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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. Well then, I guess big government Republicans shouldn't have tied everything up with an unpassable piece of garbage then. They have no one to blame but themselves.
  2. The unfiltered process is good for this sub-forum. It allows you to quickly familiarize yourself, and is a great primer for where the stupid comes from.
  3. Can someone, anyone, please define "normalcy bias" please?
  4. Again, this speaks to the sheer stupidity of trying to pass legislation that offers nothing to 20% of your party.
  5. Which is fine, and also the reason people who believe as you do just lost a major political battle. Enjoy that.
  6. No. Reality is what just slapped you. Reality is what I just described to you.
  7. Thats a macro-view revision. Individuals were elected by what is essentially county. They represent their constituents. Republicans are not Democrats. The issues that bind our coalition are not conducive to lock-step
  8. If Trump attempts it, it will fail, and such will be his legacy. Libertarian leaning Republicans saved the country from another pass it to see what's in it national nightmare; as non-principled, "me first", morally fluid, big government Republicans tried to pass an ill-conceived non-solution for the sake of passing something. Today true conservatives demonstrated the power of a big tent, with a wide cross section of belief systems, which prevented something terrible from happening as they refused to move in lock step. A major slap to the unprincipled for whom the only virtue is pragmatic political expedience. Trump, Ryan, and other mealy-mouthed big government types hopefully learned their lesson: You can't be pragmatic without first being principled.
  9. How did you manage to !@#$ up your quote tags so bad? Either way, I fixed them for you. That said, me being pleased with the Freedom Caucus and today's outcome constitutes a meltdown? You're an idiot.
  10. Please consider the source.
  11. I know right? Look at the hotties in this lineup:
  12. It's starting this year, with insurers no longer receiving back end subsidies through reinsurance. It will come to a head when the states lose their federal subsidies.
  13. Black market arms dealers, China, Russia, Iran, the CIA...
  14. I understand insurance markets better than most people on the planet. It's a major part of the industry that I work in. In order for the law to fall apart, all that is required is for markets to break apart across a large portion of the country. It doesn't need to fall apart in urban areas. When half the country doesn't have access, it's done. Libertarians don't have to wait until it's dead in New York City. We just have to wait until it's dead in the Mid West, the South West, and the Bible Belt.
  15. The ACA is going to fall apart on it's own. It's already in it's death spiral. I'm more than content to hang that around the necks of those who passed it while it burns. Remember your talking to a person whom has voted for Democrats as a protest vote (in every election but this last one), because Republicans have not given me a libertarian leaning candidate that I can support, and advocates other libertarians do the same. Give me something I can support, or don't expect my support. I'm more than willing to take hostages here.
  16. It doesn't matter that I did not know the intricacies of the Byrd Rule, and the limits of what can be achieved through reconciliation. Every single one of us is ignorant of, or has a misunderstanding of, far more than we have expertise in. The fact that I am now educated about the extent of the Byrd Rule has no bearing, however, on my position. The fact that a full Freedom Caucus replacement of the ACA could not be implemented that way does not mean that the Freedom Caucus should abandon it's principles, and adopt or accept a big government position. It's not for the Freedom Caucus to conform to your views on what is pragmatic, scraping the desires of their constituencies, and their own beliefs. They were elected by the people the represent to do a job, and by not acquiescing to big government Republicans they have done so. If big government Republicans decide to run to the left now, they'll have to defend their actions to their own constituencies, given that they have been campaigning on a repeal for the last 8 years; while the Freedom Caucus will be able to campaign on their success in defeating Obamacare 2.0. The libertarian surge in this country is a very real thing, and when big government types like yourself try to marginalize us, we will make it impossible for you to govern. As I've been saying for years, give me something I can support, or expect me to upend the table. We aren't going anywhere.
  17. No, it's the success of Paul, and the Freedom Caucus, who have saved Americans from another terrible healthcare law. The failure was with the White House and Paul Ryan, who were unable to craft legislation that the Freedom Caucus could sign off on. They were unable to do their job.
  18. 12 weeks of paid sick leave? Annually? That's an expectancy of almost 3 months a year of illness severe enough that it prevents you from working.
  19. One of the dead is an American on vacation with his wife, celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. His widow is among the critically injured. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-britain-security-utah-idUSKBN16U20Z?il=0
  20. The cognitive dissonance in this thread is absolutely maddening. How do you people tie your !@#$ing shoes?
  21. They aren't used as sources, they are linked as nothing more than reading material, and usually by a single poster. Anyone who uses an opinion piece as a source for anything other than the opinion of it's author usually gets slapped pretty thoroughly here.
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