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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. Why did you choose the number 24 specifically?
  2. I'd love to see Cosmo Kramer as a personality on CNN.
  3. Understood completely, but I'm past the point in my life where I'm willing to devote the time necessary to mod out games to meet my exact desirable specifications. I want a game that's playable in it's retail format. 4 passes that test, 5 does not.
  4. Hate Civ V. HATE.
  5. Of course it's not right, but the guy traveled into North !@#$ing Korea. That's a monumental !@#$ing feat. The fact that he was able to do so in and of itself is an incredible indicator that he knew exactly what he was doing, and the severity of the consequences were he to be caught. He's a !@#$ing moron who brought this down on himself.
  6. He wasn't in a normal country, and he knew it.
  7. I'll play if it's Civ 4. You'll be my favorite B word ever.
  8. Damnit. Stop quoting him. But what the !@#$ is a "secret healthcare bill"?
  9. Again, congressional districts are supposed to be as homogenous as possible, such that the people in a given area have their views represented in the House. The concept of districts intends that they not be comprised of lots of balanced and competing political interests. If they had been intended that way, they would be conducted as statewide elections.
  10. Gerrymandering isn't a problem, and it is much more feature than flaw. The electoral map is designed in order to capture largely homogenous groups of voters such that those homogenous groups can select Representatives who uniquely represent their political beliefs. They were not designed to capture a microcosm of the national population, or even a microcosm of an individual state. There is a reason House elections are by district rather than state wide.
  11. Well, logically if "the right to health care" means the state has to provide you with health care, then "the right to bear arms" means the state has to provide you with weaponry.
  12. Incorrect. We have far less freedom (liberty), and more privileges (permissions given to us by our government, which they can suspend).
  13. Prayers fort his surviving family and friends. RIP.
  14. This isn't news. The budget is so rife with this sort of thing that it's become a cottage industry of the left.
  15. What an ugly game. Shows the gulf in class between the US and their international opponents.
  16. Buy it from the people of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rican government, but remain an American territory, and develop it as an exclusive tax haven for the elite. Could be part of an interesting story line about a dystopian future, if Greg is paying any attention.
  17. I wonder what it would cost to buy the island of Puerto Rico.
  18. This is just terribly sad. Prayers for the family.
  19. There are no friends when it comes to foreign policy, only competing and overlapping interests. Also, this is Saudi Arabia's rough equivalent of Jose Canseco. I'm hard pressed to give a !@#$ about these guys opinions.
  20. Thanks and all, but I think I'm gonna go find something else to be outraged about.
  21. I'd be willing to wager that a much larger percentage of conservatives are in bed before the late night shows air than are liberals.
  22. Each state has the authority to allocate their votes as they will, to recall electors; and electors aren't compelled to vote by the federal government, or by the people.
  23. The President is the figurehead representitive of the Government, not the people.
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