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Everything posted by FireChan

  1. It looks like the article is trying to say that Obama isn't a Christian. That's the first line.
  2. If it is plan A, I feel no more excited about it than I would Kujo competing for the job. What? I can see why he has a fan base with the Flat Earth Society What?
  3. The one comparing penalties on defense to penalties on offense. The truth is, penalties on either side of the ball affect drives based solely on the strength of the unit. Holds don't matter much if your RB is averaging 6 YPC or your QB is great. Conversely, defensive holding/offsides won't matter much if you have a stifling D. To say that defensive penalties are preferable because of how offensive ones affect drives is a poor argument. Defensive penalties can abnormally extend drives, exhaust your defense and change the dynamic of the game. The same argument that you made, conversed.
  4. That's a poor argument.
  5. Don't worry, this is just a belated defensive war in response to the Kiev succession crisis of 1018.
  6. It's more for us...what? What is your definition of "bad enough?" A frontal assault stateside?
  7. What effect does "keeping a lid on Middle East bashing," have? Have we seen a decrease in violence over there? Less folks getting burned to death? ISIS is falling apart because Obama hasn't called out them out? I don't know anyone outraged that they are comparing ISIS to the Crusades. Personally, I think it's a roundabout shot at Islamic Terrorism. "A thousand years ago when the Western world was full of savages, we did stuff similar to ISIS." But that goes against what you're saying, that we're appeasing extremists in WH.
  8. Brandon Spikes did all that AND tried to hurt like 4 Bills.
  9. Depends on who you're asking. Haven't seen much organized Christian or Jewish violence these days. Those Buddhists are pretty peaceful. Your second point is dead on. The issue is that to even bring up the Crusades to make a point is ludicrous. It's like bringing up Hammurabi's Code to discuss how there are some other law codes that put women to death in ways we consider unfair. Or how the Iraq War wasn't so bad, just look at what Darius did to Macedonia. An appeal to thousands of years ago, where life was less sacred, times were tougher, and the morality of most was lesser as a comparison to an event today is a condemnation in itself.
  10. Well, Richie has had one bad "team chemistry" incident in his whole career. I wouldn't worry.
  11. Every war is defensive, we're all just retaliating from Cain killing Abel.
  12. If you view ISIS as the spiritual successor of JTJ (which it is), then they have been fighting against invaders since at least 2003, if not all the way back to the Soviet Afghan War. I'm not necessarily "on board" with that argument, but I think it could be made. I never understood the US taking on the "guilt" of things that Europeans did.
  13. Could you not make that same argument for ISIS?
  14. I assure you, there are many Christians who don't hate a group of people. The fallacy does not apply.
  15. Do fornicators, drug addicts, and blasphemers believe that those acts are Christian? If they do, they aren't Christian. There's a difference between being weak and sinning, and believing your sin isn't one. Which is, you know, like 2 different major tenets of the Christian faith.
  16. What you're doing is debating that it wouldn't be the exact same if genders were reversed. I believe you're incorrect.
  17. Are you kidding? Websites would rip the guy a new one if he took a picture of a sleeping star and publicly "outed" her.
  18. I disagree. A man would be called all sorts of things if he posted a picture online of a famous woman naked in his bed.
  19. How come I can't wear a dress?
  20. This oxygenates your blood? Why have I been wasting my time with all that breathing?
  21. Oh; you're correct that that happened, your conclusions are just incorrect.
  22. Peyton has one of the best offensive minds in NFL history, that's why. You never hear about how Montana or Brady have that quality. Peyton is his own OC.
  23. A win for the average McGillicuddy's
  24. If I buy a $100 piece of furniture, I have a piece of furniture worth $100, and the furniture company has $100 they can use to build something. It's like $200 easy.
  25. What about Hughes calling his D-line his family, then leaving for FA? There isn't a single logical error in my argument, you're just being emotional. Players leave for money, it's all good. Marrone leaves for money, he "betrayed" somebody. Double standard alert.
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