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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. Keep listening. And then think about your characterization as relates to new music, look in to the band, and wonder why you've never heard then before.
  2. No one can be forced to take a loyalty oath without an alternative. Death was certainly an option.
  3. When you listen to them you can hear the influence of Zeppelin, Creedence, the Stones, the Beatles, the Doors, Joplin, and dozens of others; but their music is 100% original. The individual musicians are fantastic, and the lead singer has incredible range and voice control. If these guys had been around during the late 60's early 70's they'd be rock gods. They fell out of a freaking time machine.
  4. This is just a small sampling. They're the best kept secret in the world of music. I hope you'll enjoy them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MA0m1K2jW4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnEZzLSPNZY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA1XA5lvZyE
  5. Said HappyDays, and without even a hint of irony detectable in his voice.
  6. Not sober? Those are moderates.
  7. If you're sober, not covered in condiments, not sucking dicks for Kiko jerseys, not body slamming each other through burning tables, and not drinking out of an under aged girl's !@#$ then we could absolutely tell you apart.
  8. California, the worlds 6th largest economy, has discovered that the costs of a universal healthcare system would be more than it's entire annual budget.
  9. They're losing elections all across the country to libertarians and conservatives, and the solution is to run further to the left?
  10. Oh, I can't make you shut up, but I can certainly make it apparent to the rest of the board that you should.
  11. Then you should stick to the main board where your aggregation is relegated to actual facts, as opposed to the nonsense you vomit up here. Here, you'll be evicerated for your hackery, and your usual race baiting. Own your content, or shut the !@#$ up.
  12. I'm always brutally honest, and that's the appearance you give. If you don't want that to be your reputation, then offer something else.
  13. Dude, he's just an idiot who offers nothing other than aggregation.
  14. A radio add is protected speech, a newspaper article is protected speech, a pamphlet passed out on the street is protected speech, a speaking engagement is protected speech. The simple truth is that these mediums all have different costs associated with them, and that some individuals may not be able to afford to speak in all mediums, but that does not invalidate their protected nature. End of story.
  15. If Trump leaves office, Mike Pence will be the "new" worst President ever / Hitler / fascist thug who must be obstructed and impeached. You need to realize that this is a coup attempt.
  16. I was just about to post the exact same thing.
  17. Self titled Audioslave album is one of my favorites of all time. What an incredible shame. RIP
  18. I'm fine with it as long as I'm not in the 50% eating bugs.
  19. This is an absolute perversion of the legal and Constitutional process, and terrifyingly so. Statements made on the campaign trail have nothing to do with the text of an executive order.
  20. Starr didn't have that authority. It was granted to him by a three judge panel.
  21. Of course it is, but that's not the point. The point is that appointing a special prosecutor to investigate whitewater and Foster led to a situation where the President perjured himself over blowjobs. That situation never should have happened.
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