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Everything posted by FireChan

  1. Joke article. Wentz/Goff were not transcendent prospects compared to Watson.
  2. The economics of movie making does not make movies "good." It's an excuse. And I'm not sure how valid it is.
  3. Maybe you're confusing good numbers with bad numbers.
  4. Except Bortles had his best year of his career when Marrone and Hackett arrived. But don't worry, the rest of the posters in this topic also look equally as foolish.
  5. Well they could try to make movies with a soul, again. But that requires creative talent. Much easier to write "Captain America gets hit by X, cut to Iron Man saying something funny on a bland CGI backdrop" over and over and over and over. It sells.
  6. Tell that to the Natives.
  7. The overwhelming majority of Marvel movies have been soulless, shameless assembly line cash grabs. Star Wars is getting the same treatment. Disney sucks.
  8. What if they kill themselves at astronomically high rates? "All good?"
  9. Levitre, Byrd, Searcy, Hairston, Rheingold.
  10. Giants fans have 18-1 for the Pats. Cleveland fans have 6-3 for us.
  11. Bet on himself, like he did coming off one bad year and no years? That's the problem with your argument. It's hindsight. TT signing his extension in 2016 is the antithesis of "betting on himself." That was taking the money and running. You think if he had another year like 2015 or even a better year, he wouldn't have gotten that option picked up instantly? Imagine if TT was a top 12 QB in 2016. He'd be criminally underpaid and have cost himself millions by signing too soon. BUT, your argument is that he wouldn't do that because he believes in himself so much. It's bananas. It truly is. See above. Does he believe in himself or does he want money in the bank. It can't be both.
  12. I believe the term is "containment thread."
  13. It's not that I don't agree. I'm asking if "he's confident he can do better from 2019 through 2021 as a free agent than under the terms of the his second Bills contract," then why did he sign a deal that locked him up through 2021? Why did he lose the confidence?
  14. That's where he already was. So TT bet on himself, then gave up and took the money, played worse, and then bet on himself again and gave up $10M?
  15. Then why did he sign the extension in the first place? The gymnastics are making my head spin.
  16. You don't think he had an equal chance of starting in, say, NY? Or Chicago? Or Houston? Or Denver? Or Cleveland?
  17. How could anyone believe this? Aren't we meeting with every QB in this draft?
  18. This is just sad man.
  19. Listen guys, just because two teams got caught breaking rules doesn't mean teams break the rules. It means they don't. You know how I know that teams don't break the rules? Just look at the teams who broke the rules.
  20. You keep making statements like this, which renders a conversation with you impossible.
  21. I mean, you could do worse at $10M a year. They could ball park stuff. To definitively say they had no idea what teams might offer in terms of price is crazy.
  22. What's my narrative? The one you agree with?
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