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Posts posted by FireChan

  1. That's an awful lot of assumptions you're making. Don't know whether you're right or wrong, and only a few people do on some (those that are in the room). The fact of the matter is that Nix has blundered (IMO) in 2 of his 3 drafts from a talent perspective and 3 out of 3 when strictly viewing QB. We hope that Whaley was dead set against some of the choices made but we just don't know.


    We can hope that Whaley is a better talent evaluator.

    We can hope that Whaley values the QB position more than Nix has shown.

    We can hope that Whaley builds an honest to goodness NFL team.


    We won't know until he is put in charge if that day ever comes. We hope, but we don't know; just like we didn't know about that guy named Polian when he was given control.


    I quoted Beerball because he has the attitude I'd expect to see. The rational, albeit far fetched, hope that he might be better than our guy now. And that makes sense to me. I get we want to change it up, and would give anyone a shot to turn the Bills around. It's these posts I don't understand.


    Any Nix apologist thread should be "moderated" from the get-go. If the idea behind this thread is to insinuate that we are blindly accepting the unknown, vs. the known entity, that known entity has set us back in his tenure primarily by failing to address a clear need at THE most important position on the field. We could not attract/afford another GM with an established track record. We would have to stretch VERY hard to grab any one else's up-and -coming GM. We have an ownership situation that most GM's do not want to get near. That feeds and compounds the persistent stigma surrounding the quality of the city, weather, social aspects etc etc. Here we are with a widely respected guy, from a culture of success, possesses multiple championship rings, league-wide respected as an up and coming GM candidate in hand....and this thread exists solely to ask what he's done as a GM.


    THIS....is why we fail as fans. We have a guy that's married to one collegiate division, is a fish out of water in the Northeast, is too old, not that respected in the GM circles and has completely fuk'd us in the QB dept.


    And someone has to start a thread challenging the incumbent who has the right background as if he is going to do worse.


    I havent seen it mentioned so i will dispute it here


    You compare Whaley to Wanny....which is like a polar opposite


    - Wanny.....old....game has passed him by......spent too much time down in the college ranks and wasnt that great there. His defense worked a zillion years ago


    - Whaley....is a young up and comer.....fresh blood....worked with a organization while they were putting together super bowl teams



    See the difference?


    "Wild successful guy" "up and comer" "league-wide respected up and coming GM" where are these coming from? Who respects him? I haven't heard anything. Where has he been successful? He has more power and pull in Buffalo than he did in Pittsburgh, yet he gets a pass on our mistakes and gets credit for their great personnel choices?


    I understand hope. I do not understand the ringing endorsement that comes completely out of left-field. This kills you as fans, having this sort of attitude. Not because of our GM choices. Because we scream and pump up these nobodies like they're all gonna be great, undiscovered diamonds in the rough, and if they don't shine, you call for their heads.


    I hate to reference RF but I found the same situation. I know at least half of the people who hated him by this year were his biggest supporters two years ago. The "he's our guy, pay him now Buddy" crowd did a complete 180 on their opinion. Meanwhile, I, and I'm sure a few other of his defenders didn't have the Brady-level expectations some others did. Which is why I didn't want to eviscerate him like half of this board seemed to want to.


    Hedge your expectations.

  2. I don't understand the guys who go, "Can't wait, this is gonna be Nix's last year and we'll have Whaley save this franchise." What has Whaley done, ever? Worked for a good team in a lower level position? Since when does that make a difference?


    Nix may be incompetent. We may need a change at GM. But Bills' fans are the only fans who can talk themselves into changes that are more than likely just as bad. It seems like half the board agrees he's the second coming of Polian, when he's done nothing, ever.


    How does that make any sense?


    It's like the "Fire Edwards, Wannstedt is a defensive genius! He'll turn this defense around, he has experience on good teams!" phenomena all over again. We glorify these new guys and then hate them 2 years later when they aren't legendary. Happens to every player on the Bills, too. But, I digress.


    Can someone explain why they think he'll be great if he calls the shots?

  3. Actually they weren't. With Tim on the team they won a playoff game. With Peyton they did not.


    So we'll count you in with Scott Paoli, OK.


    In 2011, Tim threw 17 TDs and 9 INTs in 11 games. He was 6 for 8 last year with the Jets. One of the in-completions was a 40 yard bomb that hit the WR in the hands in full stride that flat out dropped. You don't do that if you can't pass the football.


    His defense in Denver was touted by the talking heads as being good, but they weren't all that good. 20th ranked overall and 24th in points given up (24.4 points per game). That's not winning it with defense.


    He came back late in game with big plays to win like vs the Jets and Stealers in playoffs. Didn't we hate Fitz because he choked when the game was on the line?


    Count me with FireChan. A QB that takes over a team in the toilet and then goes 7-4 and 1-1 in playoffs with a win over defending SB champs is not chopped liver.


    I don't care what his footwork and throwing motion look like. Only results.


    Just win Baby.


    I'm for bringing him in.


    I just meant they both got to the divisional round.


    Tebow all day!

  4. Well done. And what's Alex Smith's won-loss the last two years? Yet people would respond on here to the notion of getting of Alex Smith with "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!"


    I would've brought in Smith too. If they don't work, they don't work. Trying VY was a good decision.


    Listen man. Me and every GM in the NFL agrees that Tim Tebow is not deserved of being on an NFL roster this fall. He won't be. Ryan Fitzpatrcik WILL be a 2nd string QB in the NFL this year.


    You and a handful of guys on this website think Tebow is a "winner" and deserved of being on an NFL roster (I can presume that right?) I take comfort in knowing that I'm on the side of every GM in the NFL. It makes me think maybe I have an understanding of the game. It is kind of arrogant to think that you are a better talent evaluator than every GM in the NFL.


    Fine, I'll take agree to disagree. Talent evaluators thought Russell Wilson wasn't worth picking up. Talent evaluators thought Brady was a 7th round throwaway pick.


    You have just as much understanding of the game as those guys? Pat yourself on the back for that, hombre. I wouldn't be proud of that. Finding success in the NFL is a crapshoot. Talent evaluators make mistakes all the time. Denver gambled and went to the playoffs in 2011. I'd be ok with the Bills doing that.



    Your man crush on Tebow is pretty comical and unwarranted. Thanks for the laughs. :lol: :lol:


    Posts like this on TBD are so stupid. Thanks for letting me know you have no argument by making an unfunny joke that no one on earth would laugh at, I guess? I guess it really is impossible to discuss anything without three people who post nonsense and plug their ears to any discussion.

  5. Lemmings? You mean, the people whose opinion thus far has reflected the facts? Tebow's inspirational powers may yet win somebody something, but a team would be stupid to bank on them. If he wanted to come to Buffalo to be a TE/H-back and do the work to learn routes and blocking schemes, with no guarantee or promises made about his being a QB, more power to him. But that will not work because the guy still believes he is a QB against all the prevailing evidence. This is not college.


    Only one team has banked on Tebow being successful. That team was Denver, and they were just as successful this year with Peyton Manning in terms of playoffs. The Jets mismanaged him, held animosity for him being forced on the team by the ex-GM and didn't start him. They set him up to fail. He still had a 75% completion percentage on the Jets. Sounds too good until you realize he threw the ball 8 times.


    If you can accurately rate the guy's performance after 8 throws last year, why don't you work on a team?



    Amen (pun intended). I don't get the irrational love for Tebow. He's far from good. He'll be on his 3rd team in the fourth year of his career. That doesn't happen to great QBs...or even good ones for that matter. In fact, it's pathetic. He's nothing more than a media and circus side show. Nice guy, lame QB. Those with a man-crush on him want him to be more than he is but they can't see the forest for the trees.


    To much of a freak show that goes with him now. He wouldn't be bad if he had started out with Buffalo from the draft.


    You understand noone talks about the Bills right? Like ever? And that's a major reason our players leave, because we're not good for their careers and getting recognized? I'd say if we had some media attention, make some of our better players feel like superstars, they'd play more like superstars. And good players with egos might have a reason to come here for some attention instead of 100 million dollar contracts.



    He'd be bad at QB any place in the NFL. One of the worst I've ever seen.


    It's not like the Bills have had great QB's in the last 10 years anyway. Why are you so scared to give a guy with all of the intangibles a chance? You're just like the talking heads who said Russell Wilson doesn't have the skills, the physique, the accuracy to succeed, and look at him now. Tebow brought a mediocre team to the playoffs. Skill or not, he did it. Call it inspiration or leadership or whatever. This team isn't good enough to make the playoffs with 6 good drafts picks and an average QB. We need those intangibles more than anything else.


    A team that doesn't give up. That's what Tebow can do for us.


    What a winner. He couldn't beat out the QB behind Sanchez. Fitz is a far better QB than Tebow. Far better. If Fitz had been on that Denver team they probably would have had a better record. A winner is someone who elevates his team, not someone who puts up very few points while his D shuts out the opponents.


    21st D in the league, they didn't play that great. Top 10 and I'd agree. But they weren't. Peyton was on that team, and they got equally as far in the playoffs. Does that means Fitz would be equal to Peyton?


    My point is Tebow elevates his team. Just not by putting up 500 yards. It's a part of his package. He could give us a defense that doesn't give up in the second quarter.

  6. What you saw was his team win. So now you think that our team will win with Tebow b/c he's magic? No. No he is not. He's a bad QB. He doesn't read defenses or throw a good ball. What is so hard to understand about the FACT that he doesn't read well or throw well. That's a huge problem.


    Intangibles aren't magic. He's a leader and a winner, he inspired a team with a mediocre defense and mediocre offense to the playoffs. They didn't sign anyone else or trade for anyone else, they just put Tebow in and he did the work and won them games. We have't had a QB with the leader and winner intangibles in 10+ years, that's why we suck.


    I never said he could throw a perfect ball. Or was great at reading defenses. I don't care about either of those. RF was great at reading defenses, look where he is now. Brady in his draft report didn't have a perfect throw, or the ability to read defenses. Look at his HOF career now.


    Face it, Tebow has the qualities the Bills need more than anything. We haven't had a leader in a decade and it shows when our team gives up in the second quarter. Tebow is good enough to make plays in the 4th quarter to win, he's clutch



    Teblow can't play Quarterback.. Also Denver's defense won those games in spite of him.


    21st ranked defense. Tebow still scored 21 TD's that year. Don't think it was all them.

  7. Tebow is awesome at defense.


    Also, this winner got DESTROYED by the Buffalo bills in this winning campaign of his. The broken Buffalo Bills of 2011. This perennial winner somehow didn't take his team to the super bowl. How do these things happen?


    One bad game against the Bills? So he sucks? He beat the Superbowl caliber Steelers in the playoffs. Who cares what he did in a meaningless game against us?


    If you judged RF by his w/l as a starter, you should judge Tebow the same. 7-4 in the regular season. Clutch. Makes big plays to win games. What more do you want? Just because we bring Tebow in, doesn't mean we can't also draft a QB. And if you're worried about "locker room drama," I think the Bills would enjoy getting talked about and noticed a little bit. Maybe then our good players wouldn't run out of here the first chance they get.


    His defense wasn't great that year,and they still made it to the divisional round. Would you like explain who caused that? Did Elway suit up and not tell anyone?


    We beat the Patriots that year too. Do they suck? Does Tom Brady suck? He didn't win the Superbowl either. So he sucks, huh?

  8. And with respect to the old "but the kid's a winner" routine, his record that season was 8-5 I believe. Ya know who else's record was 8-5 in games in which Tebow played? The backup guard. And the backup guard had about as much to do with a lot of those wins as Tebow. In fact, the kicker (Matt Prater) had much MORE to do with those wins than Tebow. They won more than half of those games DESPITE him. Their defense was playing lights out during that run. Just please, I implore you, go on espn.com and look at his game-by-game log that year. It is really shocking.




    Not to mention, our dignity.


    Except the back up guard didn't have 21 TD's in 16 games. Or 2,800 yards. He's a winner. Literally,the opposite of everything you hated about our old QB. The perennial winner isn't good enough now?


    20th or 21st rated D that year, I believe. Really lights out. Even if they started playing better when Tebow went in, I wonder why? Is it because he's a leader that inspired them?


    I wonder if the Bills would be better if they were inspired. Hmmm.



    Seriously, I know Levitre is a good player but where did the premise come from that our line will magically fall apart without him? Like Glenn, Wood and Urbik will all of a sudden not be good players anymore?


    The receivers thing is an issue and probably is what legitimately what's going on. It'll be tough to fill those offensive skill positions with a QB.


    Our line isn't good. At all. Even with Levtire it wasn't good, without him it'll be worse.


    If the Bills did sign Tebow expect the media to say we are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Pure desperation move. Front office selling tickets move.


    But rest assured that will never happen because we have an ex-Jet coach who knows first hand what Tebow can or can't do.




    You mean like the other ex-Jet who supported Tebow?


  11. Did the Vikings sign him too cause it was Cassel who they signed earlier today. Has Kolb even officially been released yet?


    i would not bring in Tebow to try out as the starting QB. As a TE or at some other position where he can be given the ball and run sure with the slight chance he could throw sure. But he will not be the answer as the Bills starting QB


    Sorry, I confused the two.


    Tebow has an upside no one else has. He can win big games as a starter. His starting record speaks for itself. He's a proven winner. Even if he sucks, he's a great stop gap that stops us from having to reach this draft for a bad QB. We can fill our other holes. If he does suck, we'll be in a perfect position to pick a great QB in 2014. It even makes sense for OBD financially, with all the hype and media. Could revitalize us a little bit. More attention = bigger names. Tebow's also a proven leader if he's given the helm.

  12. Since he is still on the Jets roster, he doesn't come cheap, they would have to trade for him if the Jets don't release him.


    Looks like

    Cassel is gone to Minny

    Kolb might become a Jet

    Campbell might be going to the Browns

    So that leaves trading for Flynn or Mallett


    I think they signed their FA QB already when tehy re-signed TJax


    Kolb is a Viking. I'd trade a 7th rounder for Tebow. He makes the most sense for us.

  13. Wait, we owe Nix the benefit of the doubt. He knows a lot more than we do.


    ... oh, sorry, I'm in a time warp going backwards a year plus.


    My bad.


    On deck: Whaley, the next expert who's done all the right things during his stay in Buffalo while it'll have been Nix that did all the wrong ones.


    We'll owe him the benefit of the doubt too.


    The fans deserve this team for supporting the complete buffoons in the front office all these years.


    Spray the place already and get rid of the lot.


    Fire George Edwards, Wannstedt's a defensive genius!!!


    Classic Bills fan, Whaley's now an unsung hero.

  14. I'd take Tebow in a heartbeat. Everyone was sold on our old QB"s "perennial loser" record of starting wins vs losses. Tebow has a better W/L, would come cheap, can compete for the job, natural leader, good stop gap if we aren't sold on a QB this season. Sounds like everything the Bills could or would want. We gave Vince Young a try, why not Tebow?


    As in most Bills seasons in the last 10 or 15 years I guess my focus on them starts to fade so forgive me if I missed Nelson's Calvin Johnson's like endzone leaps or his blinding Jerry Rice type quickness. My bad. Point is Bills #2 is a joke and I'm supposed to be impressed with #41 in the league?


    41 means he was the ninth best number two receiver in the league. That's top ten for his position. I'd take it over TJ grease hands or Stevie 4.8 40 Johnson.


    Nelson must want out of Buffalo, or be so messed up from his injury that he's not valuable anymore. Either way, better that he's gone.


    Seemed like a nice guy, my girlfriend met him a couple times, hope he does well.

  16. Yes but they didn't lose those games. In fact i would contend those games where close because the D for Atlanta is very average with little depth.

    They won most of those games because of Ryan. With out Ryan on the Falcons they are probably a 4-6 win team.


    I wonder how many people here giving an opinion on Ryan have seen the majority of his games. I have. The guy has yet to win the big game. He is a very good QB who has great poise and good over all talent. He is not the most god gifted QB in the league.

    He also has had 2 O cords and not missed a beat.


    I disagree without Ryan they are a 4-6 win team. In fact, I think you put anyone in the top 20 on there and they make the playoffs. He has arguably the best receiving corp in the league right now. They are all top 5 and top 10 receivers. If you watch his games, the majority of the catches made are extraordinary plays made by his receivers. He doesn't make too many mistakes, except in the playoffs, but Alex Smith, another generally mistake free QB, could have brought them to the playoffs.

  17. He is a good QB. You cant equate playoff team to QB. It matters the players around him.


    He gained his credit for being able to win close games with winning them in the final minutes.


    Atlanta had a lucky season. They finished 13-3 but they easily could have been 9-7.


    9 of their 13 wins were close games that a play here/there could have been losses.


    You can equate it to playoff wins when he has turnovers to lose games.


    I think he's inflated by his receivers. He threw 5 picks against the Jags, while one game could be considered an anomaly, I don't remember the last time a QB had that many picks in the top 10.


    So, Kelly wasn't a top 6 QB during his prime? Do we need to look at his SB stats or the team's SB record? That's just a very narrow minded approach. The whole game doesn't just hinge on the QB.


    5 turnovers in 2 games? You mean the game didn't hinge on those? Really "clutch" QB.

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