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Bills......Till I Die

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Everything posted by Bills......Till I Die

  1. I have a question I was hoping someone could answer. Is the scout team part of the final 53 man roster or is it in addition to the 53 man roster? Thanks
  2. During today's 6:00 O'clock news broadcast in Buffalo Ed Kilgore reported on the release of Shawn Merriman. At the end of the story he said that Vince Young has officially become the Buffalo Bills number 2 QB. He did not elaborate any further. No mention of Thigpen. Simply said that VY was #2 QB. Has anyone else heard anything more?
  3. I know my words will be a little off topic but I wanted to say the following: Excellent thread San Jose. As you can tell from my stats I am a rookie hardly worthy of even having an opinion. But please don’t let my lack of computer BB community fellowship influence you. I may not have much experience riding the wave of conversing over topics where you must first read what someone has said and then form cohesive non transparent thoughts and formulating them into intelligent words that don’t seem scripted. All while never having the luxury of seeing any body language to get a comfortable feeling of what they are trying to say. I want to be taken seriously but I haven’t earned the right to expect others to value or respect my opinion because I am still a nobody. I can’t imagine what great pearls of wisdom must have been witnessed by others when you have posted 11,000 + times. I know that sounds terribly sarcastic but it is not meant to be. I have been a Bills fan for some 33 years now. My fandom was never swayed by whether or not the team won or lost. Sure, I would rather they win but I will always be a fan regardless. I have buffalos running in my veins. I know this is rather winded but my post was meant to say to San Jose that I really very much appreciate your thread. I am a deeper thinker as well. I enjoy the posts that try to understand the deeper meaning of what ever topic is associated with the Bills. Please do more of these such posts. I will never approach the amount of comments that you have posted. I could not live long enough to come even close. I know I shouldn’t, but I care deeply for this team. I care about them as individuals. I care that Ralph Wilson is over 90 years old and has yet to win a NFL championship. I know he did pre merge but not as things are now. For all that Mr. Wilson has done for football he deserves a championship before he moves on. I care about Ryan Fitzpatrick, Chris Kelsay, Fred Jackson, Vince Young, Brian Moorman, and EVERY other player on this team. I care about Chan Gaily, Buddy Nix, the trainers, the front office and EVERY other person associated with the Bills organization. I care about Joe Fan. We endured an awful lot over these past 12 years. I think we have paid our dues for going to the Super Bowl four straight times. During those Super Bowl runs we were blessed greatly as fans. I remember the ecstasy of making it too four straight Big Shows. I remember the embarrassment of the four straight losses. I remember my gut being ripped out of my body when the ref failed to see what was so obvious. Even my wife could see it see a forward pass. The longer one waits for redemption the better the sweetness of its satisfying taste when it is finally realized. IT’S OUR TIME…. IT’S THE BILLS TIME. Make it so.
  4. http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-network-top-ten/09000d5d810a9b7f/Top-10-Comebacks-Bills-stampede-Oilers?module=HP11_content_stream There are moments in ones life where they can recall every detail of a particular day. An example would be when Kennedy was shot. Or perhaps 9/11. For me it has happen only a few times. My wedding day, when President Regan was shot, 9/11, and January 3, 1993 Before anyone suggests I am trying to equate the Buffalo Bills comeback victory over the Houston Oilers to epic tragedies in time, I am not. The reason for the post is simply because I thought it would be interesting to see where people where when this historic sporting event was going down. Where you there? Did you leave? Could you get back in? There must be some interesting stories. I was home alone in my glory. The neighbors could hear me screaming. It was a day I can remember so vividly that it still brings chills to my soul. (This is my first post.... Hope I did it right. If not, forgive the novice) Bills…… Till I Die !!!!!!!!!
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