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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. Like the Michael Bennett story, which was nearly a complete fabrication, and disappeared from view as soon as video showed up to refute his claims?
  2. I'll ask you to source your claims, or retract them. But the thing is, you can't source them, because there is no source which will corroborate your charges; and you won't retract them because you're a huge piece of ****. You're just a scum bag who enables actual racists, actively working to do harm to black people through the power of government. And unlike you, I'll source my charges, because I'm intellectually honest.
  3. Kelly is an intellectual light weight, posting from a ridiculously compromised moral position which colors him as a hypocrite at best. He's not a person who should be taken seriously.
  4. You know who the biggest pieces of **** in the world are? People who make unfounded charges of racism and call people liars with no evidence. You are everything that is wrong with discourse today.
  5. Thanks for your contribution. Is this where you tell the class about your close friend who works for the government who confided in you that he intentionally deprives black people of services because they are black, depriving them of equal protection under the law, and you failed to do anything to stop this behavior? Oh, no? It isn't? OK, I'll share it.
  6. There isn't any racism in the way minorities are treated by law enforcement or the justice system. There are certainly individual racists, but there is no systemic racism. The whole concept is largely manufactured by a grievance industry who take political profit from race baiting, and manipulate statistics to tell a lie towards those ends. "None of your problems are your fault. There is a white boogie man out there who has stacked the deck against you with a goal of making your life worse for no other reason than your skin color. You are hereby absolved of your sins. Now please vote for me."
  7. Blacks are not shot more often by police officers though, they are shot less frequently than whites in similar situations.
  8. Actually, he is the skin color more likely to be shot by police in the same circumstances.
  9. There's also the fact that Ferguson was a good shoot, and is a fantastic example of everything that is wrong with Kaepernick's protest. Michael Brown assaulted a police officer, and attempted to take his gun, after an officer attempted to stop him in connection with a strong armed robbery he had just committed. Michael Brown was not a victim. Michael Brown was a piece of **** who got exactly what he deserved. The amount of disconnect or dishonesty required to build a movement around someone like that is staggering, and anything that comes from supporting such a movement will be ugly.
  10. The issue with the protests is multi-fold. 1) The way the Anthem has been marketed by the NFL is that it is a tribute to service, and kneeling during the Anthem has bad optics in that regard. 2) That the protests are over a narrative that is built of the backs of lies, and names our society as racist, which many take umbrage with because they are dealing with unfounded charges of racism. 3) Black Lives Matter espouses a racist dogma, and has not been non-violent. to name a few
  11. There is no "police system", there are individual departments. Further, shootings are examined on a case-by-case basis, and there are repercussions for those that are found to be unjustified or unreasonable. Just because police shoot an unarmed suspect does not mean they did anything unreasonable; and the instances of unarmed shoots are so infrequent that it couldn't reasonably be labeled an institutional problem.
  12. Why !@#$ for free if she's going to pay you for it?
  13. Hey, Fat Third Wavers, (whom if he was clever, would have named his team "Fat Third Waivers", but he isn't clever so he didn't) I !@#$ed your dad.
  14. We need to have a military. We live in a country where our military service is non-compulsory, which is a truly amazing thing given the way the world has always worked throughout history. The military has to advertise. Why do you have a problem with that?
  15. You realize that the cartoon is characterizing people who disagree with taking a knee for the anthem that way, correct?
  16. And you don't think that's divisive?
  17. Fortunately the board records the things you say, so this line of argument doesn't work. It's also not an ad hominem to say someone looks foolish when they are opining conclusively and are historically inaccurate. The argument you made is one of leftist revisionism, usually made with the intent of skirting all argument of relevant facts, and skipping to dismiss with charges of either racism or treason. If you don't like it, that's fine, but that's the argument you're making. You should consider making a different argument.
  18. One would naturally assume you're a leftist in this regard given your regurgitation of leftist revisionism in regards to the Civil War. And when you do this you look foolish.
  19. Odd how that's your view of the South now, but it wasn't the view of those in opposition to the South after the Civil War. That's because your view is based on feelings filtered through the moral lens of 2017 American leftism with zero understanding if history, and it makes you look foolish.
  20. I've been stopped for no reason at all multiple times. You've never been stopped for no reason at all?
  21. Ask people who support that flag what it means to them, and they'll tell you. The fact that you don't believe them and choose to substitute your own meaning for theirs, essentially calling them liars in the process, then engaging in completely unfounded charges of racism based on nothing other than your feelings makes you a !@#$ing !@#$.
  22. Of course we should be concerned, but only to the point that those shootings are unreasonable or unjustified on an incident by incident basis. Just because an unarmed individual is shot by police doesn't mean that shoot was unreasonable or unjustified.
  23. Again, the data bears out that white suspects are shot with more frequency than black suspects in similar situations.
  24. That flag has different meanings to different people, and you are choosing to substitute your meaning for theirs.
  25. Loving watching Tolbert pound the rock under these circumstances.
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