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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. I absolutely and unequivocally support the burning of the police station and any and all other government structures, and the terrorization of government officials, specifically police, in relation to this. Government needs to be afraid of its people. Terrified, in fact. And if you have 10 bad cops, and 1000 good cops, but the 1000 good cops protect the 10 bad cops, then you have 1010 bad cops. Bad cops should be tarred and feathered.
  2. “An armed people will never be enslaved.” True. Powerful.
  3. I’d be interested in your thoughts on the matter. I can’t think of a single entity outside of those three with the ability to protect her. Can you think of another, or of those three do you think one of them has a stronger argument in favor? And if so, wouldn’t the same exact liability standard apply?
  4. There are only three entities it could possibly be. The CIA, MI6, or the Mossad. I think the Mossad the most likely of the three as the CIA is being gutted, and the direct pressure placed on the Crown by Trump; while at the same time Israel has gone untouched despite their involvement. Add to that the fact that Maxwell has reportedly been spending a large amount of time in Israel. I freely admit that this is entirely speculative on my part, as I had absolutely considered exactly your point, and it is very valid.
  5. I said “the Mossad” not “Jews”. The two are not synonyms. Just as “the CIA” is not synonymous with “Americans” or “Christians”.
  6. Second post, and he’s gone about with the standard: Label the male a uneducated involuntary celibate. Label the female a shallow *****. Bravo. I suppose this fan fiction passes for wit somewhere?
  7. What do you call bars and restaurants that operate at 50% capacity on peak days/nights? Failed. You can’t stay in business like that.
  8. I know two people in their 60’s, husband and wife, friends of my parents, who died. The husband had underlying health issues, the wife did not. A friend of mine had it and recovered. He is a 44 year old with type 1 diabetes. My brothers know multiple people at their work who are at various levels of infection and recovery. One of my closest friends works in a warehouse which was shut down for 3 weeks after multiple employees tested positive.
  9. Small government types and conservatives have a concerning blind spot when it comes to police and other law enforcement officers. When the government sets about violating the rights of it’s citizens, who do people think are charged with executing those violations? And no. It’s not a reasonable or valid excuse to say that they are just doing their jobs and supporting their families. The type of low moral, low character individual it takes to seek a job which will necessitate the violation of people’s rights deserves no respect. There is no such thing as tyranny without henchmen willing to do the bidding of the tyrant.
  10. Tapper has been forced to actually talk about it. They must be absolutely terrified if they’re trying to get out in front of murder and pedophelia, and are actually using those words.
  11. This is a massive deal. This is the government saying “this guy lied to us, but we have no documentation, just trust us”. This is the sort of thing that should, and perhaps will, repopularize tar and feathering.
  12. I can’t believe I just read an argument that it is law which confers personhood, as if somehow it is not possible for personhood to exist without the state.
  13. The law stipulates, first and foremost, that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. It also does not afford, but rather directly prohibits, the government from simply casting aspersions, especially those knowingly invented, and forcing individuals to defend themselves against those aspersions. Even more so when the government itself knowing concocts false evidence to present. Or, given that you have nothing to hide, are you comfortable with the federal government using it’s vast powers and nearly unlimited finances and resources to investigate you, your family, your friends, your business associates, and everyone you’ve ever known; working under the assumption that you’re absolutely guilty of something, and that they’re going to find it? Answer yes, or you’re a hypocrite.
  14. Baby corn, asparagus, pearl onions, and cucumber.
  15. You just paraphrased exactly what I just said above. I read history, and make up my own mind. IE I’m able to discern which arguments are compelling and meritorious, and which are not; and am able to do so without buttressing my desire to understand upon poisoning the well fallacies, amongst others.
  16. What‘s revisionist would be naming Beard an espouser of Critical Theory. It‘s also pure and raw fallacy to place your trust in the hands of court historians, writing “history” in order to deify the leaders of the state. I choose not to allow my mind to be ghettoized. I accept that men whose final arguments I disagree with can be right about a good many things along the way, even if their ultimate conclusions are wrong. Beard’s analysis of the Constitution is one such example of this. Marx’s primary identification of what capital is, is another.
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