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Posts posted by FireChan

  1. I know we always discuss our "pernenial losers" and such when talking about the last decade for the Bills. My question is, who does that constitute still on the active roster? Maybe Fred(not that I believe that)? Or some other players. Was it someone we used to have, i.e. Trentative.


    I'd like to hear the reasons for your thoughts, even if it is, "I saw them goofing around during a game we were losing."

  2. Curious to hear the TBD take on this one. Kaepernick getting some heat (obviously nothing serious) for wearing a dolphins hat. when called on it, instead of apologizing he kind of doubled down and said hed wear what he wants.


    i dont think it implies hed play any less hard against the dolphins but im sure the guys paying him big bucks to be the face of their franchise are a little irked that hes wearing another teams gear.




    The franchise may be upset. The fans might be upset. But I wonder, do people think that no one in the NFL followed a team before they played? Gronk was a Bills fan for sure, and I've seen him in those old-school pants we have. Doesn't mean he's not gonna get two touchdowns every time we play. Kaep didn't flaunt it at first, he was wearing it when someone sniped a picture.

  3. well hes probably the 4rth best "playmaker" on the team now. behind cj sj and fj. why would you risk cj or mckelvin on kick returs when we are thin at cb already? brads bigger than both and faster than mckelvin. And even if hes the fifth or sixth best wr, what happens when 1 or 2 go down w injury? You dont want smith at that point? by the way that has already happened both years hes been here. Did you hate seeing those touchdowns he scored when he had to come in and sub for a hurt WR? why people always want aomeone cut and released when their cap number is a little high I dont get. Is it your money? I get guys that dont produce but Smith has had few opportunities and has hit some home runs for us on those few occasions. Its not his fault he was hardly featured, blame Chan.


    Because there are more important guys for the money. I don't want to see a guy like Byrd leave because we have money tied up in 5th WR Brad Smith. No one is saying,"I wouldn't pay him a dollar to play for us, he's garbage." He's not worth the money when it is better served elsewhere.


    A real damned-if-you-do moment for Chan and co. huh? Every player we had starting over Smith produced more than him under Chan's offense. They came out and made more plays than Brad under such "inept" coaching. It's time to take off the training wheels and stop blaming Gailey for everything. Did you see the squad we were trotting out last year? As it's general consensus our QB was bad, then Gailey getting as much out of him as he did was good. He did his best with his UDFA receiving core, and two 7th round picks. You put BB in charge of our throwing game last year, and I doubt they do that much better.

  4. ok, back to this argument again. Why put Brad Smith (a gadget player) in a wildcat situation to get you 2-3 yards, when you have Freddy or CJ at your disposal? Sounds dumb to me.


    Why put Smith back at KE when you have McKelvin, Rogers, Graham, CJ, And countless other ST scrubs in your roster?


    Why would you okay him at WC when you actually have a QB that is dedicated to throwing the ball on a consistant basis?


    Why would you use him at WR when you have 3-5 other WRs that are better at your disposal?


    The only real argument you have is that he was absolutely money last year in coverage teams. Ill give you that. IMO, he earned his paycheck last year. But to say that he was even average at any other position he played last year, or his entire career in this league is laughable. Makes me laugh til I cry... Or puke.


    In the end, your paying a guy $4million per year in a guy that does 5 different things, and none of them well, and where he's used, the dropoff between him and some other scrub not making $4mil a year, or someone else you'd have on the roster already, like McKelvin, or Graham, or Freddy/CJ.


    Lets ask this question, which I brought up last year. Lets say we don't sign Byrd this season. Let him go for practically nothing. And you find out we were $2million a year short for signing him. Would you rather have Byrd, as overpriced as he may be? Or would you rather have B. Smith?


    Thought so.


    I have been raising the contract room argument on TBD for awhile now, no one ever has any rebuttal. We lost Levitre, who I thought was asking for too much, we may lose Byrd, and we have this 5th wide-reciever making $4 million. It's lunacy. He has done nothing, he's not an option at QB, RB, or WR. McKelvin and Spiller have done fine on returns without him, and Goodwin may be able to do some KR and be an actual WR. Everyone lost their mind about our old QB's contract and cap ramifications, but at least he played well some times. Smith has had 3 highlight plays in 3 years.


    We have contracts ending next year too, this guy needs to go.

  5. C J Spiller with 6.0 ypc palying in relief for Fred Jackson last season.

    Stevie J getting benched for the second half of a game for showing a Tshirt that said Happy new year or some such.

    Games where Chandler was healthy and was not thrown the ball.

    The teams best kick returned NOT returning kicks

    Letting Fitz play when you had a healthy # QB on the bench you just paid for after 3 INTs and numerous sacks





    Dec 26, 2012 - Buffalo's coaching staff thinks Fitzpatrick provides the Bills the best chance to win


    Hindsight is 20/20 pal.


    Fred was a monster the season prior and was more reliable on a play to play basis. CJ had 1 game where he started and he put up Fred-esque numbers. They worked better as a tandem because Fred could wear the defense down and CJ could come in for the big play. Just because CJ had 2 30+ yard runs, then got stuffed and fumbled on the 5 yard line, shouldn't mean he gets the starting job for the rest of the year.


    Stevie Johnson had been warned about incidents and being detrimental to the team for antics. Again hindsight, Chan probably lost control over the locker room anyways. but he had to bench SJ13 and Stevie showed a lot more maturity this past year. It woke him up a little bit. Definitely worth the second half of a game that turned out meaningless.


    Chandler had a lot of horrible drops in these last couple years as well. Some were huge third down plays on little 5 yard out routes. He also doesn't go down the field that often. You can't say RF sucks and always has to throw it short, then complain he doesn't throw to Chandler short all the time.


    As to your last point, RF was hot/cold his entire career here. He could throw 2 picks in the first, then throw 4 TD's by the end of the game. Tavaris apparently never had it, according to Chan and Thigpen didn't have it either.


    I'll admit that some of Chan's moves at HC were head scratchers, but look at his positives. He basically had a scrap-heap team, with UDFA's, 7th round draft picks, etc. and devised systems that allowed their offense to generally be successful. If you wanna say RF wasn't a good QB and should've been benched, then Gailey should get the credit for our offense putting up 30 point in 3/4ths of the season. It's basically the Belicheck/Brady paradox.


    ESPN also thinks EJ Manuel was a stupid, bonehead move by the Bills, do you agree with that expert analysis?


    The Jets under Mark have not produced the same way the Bills have produced in the last 2 years. The Jets win on defense, and the Bills win by RF gun-slinging to offset their poor defense.

  6. Good post.


    Just to add to what you've written, the article mentioned some statistical similarities between the two QBs (completion percentage, TD percentage, etc.) as well as one key statistical difference: yards per attempt. Trent Edwards has a career yards per attempt of 6.5; Tom Brady of 7.5. During the four year period in question, Fitz compiled a YPA of 6.7--not much better than Edwards--while Cutler's YPA was 7.1. At least according to the all-important yards per attempt stat; Cutler was about halfway between Fitzpatrick and Brady.


    I have not seen evidence to suggest that a good defense boosts a QB's yards per attempt stat. Look at Trent Dilfer's career, for example. He spent the 2000 season with the Ravens; after which he went to Seattle. His yards per attempt in Seattle was much better than it had been with the Ravens; even though the Ravens of 2000 had one of the three best defenses in NFL history. If anything, the badness of the Bills' defense may have boosted Fitz's yards per attempt stat. Many of the yards he threw were in garbage time, when games were already out of reach. With a better defense, there would have been less garbage time, and fewer opportunities to pad his stats.


    On the other hand, it stands to reason that a good offensive line would help improve a QB's stats. If a QB is forced to throw the ball away due to lack of pass protection, that hurts his YPA. When a QB can spend five or more seconds in the pocket looking for the very best downfield target, that's a great opportunity to boost his YPA. The article presented evidence which suggests the Bills had a better OL during the four years in question than did the Bears. The article also pointed out that the two teams' receiving corps were about even during the period in question.


    In a nutshell, Cutler produced significantly better stats with what was probably a significantly inferior supporting cast. (Especially on the OL.) While Cutler is by no means a top-10 QB, he's proven significantly more over the course of his career than has Fitz.


    Cutler has had better wide recievers and a better defense in the last 3 years. I don't consider that inferior.

  7. Seriously? You listed those QBs and then want to blame the O line? The only two that ever did anything anywhere were Bledsoe, who was pretty much done when he got to the Bills and Flutie who did not have enough arm.


    Yeah, RF was so bad at getting rid of the ball fast, he never got touched last year.

  8. If we're going after plunderers, then the Buccaneers, Raiders and Vikings are all screwed.


    Somebody out there is no doubt related to a woman who was (long ago) raped by a Viking. Just sayin'


    Somebody was probably killed and mutilated by a dolphin as well.


    Let's face it, the NA racism is so less prevalent than black racism, it's not even close. Obviously discrimination happens, but equating Redskins and "Coons" is not a fair assessment.

  9. It is a tough prop at 6.5 and of that there is no question. Here's my two cents:


    In the division, it's going to be hard to beat the Patriots. BUT (and this is a big one) if the week 17 game does not affect their playoff position, BB's been known to sit his starters after a series. There, I might suggest a conditional split, otherwise a Pats sweep. The Dolphins lost their most prolific offensive weapon in Reggie Bush. I could see the Bills sweep them. The week 16 game at home should be a whipping as Miami is awful in cold weather. While the Jets are in shambles, they always play us tough. That's even with Sanchez at the helm. If it's Smith, he'll be playing for the draft snub. Call that a split. In regards to the rest, Carolina is a tough call. They played horribly at the beginning of the season, but excellent at the end last year. Bills generally have been better at home and starting with two there, I don't see them losing back to back. I'll take road wins at Cleveland and Jacksonville and home wins versus Cincy and KC. That could be 8 or 9 wins for the season. That would not hurt my feelings at all.


    I need to know, why do fans think we will sweep the Phins every year? We have split or been swept for the last 5 years. Every year I see someone say, "This team can sweep the Dolphins, we can scrape out 8 wins and make the playoffs" Uh what?

  10. He seems genuinely excited to play here. I know it's 101 PR, but for once I'd like some stars that don't completely hate Buffalo.


    The simple fact that we traded down and got the guy we actually wanted (read on buffalorumblings a few hours before the draft that Marroune loved EJ). Was just talking with my dad, if we spent the next 2 picks on:


    Williams, Terrance WR 6'2" 208




    Kelce, Travis TE 6'5" 255 Cincinnati


    I would literally be uncontrollably ecstatic. I know a lot of ppl want use to pick up D positions, but i'm willing to roll the dice on FA's this year while we install w/e new D scheme we have and see how the players actually react to it. I feel like we really don't know what we have when we're going to be running a hybrid. That and i'd love to have weapons that actually pan out.


    I know exactly what you mean, we've spent so much money and picks on the defense in the last couple years, one more draft isn't gonna "fix" it, I'd rather have an offense oriented draft year. Hopefully Pettine can bring some magic to the D and accentuate them.. As stupid as it sounds, I'd rather watch a 38-35 win than a 9-6 win.

  11. How hypocritical are some of the people is this thread? "Wanny wasted all of the talent we have on defense, we have all of these probowlers, and nix sucks for hiring him"


    Buddy is responsible for more than half of our "talented" defensive players. And you say he's a buffoon? What, did we just have these guys fall into our lap? Buddy may be too trusting, but he's a decent defensive evaluator. If you're going to say Wannstedt is responsible for our weak D and it's Buddy's fault for hiring W, don't ignore the fact the talent is here because of him.

  12. The problem with that analogy is you're comparing rooting for a football team with personal safety -- truly apples and oranges. What is the big fear of being optimistic about the Bills and then being wrong? We've all been there, and we keep coming back because it's a fun diversion. The folks who live to "keep expectations in check" subscribe to a philosophy I simply don't understand -- when it comes to being a fan.


    I think some of the issue lies in the fact that people take football so seriously. If they are a disappointment this year, that really sucks, but it's not going to affect my personal mood for longer than 15 minutes after the game. These pessimists are speaking to the guys who will be posting in week 5, "this team sux i'm done move to LA i hate marrone i hate tjax i hate freddy" whom truly are insufferable.


    I'm excited this year, and I will be til proven otherwise. It's a game, and I'm not a degenerate gambler, so I have nothing to lose.

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