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AReed Deep For6

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  1. If he has his mind made up, than yes. Trade him for whatever you can get and start getting his replacement all the reps. Byrd is awesome, but I'm really tired of his b*s. 2nd rounder at least I'd think.
  2. Im from Tonawanda. The answer is Nigel.
  3. Thank God this MONSTER is off the streets! How many marijuanas did he have? /sarcasm
  4. I'd pick Adrian Peterson if it were me. 2,000 yd season. He's either MVP or Comeback player of the year (arguably both). Plus, I saw him on The League and he was funny.
  5. Im not positive, but i think our sarcasm detectors could use some calibration.
  6. Perfect example of how the "f word" has nothing to do with sexual orientation.
  7. My guess is LawrenceTaylor will be super duper overly aggressive.... and eager..... of course Im not referencing anything he did with that alleged 15yr old hooker
  8. Seeing Madonna holding that cup makes me ill to my stomach :sick:
  9. I love Kyle Williams, but this is a f*&&%#$ hilarious nickname
  10. I think its dirty deeds, but funny either way
  11. This looks just like Thurman Thomas, and they even have the correct jersey colors :rolleyes:
  12. this is like the two pansies at the playground who act like they want to fight, and then they get face to face and act like their isnt a problem
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