federal government are in open rebellion against the democratic process.
  19. This was what I had intended, but did not articulate well. While I strive for brevity, the simple "No" was clearly not enough.
  20. You're making an argument in favor of moral relativism, FYI.
  21. No he didn't. He advocated funding for individuals seeking to change their sexual behavior. He made no mention at all of homosexuals. Again, your distaste for religion and those who follow it does not qualify you to judge the sanity of those who practice it. Further, I don't remember seeing riots in the streets when Jimmy Carter or George W. Bush were in office. I think folks would be just fine. And I they weren't? Who cares.
  22. He's a main stream evangelical. He's hardly a nut. Your distaste for people of faith does not qualify you to judge their sanity.
  23. "The larger issue that should trouble the American people is the far-reaching power of unknown, unelected apparatchiks in the Intelligence Community deciding for themselves both who serves in government and what is an acceptable policy they will allow the elected representatives of the people to pursue," said the national security adviser quoted above. "Put aside the issue of Flynn himself; that nameless, faceless bureaucrats were able to take out a president's national security adviser based on a campaign of innuendo without evidence should worry every American."
  24. No. The Caucasian drivers get to go straight, because "white privilege".
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