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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker
Democratic 2020 Presidential Primary Thread
TakeYouToTasker replied to snafu's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Do you have any idea how stupid you look making this charge? Especially in place of a logically formed argument? Good grief. -
Here’s the rub: you get to decide only how you will behave. You have no say, what so ever, in how I respond. I want you to understand the deeply held morality of the person you are speaking with. I think that government is violence, and I Think that aggression is immoral. I think that the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow has set black Americans back in ways that are massive and unquantifiable. But I also think a few other things: police violence is not a race problem, but rather is a police state problem. Since 2017 55% of all police killings have been white people, while 27% have been black people. This means more than twice as many whites are killed than blacks. Of course, given that blacks make up 13% of the population, and whites make up 72%, the per capita rate of black deaths is much higher. And if you only look at that figure it’s easy to shout racism, but it’s much harder to do so if you try to understand the numbers. A 2017 Harvard University study conducted by RG Fryer concluded that in similar situations blacks were actually less likely to have a gun drawn on them, or to be shot, than a white counterpart (though they were found more likely to be otherwise harassed in general) by police. So, given this, why are there so many more black deaths per capita? Socio-economic reasons. Black Americans are far more likely to be poor than white Americans. Some of this certainly has to do, as I expressed earlier, with the legacy of slavery. However slavery was abolished in this country almost 200 years ago, and people around the world have historically been resilient after finding freedom, and black Americans are just as industrious and résiliant as any other people, so I think the true cause of persistant black poverty lies elsewhere. The root of the current black poverty problem rests at the feet of Lyndon B. Johnson and his “Great Society”, which destroyed the black family and created generations of purposeless, listless black men. But I digress... Poverty correlates strongly with crime. The black community is disproportionately impoverished. Ego, the black community commits more crime. Far more, in fact. While the per capita rate of black shootings by police is stunning at 27% for a demographic which makes up just 13% of the population, even more stunning is the 55% of all violent crime perpetrated by that same 13%, the overwhelming majority of that crime perpetrated on black victims. So what we are left with is a population of people who are committing the majority of crime (again, a socio-economic issue, not a race issue), and they are making black Americans the most likely demographic to be victimized by crime in the process. I happen to think that honest, hard working, poor black people deserve to live in safe communities as much as anyone else does. So how is this achieved? High crime communities receive a much higher degree of policing than low crime communities. These poor communities are disproportionately black, and so being on the receiving end of heavy policing, these individuals receive far more individual contacts with police. More instances increase the chances that a single individual will be involved in a shooting even when a shooting under similar circumstances is more unlikely in any single instance. Infact, when you control for poverty conditions, and examine exclusively white impoverished communities (the Appalachia’s) the data normalizes. Now, none of this is to say that this isn’t incredibly problematic. It is. Unequivocally. However diseases can’t be cured if they’re incorrectly diagnosed. So, to come full circle, the disease is not racism. The disease is a police state government which kills it’s citizens, working in the interests of elites who don’t care about any of us. We are all being manipulated. White Americans are being manipulated into supporting a government which kills them at more than twice the rate it kills black Americans. White deaths are never reported on. Research Tony Timpa. Research Duncan Lemp. You’ve never heard of them. The reason you’ve never heard of them is because the system requires white people to support it. They make up 72% of the population, and the elites could not survive an uprising of white people. Black people are manipulated in the same manner. They’re led to believe they are being genocided by a white supremacy, when the truth is that twice as many whites are killed. This is necessary because the elites need to keep the population divided, to keep black divided against white, in order to keep both groups from looking behind the curtain and confronting the Man who is killing them both in order to enrich himself. And you’re dancing to his tune. Stop listening to his music.
Pro-tip: Saying “let’s be clear” before saying something dopey and untrue is not some kind of magic wand which imbues the absurd with truth. What is actually true is that it’s absolutely violence, but it’s a type of violence you endorse. Stealing or destroying someone’s property isn’t simply wrecking things, but rather is destroying what those things represent: the time and labor of the individual who toiled to acquire those things. Stealing or destroying property robs individuals of their labor without compensation. IE it enslaves them retroactively. And you know what should be done to slavers? They should be shot, on site, in order that they be made examples of. Because this doesn’t end until people understand that their lives are forfeit if they engage in it. Please understand that it’s not that I value my property more than I value the lives of looters and rioters; but rather that anyone attempting to steal or damage my property seems to value my property more than they value their own life, and I’m happy to honor their assessment.
To kneel or not to kneel...
TakeYouToTasker replied to Deranged Rhino's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I wasn’t directing this to you, I was asking this of Warcoded. But since you’ve asked: Control, as in control group. IE, what he presumes to be the black experience, how can he know what is due to skin color, as opposed to socio-economics? Or proximity, etc. -
To kneel or not to kneel...
TakeYouToTasker replied to Deranged Rhino's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
How do you know this? As a white person, how do you know what the black experience is? How can you control for socio-economics, area of residence, education level, proximity to crime? -
... ALOL The “boogaloo” is not a movement. The “boogaloo” is a term a sub-section of neck-bearded Twitter AnCaps refer to the second Civil War as. They post memes about dressing up like a combination of Sam Axe from Burn Notice and LT Dangle from Reno 911, and smoking meth while wearing a plate carrier and night vision goggles in the Appalachia’s.
Every President we’ve had since at least Lincoln has been a dictator. It’s how the Office has progressed, each new administration taking on the powers the previous administration afforded itself, and added new ones through policy. It can be reasonably argued that this President has actually reduced the scope of the Executive Branch: - He has deregulated, decreasing the Executive rule making apparatus and returning to Congress the duty to legislate. - He has enforced their law, as written, in regards to immigration policy; forcing Congress to change the law if they want the law changed. - He has, in response to Covid-19, responsibly adhered to the tenants of Federalism, not taking the dictatorial steps of nationalizing industry. - He has deferred to the states and their governors in response to the violent protests/riots, not nationalizing they National Guard, allowing them to respond as they think is best for their own states/municipalities. This list is by no means comprehensive. This isn’t to say that he isn’t a dictator, but rather that he is a dictator because the modern presidency is a dictatorial office. Now, moving on... Joe Biden is a man of the people? What kind of nonsense is this? Joe Biden is a crook who was a part of the last dictatorial Presidency, and has used his various federal offices over the course of decades to enrich himself and his family at the expense of the People. He is by no means alone in this. That’s standard operating procedure for a career Congressperson, regardless of party. Which brings us the the race stuff. Joe Biden has been part of the law making body, and the executive branch of our government for decades. He signed the Crime Bill. He has had a chance to shape policy, and resolve racial strife, if you believe policy and law can do such a thing. And if you do believe a congressperson or member of the executive branch can do such a thing, then you have to recognize the the events of the day are a culmination of Joe Biden’s life work. Or, alternatively, you could take a much more sane position, as I have, and recognize that elected officials in the federal government have absolutely zero bearing on local law enforcement, and the decision making, bad or good, of individual cops.
Not from the riots/protests, or even recently, but: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5047865/amp/Chicago-man-accidentally-shoots-penis.html
If it is obeyed in the field it will lead to more violent policing. There is nothing fatal about that sort of restraint when used properly. Look to MMA. Carotid restraint is used frequently because it’s easy to obtain, relatively speaking, and closes the gap in strength, gender, size, etc. Taking away that tool means it needs to replaced with something less effective, which ultimately will lead to more shootings.
The resemblance between David Wells (second from the bottom left), looks like David Shaw of The Revivalists. This will lead to much more violence, as it removes one of the most effective restraint techniques.
If I find myself in a position where I need to defend my home or business from looters, and I expect I’ll be brutalized in the process, they’ll need to step over a stack of bodies to get to me.
I don’t think I will. I think I’ll stay, and I think I’ll continue to make the case that no one needs you.
No, you are. Unequivocally. You’re part of the problem. Your first instinct is to protect your co-workers.
If you can watch the publicly available video, and say “we need to weight evidence about the victim’s health” then you are the problem. And if you’re not, hopefully you will be soon.
You’re a bad cop. I hope you’re made afraid to go to work.
That’s exactly what it’s attributable to. This is a police state problem. Everyone is being manipulated. So, here’s the thing. 55% of people killed by police are white, and 27% are black. A study completed by Harvard last year actually demonstrated that blacks were less likely to have a gun drawn on them by police, though they were more likely to be harassed in general. The problem isn’t racial, or at least race isn’t the largest component. The problem is that we live in a police state with a militarized police force who are trained to believe they are at war with the citizens of the state. They roll around in paramilitary gear covered in Punisher logos, and are protected by self-investigation and qualified immunity. You don’t hear about the white deaths because everyone is being manipulated. Whites are being manipulated into protecting a system which kills them via ignorance (they are the majority of the population and need to be kept docile). Blacks are similarly manipulated into hating whites, and are whipped into a frenzy in order to cause division. They’re a minority, so their compliance isn’t required. This keeps the country divided so no one bothers looking behind the curtain at the Man pulling the strings and profiting off the whole thing.
Are you kidding me? The thug in question had his knee on the neck of the man he murdered for over 7 minutes. He continued to do so for a full 1:45 after the man went limp. The victim pleaded 15 times that “I can’t breathe”. It would take a total *****, and a completely bad to the core cop, to make the argument that those pre-existing morbities weren’t actualized by the brutality of the thug murderer in question. If you have 1000 “good cops” and 10 bad cops, and the 1000 good cops protect the 10 bad cops instead of outing them and seeing them prosecuted, you have 1010 bad cops. All bad cops should be made too afraid to report to work.
The Thread For Greg's Stashes
TakeYouToTasker replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It has been uncovered, and has been described to you in full. And yes, he’s far from the first person to accept a plea deal knowing they committed no crime. However this is absolutely not the American way. That you believe it is, And that you seem to think it somehow validated what was done to General Flynn, is incredibly problematic. It should leave you, or any other reasonable person, outraged that the government has standardized this as a way of doing business. It is unacceptable at every level, and is incompatible with a free society.
No, that’s not why we have appeals courts. That argument begins by accepting that it is reasonable for the government engage in the type of malfeasance I described, leaving the defendant with no assets (IE no ability to continue to mount a defense), and the lives of their family destroyed, but then to have the expectation that the same system which just destroyed multiple generations of their family intentionally to then exonerate him. This is not a reasonable position, and doesn’t even begin to speak to the lives destroyed. An appeals court overturning a ruling doesn’t restore the assets spent, or the lives of the family destroyed. None of this is justice. You can’t have a legitimate government, chartered to protect the rights of its citizens, and at the same time accept these sort of actions and for the system to correct itself.
This is not a reasonable position for one to hold if they have any desire to live in a free nation, under a just government. It is the antithesis of justice for a government to seek the guilt of an individual they know to be innocent, and to command a guilty plea by putting that individual under the full weight of the unlimited resources and finances of the Federal government. Just verdicts are not obtained by forcing individuals into poverty through the costs of defending themselves against a government whose goal is exactly that, and then threatening their families. A government which does such things is evil.
Death penalty implies a trial. It would not be a death penalty. It would be the defense of property during the active commiting of a crime, which is a very reasonable standard.
Did you know that when the NYPD pulled a power move and went on strike to demonstrate their “value” to the communities they “serve” the crime rate actually went down? Police are thugs. They voluntarily seek out a job which requires them to infringe on the rights of others as a normal function of their employment, have no duty to protect the public, and know that their criminality is protected by qualified immunity. They act like an occupying army, rolling around in paramilitary gear with punished logos on it. The government is bad, and those who volunteer as its enforcers are the worst of the bad.