My ice is fine. By the way, I still post here, no idea what you mean about not seeing a lot of them.
Doing the best that he can? What? Are we pretending like Timmy G is the bigger man deserving of our respect? The guy who dishes out shots to folks on Twitter (I don't care if they "deserve" it, you can't be rude to folks and be the "aw shucks, I'm just trying my darnedest" guy"? Can you name the last positive thing he's written about the Bills? Maybe the Talley piece?
Talking about unfair shots, I challenge you to try to be better than EJ as an NFL QB.
Oh wait, no he doesn't get the "tries his hardest" defense. How about Sanchez?
Nope. Maybe you just meant for media guys.
Oh. I'd like to see you pony up and be better than Mike Schopp!
Please be less of a hypocrite. For your own sake.