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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. A personal debt assumed by Washington, who was the wealthiest land owner in the colonies.
  2. The Revolution has somewhere around 30-35% popular support. The Founders served to benefit the most first from waging the war, which granted to themselves the powers formerly vested with the British Crown. By waging the war they afforded themselves immense power. They then tore down a government which served the people and the States in order to implement one which primarily served themselves to the detriment of the people. Charles Beard has done some excellent work on the subject. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_Economic_Interpretation_of_the_Constitution_of_the_United_States
  3. In fact, it has. It‘s the reason the Articles were undone, and the Constitutional government put in place. The Founders were the wealthiest land owners in the colonies, and they took on large amounts of personal debt to wage the Revolution. When the Articles proved insufficient to successfully cast their own personal debt onto a public who did not wish to assume it, they tore down the Articles and assigned themselves the direct power to force the debt onto the public.
  4. He would need to be removed from office first. There is a Constitutional mechanism for doing so.
  5. Why do you believe that the government is legitimate, or that it represents or serves the people? Only approximately 50% of the eligible voting population casts a ballot, and the eligible population is only roughly 50%, at most, of the total population. This means that one quarter of the population is voting, with the vote being split roughly equally between the two major parties. The results of this are that approximately 1/8 of the population presumes to dictate to 7/8 of the population. Democracy is nothing more than a clever ploy by the power elite to compel their chattel to craft their own shackles, and to cheer while doing so.
  6. Marv Levy OJ Simpson Bruce Smith Jim Kelly
  7. You have me craving burnt ends. I think the China box is comming out next weekend.
  8. Rural areas, I think, would generally be less impacted than cities where they are close to 100% reliant on the supply chain. Rural areas benefit from large gardens, hunting and fishing, farmers markets, chicken ranching, etc. But yes to the larger point.
  9. In reference to large corporate meat packers? Perhaps. But speaking to the food supply chain in general? No.
  10. That’s an ignorant take from someone who doesn’t understand food chain logistics.
  11. Happy birthday, Joe. I hope it was a good one.
  12. Do you understand the logistics of bringing food to market?
  13. That’s how corporations speak to the population. Adverts. And there’s no soft way to deliver something so immediately important.
  14. I was responding to both. It’s not holding up well at all, and that’s what Tyson is telling you. They’re able to tell you this because they have primary vantage and understanding. Eating is important. Food producers making people aware that if our current handling of the situation persists that people are going to begin to starve seems like a reasonable PSA to make. Certainly better than letting them be surprised.
  15. It’s really not. You sit at the end of the supply chain. You’re quite a bit downstream from Tyson, who sits at the beginning.
  16. A very big deal: https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/494772-tyson-foods-takes-out-full-page-ad-the-food-supply-chain-is-breaking
  17. An undisputable revelation that leading Democrats conspired to frame and imprison innocent Americans as part of a coup attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election for the purposes of hiding their own corruption and criminality isn’t enough to persuade your average Democrat voter to abandon their party?
  18. Would love Michael Turk. Was hoping we’d draft him at 7 tbh.
  19. The punter from ASU is an absolute stud, and I’m hoping we go in for him in the 7th.
  20. I am not a “fan” of Presidents, Parties, or any politician at all for that matter. I abhor “the great man” theory of history. I support actions or policies that align with maximizing human freedom, and generally believe that the state is immoral and illegitimate. I am simply able to separate my personal philosophies from the realities of the political landscape, and am able to be objective.
  21. You have to be an abject moron to believe that the President suggested that people should inject or ingest bleach or disinfectants. People who suggest he did such a thing are fools, and those promoting the idea that this is what he conveyed are liars.
  22. Did... did you just unironically post this not 10 posts down from claiming the news media to be garbage? A person would need to have an IQ below that of a cabbage to believe that the President suggested injecting bleach or that UV therapy could treat the virus. Sunlight is good for boosting the immune system. Disinfectants kill the virus on surfaces. The press is suggesting the President meant something he did not, which is par for the course.
  23. It’s not a left/right issue. Both sides were very much in on it. It’s a DC establishment issue.
  24. Its certainly not tied to colluding with a foreign government to rig a federal election. And I was talking specifically about process crimes, but then, you knew that. Gibberish to English translator is broken. Can you please explain what you’re trying to communicate here?
  25. Yes, yes. Alt-right. Any other boogt-men you’d like to launch out into your logical fallacy-athon? Falsely. The FBI investigated a crime they knew didn’t exist, and then brought charges against people for telling them lies about the lie the government told. Those are the facts.
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