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AReed Deep For6

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Everything posted by AReed Deep For6

  1. this put a fun picture in my head
  2. I much prefer her daughter on "8 Rules of Dating My Teenage Daughter"
  3. Im mostly a lurker on these pages but I enjoy your insight
  4. 6. Video tape other teams in secret to create dynasty*.
  5. WOWWWWWWW the rise and fall and rise and fall and then fall and fall and fall and fall
  6. hey if this is what he needs to get his game right, than he better do it. if he chooses not to have surgery on it, i dont want to hear about it again.
  7. We had a chance at Tom Brady and missed on it! Nothing funny here
  8. stadium in indy has some crazy steep stairs and escalators, im 24yrs old and the steepness made me a little uneasy. cant imagine trying to do some of those if i was an old guy
  9. these are awesome
  10. I got to go look for this thread because I thought the same thing.
  11. we could only wish
  12. Theres a team i could get behind :lol:
  13. How did Chris Johnson's tattoo of..... well Chris Johnson not make the list hahaha I tried to upload it but cant figure out how to put it on here. He has a portrait of himself on his shoulder, and its a tattoo of the same age as he is now.... really stupid. Tattoos are super common now, and are even being alot more tolerated in the work environment as well. Im not saying anyone should go out and get their knuckles tatt'd (called Job Stoppers haha), but it is becoming alot more socially acceptable
  14. We gotta cross our fingers as a fanbase and hope all this falls on Wannys shoulders. Dareus looked awesome last year and I had hoped for alot more through these first 5games from him. Pleassssssssse pretty please have this all be Wannys fault
  15. Tanking a season would be the best thing for us, it needs to happen. If we tank not only do we pick at the top of the 1st round, but obviously all other rounds. We really need this kind of talent injected into the team
  16. I hate "a cornerback is just a receiver who can't catch." although the cant catch part can be true sometimes, i would argue its a helluva lot harder to cover someone than it is to get open.
  17. That was a good job explaining that for me. Thank you
  18. Maybe things woulda worked out better if Ralph had put a pro lacrosse team there
  19. thank you for that
  20. Link or shut up?? Really? When has he ever made any indication that he would make an attempt to keep the team here. When he dies we all know the team is going to the highest bidder, and chances are more likely than not anyone sinking that kind of money into an NFL franchise is not going to want to keep the team here. Link or shut up. Tell someone to shut up like that in real life and you'd get your hat knocked off your head.
  21. Natural Born Killers. Juliette Lewis (im pretty sure) turned out to be a real life junkie for a stretch there
  22. He can keep the team for the rest of his life. Its the fact that he has no plans of trying to keep the team in Buffalo. Thatd be like your grampa telling your family you cant have the farm, instead hes selling it to a rich dude who could care less and wants to build a Best Buy there. Why put all that work into something and than just let it all go to waste
  23. he is being a greedy SOB... there is how many people that care about this team, and he couldnt care less. hes gunna let the team walk so that he can further line his daughters pockets?!?!? as if his family is going to go hungry if he sold now to, say the 3rd highest bidder (someone who would keep them in buffalo). greedy selfish SOB
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