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Everything posted by TakeYouToTasker

  1. ... Posted unironically in response to what I wrote. I can’t even...
  2. Mark Zuckerberg hit with a criminal referral for lying to Congress in 2018 testimony.
  3. He’s a low character fraud. He won’t answer any questions, because he’s not interested in being correct; but rather seems to believe that if he screams his lies at a high enough volume and frequency, while refusing to address the gaping holes in them, that everyone will capitulate. Those who don’t will simply be discarded as cultists. He’s a tool.
  4. ***** commies. Stack em’ in piles.
  5. He’s never going to answer. He’s devoutly intellectually dishonest.
  6. A conversation that needs to happen: At some point someone at some school somewhere is going to test positive for Covid. At that point someone in a place of power is going to mandate that your child be forcibly taken from your home and placed in a government facility in order to group quarantine. How will you react? You say a lot of really dumb stuff.
  7. Cases aren’t rising, more people are being tested. If you started issuing IQ tests to the population at large, you’d suddenly notice an epidemic of morons. There would be just as many morons as there were before, but now you’d be able to identify them without having to listen to them tell you about a spike in Covid cases.
  8. That summarizes it up fairly concisely.
  9. It's that time of year, sports fans! Let's lighten up the thread for a little while. Give me your best COVID-19 inspired fantasy baseball team names. This year I went with: "Casey ate the Bat" Runner up was: "Wuhan Soto"
  10. The Insurrection Act of 1807 give the President the authority to activate the National Guard or US military domestically under prescribed circumstances. Initially, the law required the request of the states governor to put down an insurrection against state or federal law, however After the Civil War the law was amended to grant the Federal Government unilateral authority to act, assuming that the state is refusing to protect the Constitutionally protected rights of its citizens. There are miles of precedent for the President’s application of the law, including in 1957 when Eisenhower used it to integrate Arkansas schools Against the wishes of the Governor. The President isn’t doing anything illegal.
  11. I speak with him outside of this platform. I don’t think he’d be able to use the PM feature during his ban. I think he still reads this site regularly, however, from a not logged in status, and he would definitely appreciate any well wishes.
  12. I spoke with him a couple of days ago, and that’s what he told me. Maybe something has changed since then, but that’s what I got first hand.
  13. My understanding is that his ban is over in a couple days.
  14. We have a thread about COVID-19 already. I would ask that we please keep this one focused on the genocide, without co-mingling the themes. Both are important topics, and deserve to be discussed as separate issues. Thank you.
  15. This is trolling rabble. Stay above it. You offer value. This doesn’t bear out ROI. Cast this aside, and keep bringing your value.
  16. There is currently a second Holocaust happening in China. Uyghur women are being forcibly sterilized, and entire populations are having their heads shaved, being blind folded, and loaded onto trains and taken to forced labor camps. The world is stunningly silent on the issue. I’d like to hear your thoughts.
  17. As have you, at least.
  18. If you need shade today, the best time to plant a tree was 30 years ago. However, if you haven’t yet, the best time is today.
  19. Huh... seems as though the rest of the world has finally discovered Thomas Sowell. You’re late. Get to reading.
  20. Of course they are. They are part of the self-perpetual, ever expanding, bureaucracy. It’s legalized money laundering to those ends. The politicians accept the money, to tax the people, to fund the unions, who pay the politicians, to tax the people, to fund the unions, who pay the politicians, to tax the people...
  21. Thank you for sharing your story.
  22. Horseshit, it doesn’t work that way. Because people stole from my parents doesn’t somehow forward justify the theft of my labor. My money, taken at the barrel of a gun, pays for your kids to go to school. This makes me a stake holder. Don’t like it? Then stop making me an interested party through forced investment.
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