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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. You'll note that Dylan Roof has been sentenced to death by lethal injection for his crimes. You'll note that James Fields Jr. has been charged with second degree murder through the same legal system which convicted Roof. When actual crimes are committed against person or property, our system accounts for Nazi !@#$ing. Any other examples of pre-crime you'd like to charge folks with? And you've yet to answer any of the questions posed to you. Who gets to decide which individuals should have their rights unilaterally suspended?
  2. Why would you want him banned? The fact that he's completely unhinged, and lashing out at people defending natural rights calling them Nazi sympathizers is a complete indictment of his position. "OMGz0rz!!! You hold natural rights, and their protection, as sacrosanct?!?!?!? UR A NAZI BRUH!!11!11eleventy-one!!1!" His participation in this thread is a public showcase for how vapid his ideas are, and other's responses to him are a clinical expose on how to completely dismantle the position he holds. Very few topics unite this broad a swath of people in favor or against them as this has. Thank God for this idiot.
  3. LOL, what kind of !@#$ do you have to be to be pro-DPRK.
  4. No, our fundamental problem is that you're a moron. Far too much of a moron, in fact, to correctly ascertain my political thoughts despite my 13,000 some post history recorded in the boards archives, all fully searchable. Who gets to make the decision about what individuals can have their rights unilaterally suspended without due process of law?
  5. Depends. Is there a Nazi involved?
  6. But is he racist enough that we should suspend his Constitutionally protected rights, and batter him with bats and clubs in the street?
  7. Is this going to be a thing again this year?
  8. Well yeah, like I said, we invented police, courts, and the military to deal with Nazi !@#$ing, because !@#$s like this guy can't be trusted with the job.
  9. Labeling people who understand the importance of the First Amendment, and realize that it's protection is far more important than disposing of individual hate groups, as Nazi sympathizers isn't going to win anyone capable of rational thought to your argument. We punish people for violating the rights of others in their person or property. We do not punish them for their ideas, even if we think their ideas are particularly bad. This is because we have granted the government a monopoly on the use of force, and given the nature of government, we cannot trust it to always be a benevolent actor. Thusly, we put the government into a cage, and we tell it there are specific things it can and cannot do. A government empowered to prosecute thought crimes may start off declaring a purge on Nazis; but tomorrow we'll have a different government, and a new enemy. What's to stop a government vested with those powers from restricting other sorts of speech? After all, as much I find Richard Spencer's ideas reprehensible, his ideas are political. Do we really want political speech criminalized? Are we really looking to hand this weapon to the likes of zealots? Shall we bring back McCarthyism? Perhaps we should re-open our internment camps? Again, if you want to !@#$ Nazis, get up off your fat ass and join the military or apply for a job in law enforcement. Save that you're nothing more than a fascist and an internet tough guy.
  10. Magox: The alt-Right is a grievance based organization as much as Black Lives Matter is. By saying they aren't moral equivalents all you're saying is that you sympathize with one set of imagined grievances more than the other. As for the neo-Nazis and militant Communist agitators, if you don't see the equivalence there , I don't know what to tell you.
  11. OK... I'm going to go through this very slowly for your benefit, as you seem to be having problems with understanding how the United States works. I understand your desire to say "!@#$ Nazis", but here in the US we have these things called "laws". "Laws" are not just a good idea, they are the very foundation civilized society is built on. These "laws" are an encoded list of all the things that both individuals and the government are permitted to do. They apply to all individuals uniformly, as our Constitution, the "High Law" (which mean that nothing supersedes it) has something called "the Equal Protection Clause" which dictates that law must be fairly and equally administered. Under these "laws" we have pre-determined processes for nearly all things criminal. We even have a process for "Nazi !@#$ing". It's important to note that these "laws", with their "equal protection", demand that properly we adjudicate things through a process under which we determine several things, such as: - If the Nazi is an actual Nazi and has done something illegal. - If the thing that was illegal requires the Nazi to be !@#$ed. - The proper amount of !@#$ing to administer to the Nazi - The process by which the !@#$ing is to be administered - Determining if the people !@#$ing the Nazi are working within their legal Nazi !@#$ing boundaries See, the rest of us decided some time ago that we didn't want to live in a world where random ****heads rode around !@#$ing whomever they wanted. This was because some people, like Nazis, decided that they would like to do exactly that. So we all got together, and we said "!@#$ that. I don't want to be !@#$ed by Nazis who are arbitrarily deciding that I need to be !@#$ed. What can we do about this problem." So we invented the police, and the courts, and the military; and we vested them the power to actually properly !@#$ Nazis. We set up detailed procedures for the !@#$ing of Nazis both at home an abroad, and we have a long and strong history of !@#$ing Nazis good and proper with these methods. At the same time, we forbade !@#$s like you from engaging in ad hoc Nazi !@#$ing because we don't trust you. We've seen your posting history, and your joyful willingness to label just about anyone a Nazi, and we don't trust your ability to actually !@#$ Nazis should you find one. We do leave open the possibility, however, that you might wish to become a real professional Nazi !@#$er, and so we've even had the foresight to provide you an avenue to do so. All that is required of you, if you wish to Nazi !@#$, is to get up off your fat ass, and join one of our official Nazi !@#$ing organizations. If you want to !@#$ Nazis full time, we have careers in both law enforcement and several branches of the military. We can even accommodate you if you wish to only be a weekend warrior part-time Nazi !@#$er by offering you opportunities in the Reserves and National Guard. The bottom line though, is that we've got the Nazi !@#$ing covered. Thanks for your interest.
  12. This is mostly comprised of salient points, but I do have a quibble. The "liberal protesters" have been nearly entirely illiberal. Antifa is a militant Communist front. They are violent, bigoted, and spew hate. They have been assaulting people, in open street combat, with weapons, for roughly two years now. This is not a binary issue. We don't need to cast our lot with either side. Both sides the white supremacists and the militant Communists are evil and thuggish.
  13. So, wait... Are they Nazis or are they fascists?
  14. It's consistent. - it's OK to suspend the rights of Nazis for thought crimes - everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi - ergo...
  15. And after you've empowered the government to suspend the rights of people for thought crimes, how does that get stuffed back in the bag? No, no... don't bother. I already know the answer: you're a fascist who has realized that if his preferred leadership can grasp the reins of government, you can use it to suspend the rights of anyone else you find troublesome. You don't want the suspension of rights for thought crimes stuffed back in a bag. You depend on it.
  16. No, no... You said imagined rights, and in the same breath condemned the killing of some 60+ million people. What philosophy or concept are you appealing to when you say those killings were wrong? What made them wrong?
  17. But why would human beings erect or maintain a statue?
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