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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. I think it will be one of the more interesting matchups games of the knockout stage. My guess is that it will come down to the fitness of Barca's midfield, and Enrique's tactics. Barca's 3-4-3, which they've been using lately is deadly going forward, but I'm not sure it will withstand both Alves and Sandro attacking up the wings. They may stand up better on the flanks playing their 4-3-3, but will they be able to score freely in that formation trying to break through Juve's midfield if Busquets and Iniesta aren't 100%. Either way, it's a game I'm looking forward to.
  2. Burn Notice. Just an incredible show.
  3. !@#$ the Old Lady.
  4. If the purpose of healthcare reform is to provide care to those without access, then this is an awfully strange position to take. With this argument, you don't need healthcare reforms at all, other than reforming Medicare/caid.
  5. Still better than the Bills releasing a handbook on vaginal maintenance.
  6. It has decreased in amongst the educated and responsible public, but that's not where the problem lies. The overwhelming majority of those folks already had health insurance, and already used preventative care. The problem lies with the irresponsible, which make up the overwhelming majority of the poor. They are not responsible, and not educated; and because of this, always have, and most likely always will, make poor decisions.
  7. I find it more likely that individuals who have, over their lifetimes, acted irresponsibly enough to place themselves into relative poverty will not stop acting irresponsibly when we erect massive entitlement programs which reward their irresponsibility.
  8. One of the major failings of the American healthcare system is that it isn't capitalistic. Consumers can't shop based on price point. If they could, market forces would drive prices down. As for preventative care, of course it's the best solution for better individual outcomes, but irresponsible people don't act responsibly by definition. You can't make people take care of themselves or see the doctor regularly. As I just mentioned, ER usage did not decrease under the ACA.
  9. Yes, but here's the rub: With the passage of the ACA, incidents of people using the ER did not decrease. As it turns out, government entitlement programs do not make people act more responsibly.
  10. I'm laughing too hard to be upset. I thought you did very well, but also think you need your balls busted.
  11. Or the Carter Administration actively conspiring with the USSR in a failed bid to defeat Reagan.
  12. Important to note that the early IC reports were that the RNC was attempted to be hacked, but their technology prevented the intrusion.
  13. Confirm Gorsuch, or live with the Court Trump creates over the next 4-8 years, via the nuclear option. Democrats don't hold any cards. Confirm the classically liberal Episcpalian, or live with a Court populated with socially conservative Evangelicals.
  14. ... I'll try again: What does falsifiable mean?
  15. Let's take a step back. "Consensus" is not a scientific term. "Falsifiable" is. Talk to me about falsifiable.
  16. Awful wall of text. Unreadable as is.
  17. Shame he stopped at 19.
  18. I'm going to assume you don't know what special pleading is if you aren't following along? Special Pleading
  19. I'm even more triggered. So triggered, in fact, that I may need to retreat to my safe space for the remainder of this battle. FireChan because his soothing tones are like service dogs and play-doh, comforting me in my hour of need.
  20. If that's not your agument, then you're engaging in special pleading, which is a logical fallacy. It's either one or the other.
  21. We aren't getting tripped up, you're simply advocating for an absurd position in which all opinions hold equal weight.
  22. Now I'm feeling triggered. Round one to FC.
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